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Cool poker story

Discussion in 'Other Sports Talk' started by Robert, Jan 1, 2025.

  1. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2016
    I play poker. I am not a professional, but I am good. I call myself a very good amateur. It is a hobby for me that I could probably make a living at if I really wanted to. But it is more enjoyable and less stressful as a hobby....lol ....I follow a lot of poker vloggers, watch streaming poker, study poker, read poker books, and all that sort of thing.

    So today (NYE), I take my wife up to watch some NYE stuff at our local ski resort. We go to get some food in the cafeteria. It is pretty full, so I send her in search of a table while I wait on our food. I get the food and find that my wife is sharing a table with a lady who let us sit there as the tables were all full.

    My wife introduces me to her and her name is Kristen. She is waiting on her husband to get back from skiing as he went up to ski some harder slopes. We are talking with her and the what do you do question comes up. She said that her and her husband are both professional poker players. I ask her if they are cash or tournament players and she tells me mostly tournament. I then ask what her last name is and she says Foxen. I say and your husband is Alex? Yep....

    Her husband comes in a bit later and we sat there and chatted with them for about an hour while we ate. Pretty cool for me. For those that don't know poker players, she is ranked about #200 in the world for live poker winnings and he is #15. She also just finished 13th in the world series of poker main event which is the highest ever finish for a lady in that event.

    To put this into perspective, it would be like sitting down with Shaq, Gretzky, Tiger, Nadal or someone along those lines, depending on your sport of choice.

    Pretty cool event for me and it inspired me to go play poker at one of the local bars tonight. That went well too.....lol
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2025
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  2. steel machine

    steel machine Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
    The odds of that have to be astronomical. That would be like me sitting with a few Pro Golfers. I think you and the wife should have challenged them one hand for all the money;)

    The start of the third paragraph had me thinking I was about to read about a kinky foursome;)
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  3. Robert

    Robert Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2016
    I would not have said no....lol.... Her pictures do not do her justice. She is way more pretty in person. And she is very personable and sweet.
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  4. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    Very cool!

    I used to think I could make a living at it, too. Haven't really played in a while, but used to be a big student of the game.
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  5. 86WardsWay

    86WardsWay Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2012
    Cool story. I play Black Jack at local casinos for some entertainment but nothing too serious. Years ago I was doing very well at a table but the rest of the players were not. After most of them got tired of losing they all up and split. I told the dealer to go ahead and cash me out since I started losing a few one on one. She convinced me to stay but play two or three hands. I started crushing it again then table went south. She told me to go back to one on one and started winning again. I went home and came back the next day to the same dealer. After two days I made bank. Tipped her very well. Never saw her again. I hope she’s not at the bottom of the river wearing cement blocks.
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  6. Rollers

    Rollers Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2016
    Used to play in the army. Then I just started throwing my 10 bucks on the table and leaving. Much quicker that way
  7. steel machine

    steel machine Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
    For some reason Poker was not big on my ship in the Navy but they loved throwing dice.

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