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Where you pickens haters at?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Mashburn, Dec 8, 2024.

  1. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    I heard y'all say you don't like how he runs.

    Heard y'all say he cost us penalties, and heard y'all go all in saying he would cost us games.

    Heard y'all say he killed drives, (yet I'm confused because it still resulted in a fresh set of downs).

    So what now? Not a single first down in the first quarter.

    Sounds like some of y'all need to stop letting the media influence you to foolishness.
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  2. 86WardsWay

    86WardsWay Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2012
    It’s Yinz damnit
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  3. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    Wait a second. Didn’t they have a first down on their first field goal drive? Also there’s a GP thread already.
  4. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    Thanks for the bump
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  5. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    So what’s the answer?
  6. TuRnDoWnForWaTT

    TuRnDoWnForWaTT Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2018
    It's okay to want GP to grow up, and still root for him too. Right?
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  7. Steelersfan43

    Steelersfan43 Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2016
    Never douted of his talent....One of the best talent in the league and he is very important....But his attitude scare me like crazy
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  8. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    Get pickens back! But it was nice to see wilson trust the other WR to make hard catches. Williams should come along as well.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    I’m talking about you saying we didn’t have a first down in the first quarter. We had a Field goal in the first quarter. Didn’t we score a FD on that drive?
  10. biggbunch68


    Apr 26, 2012
    There here untill he makes a play or two next week, ..
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. CK 13

    CK 13 Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2011
    Who hates Pickens? Name names!

    I like the kid. Super talented receiver. A difference maker.

    But that difference maker goes both ways. He needs to get more mature in his actions. It seems he goes into his own world forgetting he is playing team ball when he is disrespected ect. His actions might cost a game.

    So who thinks he should just go rouge doing whatever he wants without consequences?

    Can he move away from this diva attitude? I hope so. Let your play speak volumes as he can without the extra curricular's.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  12. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    I don’t hate him in the least

    He is very childish and immature he needs to grow up

    We won quite well without him

    This shows his overall value
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  13. ljkjr74

    ljkjr74 Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2015
    I really don’t care what he does. He is getting paid to do a job and he does it well. Now the antics afterwards are on Tomlin who has been known as not a big problem solver. It looks to me like some of the teammates are trying to talk to him and calm him down. But benching a talent like that is ridiculous.
  14. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    What games did he cost?

    You're probably one of those who think he killed the drive twice with those penalties of pointing. And didn't know it was still a fresh set of downs.

    He even got dragged by a Bengals player with no flag. But the media; written by a browns, had y'all thinking he went after the Bengals and was being investigated.

    To sum it up, you and the rest of these haters need to quit watching the media. They got you foolishly thinking he's unsure. While everyone else points and gets nothing.
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  15. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    He wasn’t benched
  16. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    And we're supposed to be cool with those two dumb penalties he got against the Bengals?
  17. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    I'm sorry pointing offended you so much. And you're blind to the rest of players who do it.

    I'm sorry you let a brown media writer have you believing the nfl was investigating Pickens. When truth was he got pulled by the Bengals player.

    And, yes we won. I'm happy. But wilson had the worst yards since being here. And we had to change up our game.
  18. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    Be mad at the refs. Everyone else points. But if you're so offended with it, have to started a petition to stop using the word shotgun formation?
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  19. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    Whine whine whine
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    Yes, we know you're crying. We all know you want to believe a brown sports writer on misinformation. And we know that has hurt you to where you have nightmares at night.
  21. Mashburn

    Mashburn Well-Known Member

    Apr 30, 2021
    I mean if you want to believe the media with making up stuff, go right on ahead and do you.
  22. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    Whine whine whine
  23. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011

    This isn't the same as the other players are doing maybe take off those black and gold sunglasses :rolleyes:.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  24. Jack LHambert

    Jack LHambert

    Oct 18, 2011
    Mashburn is gonna wake up with a huge hangover tomorrow morning.

    GP is a tremendous talent, but also a Antonio Brown, Juju and Martavis in the making if not addressed now.
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  25. SGSteeler

    SGSteeler Well-Known Member

    Sep 9, 2013
    Yeah, I don't know about "quite well without him". We only gained 267 yards, our QB threw for 158 yards, our top rusher was Harris at 53 yards on 16 carries, and our top pass catcher was Muth on 3 grabs for 48 yards.... The offense looked like trash without him quite honestly. Russ made a really nice play on the Jefferson TD, a great throw to Muth on his TD, and Warren ran incredibly well (Najee had a nice first run or two to start the game too). Other than that, we got pretty well bottled up. It is incredibly hard to win in this league without a bona fide #1 WR (which GP indisputably is), and we aren't going to be facing 3 win teams every week.

    His paycheck got bigger with each snap today. We know we need him (or need to trade for/draft another guy like him). We need a #2 target too. Lots of work needs to be done to the WR unit in the offseason.
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