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Steelers Represent

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Iowasteeljim, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. Iowasteeljim


    Oct 26, 2011
    I'm not usually one to start a thread and I'm bringing up a topic that I'm sure most are already aware of. Being from Iowa, I am not able to attend many Steelers games but I have been to a few. I was able to go to the Steelers/Chiefs game Sunday. I was with a group, two being Chiefs fans, and was absolutely amazed at the amount of Terrible Towels I saw flying. The entire time I was there all I heard was Chief fans commenting on the number of Steeler fans at the game. A group I was tailgating near even made the comment that he couldn't give me a hard time about my Steeler's gear because he was out numbered. When you get the opportunity to witness that kind of showing, first hand, it is simply amazing and makes me proud to be part of the nation. :thumbsup: to all of you that represented the nation. I wish the boys would have played a bit better but that is another story.
  2. bigsteelerfaninky

    bigsteelerfaninky Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    yes steeler nation is everywhere....it makes you wonder who is truly AMERICAS TEAM
  3. harristotle

    harristotle Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    That's how it was here at the game in Az too. Freaking awesome! :rawk:
  4. diehardsteel

    diehardsteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I'm in Richmond, VA and this is suppose to be Redskins territory. Not! :flag:
  5. jhmiller3

    jhmiller3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    :hmmm: OK, yes, we root for the greatest team in the land, and our team has more Lombardi trophies than any other team, but why is it that there are Steeler fans literally EVERYWHERE? It just boggles my mind that no matter where you are in this great country you can find a Steeler bar to watch the game with like minded, right-thinking folks. I know of no other team that has that following in football, let alone any other sport.

    What say ye all?
  6. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    There's a few factors, really.

    One is Pittsburgh area transplants. When the steel industry started dying, a lot of families moved away looking for work, but they carried their love of the Steelers with them. Now, they have kids who are adults, many with kids of their own, and it's passed down.

    Secondly, they were SO dominant in the 70s that they gathered a lot of "bandwagoners." But those so called band wagon fans never jumped ship once the glory days were over. They gutted out the 80s, and many of THEM now have 3 generations that they've passed it on to.

    Thirdly, there's a ton of states with no NFL team. We'll call them "free agent" states. The local football fans have no geographical allegiances, so they root for whomever they choose. The generations growing up in the late 60s, 70s, and even the 90s gravitated to the Steelers. Some for their success. Some because the Steelers playing in prime time a lot. And some just because the Steelers were always seen as a blue collar team, and a lot of people identify with that. Additionally, there's states where there may not be a really "local" team.

    Lastly, more modern "bandwagoners." I'm using the term loosely as it usually has a negative connotation. That's not really what I mean. Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm sure we have plenty of those too. but they're the type to jump ship to the next "flavor of the season" team. I mean people who started cheering for them once they became perennial playoff contenders again in the 90s. Some of them were kids then. Not all. Some were adults who jumped ship over and stayed.
  7. dkblue

    dkblue Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Kind of interesting now that I live in Tampa. There is a Steeler Bar called Dagwoods not far away. Every Sunday the place is packed and the Steelers are featured on the big screen. I have talked to many of the people there and very few have Pittsburgh ties. They just love to watch the Steelers play.
  8. HawkeyeJames

    HawkeyeJames Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    The ESPN commercial showing the Terrible Towel around the world shows the Steelers might not be America's team but maybe the World's team... :) Check out Towelaroundtheworld.com and tell me we are not at least America's team...

    It is very cool. Like the original poster I have been to Pittsburgh twice, always lived in Iowa and I live and die with each play. I have personalized Iowa Hawkeye plates that state TERBTWL. My first choice TRBLTWL was already taken by another Steeler fan in another county but am still surprised at how many fans we have especially at road games.

    My goal is to try and get to Pittsburgh once a year for a game. I have had an absolute blast both times I have been there.
  9. Iowasteeljim


    Oct 26, 2011
    Speaking of the Terrible Towel... I was waving mine so much that my wife was starting to worry that I might lift up into the air. The funny thing was that I had KC fans sitting behind me and not once did any of them complain about the towel waving. I would like to tell you it was because they were such nice people that supported me supporting my team...that is what I would like to tell you. I have to believe it had to do more with the number of fans around me and the number of towels being used as mini helicopters. I'm not sure such an act by another team at Heinz Field would go over as well.
  10. bobtx2us

    bobtx2us Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Ray D's list of reasons is right on. We have 11 Steeler bars in greater Houston [according to a PPG website I saw a few years ago]. Some may be sports bars that show multiple games including the Black & Gold, but Steel City Pizzeria in The Woodlands is 100% Steelers when they are playing. It also carries Pens games. I'd say Ray's 1st reason - transplants from Pgh - accounts for most of it, including the Steeler support at their away games.
  11. 43FOLyfe!

    43FOLyfe! Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2011
    There are only 3 places (maybe 4), the Steeler fans have trouble respresent. PBS (Bengals), The Mistake by the Lake (Browns), M&T Bank (Ravens). You can go represent your team, but you will deal with getting a lot of crap, people trying to start fights, throwing stuff at you or downright hurting you, your friends or your family. But if you go with some hard hitting Steeler fans, you will be fine.

    The only other place representation might be difficult is O.co Coliseum (Raiders). I don't trust Raider fans at all they. They may just kill you.
  12. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Quite simply the greatest team on the planet.

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