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Maybe it would be better if the Ravens just win the Super Bowl

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Real steel, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. darcrav

    darcrav Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2012
    i likey your scenario too:thumbs_up:
  2. Jim90

    Jim90 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I almost forgot, I'm in Toronto so we finally got rid of that stubborn A-hole of a GM Brian Burke ( former leafs GM) and he's a cheat fan ( i knew there was another reason I hated the guy) maybe he'll be sitting behind the cheats side line and when Josh gets hit his clipboard will fly back and drill Burke between the eyes.
  3. freakfontana


    Oct 19, 2011
    texans and atlanta are my only two teams left i can stand , but between the pats and the rats i'm for the patriots , i hate lewis and co.
  4. Jim90

    Jim90 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    you hate lewis more than brady, Josh and Hoody put together, and the fact the cheats are Goodells team?
  5. cory_86

    cory_86 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    I personally do. Ravens are just a collection of thugs, starting at the top with Hairball. Patriots, well there was that thing with the taping of signals but I can at least respect Brady for the hell of a game he plays (although he's the football world's biggest wuss) and the Patriots for their (usually) pretty darn good game planning and simply great way of approaching games, adjusting during games and kicking ass (something our coaches are sorely lacking).

    So it's p much two things - I respect the Pats a lot more for how they play (and approach) the game and I hate the Rats a lot more for the personality (that and they are in the AFCN, no other AFCN may win the freaking SB)
  6. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    This in a nut shell. To each their own but how anyone would want to see any of our rivals win a SB is beyond me :shrug:
  7. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    The only team I wanted to see win the superbowl, eliminated themselves, by, poor playing, and giving up every chance they still had at the end of the season.
    There were no teams, that I wanted to root for, after week 15.
    At least, I got to see what good football, looked like, while watching a buncha teams I didn`t like.
    Yes, I`m pretty bitter.
    Hope we get our **** together next year, because it has been painful, to watch teams I don`t like, play better football, than we did, while playing against each other.:facepalm::mad::steelflag:
  8. Jim90

    Jim90 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I'll be cheering for the team who has the least amount of rings, I want us to stay at the top with 6, I don't want any company. Don't know if you guys have heard this one yet ....
  9. biggbunch68


    Apr 26, 2012
  10. Steeltradition83

    Steeltradition83 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    He complains about this in every thread that isn't about the Steelers oldschool. Scroll past the "Non Steeler" threads if you don't like it.
  11. SteelerNDC

    SteelerNDC Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    I am rooting for the Ravens too. If they win the SB, that means their players will command a higher salary and will hurt the Ravens cap wise. If Flacco is a SB winning qb, he is going to be paid a lot, much more than he is worth. I'm all for that. Maybe Ed Reed won't hang around so long also.
  12. remote steeler

    remote steeler Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I am rooting for the Falcons.

    I don't want Brandy to get his 4th ring or 49ers to get their 6 SB.

    Having the Rats win would be my second choice....though it would still be hard to watch.

    I do doubt that they can get by the Pats though.
  13. SteelinOhio


    Oct 16, 2011
    I am, too. I can't root for the Rats or the Pats, so what I'm hoping for is that the Pats beat Baltimore next week, and then get beat yet again in the SB (by Atlanta this time). That would be very satisfying.
  14. dominilate

    dominilate Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    I would rather see the Ravens win the Lombardi than to see The Patriots win another Superbowl. Their previous 3 are all tainted and in my humble opinion a dark stain on the game of Football much like the MLB considers what Pete Rose did justifies them keeping him out of the game (I know he had many opportunities to come forth and yada yada but Charlie Hustle is a Hall of Famer). I take exception to not only the fact that I believe their actions cost us AT LEAST one if not TWO more Superbowl appearances but also how Roger Goddell swept Spygate under the rug, destroyed the film, and made it go away. I think Brady is one of the best QB's to ever play the position and Bellicheck is a great coach BUT there will always be an asterisk next to the 3 SB championships they have in my opinion and I dont want to see Brady and Bellicheck tie Coach Noll and Bradshaw.

    The only reason I wont root for the 49'ers is because right now with 6 rings we sit on an exclusive block that I don't want to share with anyone (which actually makes me think about those Patriot teams that cheated their way to victory)

    I cant in good faith root for the Ravens but I will swallow a Ravens victory easier than the previous 2 mentioned. I believe a Ravens victory Re-lights a fire under the Steelers at large and makes us more competitive next year. I hated the fact that the Bengals were beaten so easily cause it makes our division look soft, so in one aspect I want an AFC North team in the Championship game. Considering the Ravens had no spygate, are not closing in on 6 rings, and have had success over our team over the past 3 or 4 games I would rather they win than 49ers or Pats

    For the record I would take a Falcons SB in a heartbeat but they are going to get pummeled silly by the 49er's!
  15. PDXSteelers

    PDXSteelers Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Only good outcome is an Atlanta win. Very unlikely.

    Although I hate the Ravens, a Patriot victory would be truly awful. So, I am hoping for NFC victory in the SB, even if it is SF.
  16. biggbunch68


    Apr 26, 2012

    I dissagree i think ATL wins big, I think/hope kapernick or whatever his name is is due for a epic fail....:steelflag:
  17. BurgherBoy7

    BurgherBoy7 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I just hope Atlanta finds a way to win the whole thing! 49ers, Patriots and Ravens are all in my top 5 teams that I hate, with Ravens being 1 and Patriots being #2, but they tend to switch. And I never truly hated the 49ers, but I did not like steve young, and I hate the Harbaugh's (And I dont want to see them with 6 Lombardi's) so really the only scenario I support is atlanta winning it all.
  18. Rush2seven

    Rush2seven Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I'm pulling for an Atlanta vs Pats superbowl. I absolutely cannot stand the Ravens. Go back to Cleveland and take your purple with you.

    5 years ago, I absolutely did not want Brady to get a 4th ring. Bradshaw and the boys earned 4 in 6 years. The best Brady could have done in '07 was 4 in 7 years. I didn't want that distinction. Who else on that team is left over from '04 other than Brady and Billacheat? When it comes to ranking the greatest of all times, sadly Bradshaw isn't even in the conversation. Montana, Brady, Elway, Favre, Manning (just slightly over Marino), etc. Let's face it, when he is done his career, Brady will be one of the best qb's ever. He went some 10 years between losses in December at home. Do I root for him to lose? Absolutely, every week except for when he plays the Ravens. As far as how they rank Billacheat versus Noll, this really doesn't impact me much. Billacheat at this point is the only coach to win 5 conference championships, what's 6? It just gives Tomlin and Ben more to work towards. So, I'm for the Patriots to either lose to the Falcons or Beat the 49ers.

    After the Rats, I want the 49ers to lose. No way I want another team to get 6. 49ers got to 5 first, we don't need them getting 7 first.
  19. shadowmaker

    shadowmaker Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    As much as it hurts for me to say this but I think I would rather Brady get another one than the ratbirds. And a big NO for SF, cant have company with 6.
  20. Cali Doll

    Cali Doll Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Well said. I agree. No to 6 rings for SF and just NO for Rats being anywhere near the Superbowl again.
  21. SteelAGirl

    SteelAGirl Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    If ATL is not in the Super Bowl it going to be really tough to watch. They have to win.
  22. thesteeldeal

    thesteeldeal Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    :this!: :this!::this!:
  23. Yogi4

    Yogi4 Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    your forgetting that the Bungles and the Stains have a very young team. Not saying it wouldn't happen but they will be competitive.
  24. rukus4ever

    rukus4ever Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    My preference is a Falcons SB win. It is the only SB win that does not directly impact the Steelers' positions of distinction in the NFL. All the distinctions have been mentioned, previously, in this thread.
  25. Kevin James

    Kevin James Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2012
    Sound like some fear. The Steelers don't fear any team, not then, not now, not ever. Other teams fear the Steelers.

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