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How about this for a spark next season?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by SteelCityDynasty, Dec 29, 2012.

  1. SteelCityDynasty

    SteelCityDynasty Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2011
    With the way our year has gone on the offensive side of the ball with Ben and Haley not always seeing eye to eye maybe what we should draft this year high is a quarterback. Before you slay me think about it. Ben seems to think he runs the show on offense and for whatever reason he always will mention we struggled on offense until me and the guys started running some of our plays from last year and so forth. I'm not saying replace Ben because I know if he will buy into the system we will see more Superbowl victories, almost impossiple not to with our talent. I think Ben has found a comfort level in that he knows he's not going to be replaced. Let's face it, if you were Ben would you be worried about Leftwich or Batch taking your job? I've heard this draft coming up isn't that impressive so why not? Let's get the best of the best at quarterback and see what happens. Maybe not round one if something else is too good to pass up but I would go round 2. That in of itsself would motivate Ben to perform Haley's offense at a high level. Interested to hear your thoughts.
  2. 58stillers


    Nov 14, 2011
    Never gonna happen. At best, we draft a late round backup to replace Leftwich or Batch or both. Ben is too much of an investment already, they won't give up on him.
  3. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    I think he was running Haleys offense at a high level until the O line injuries became too much to overcome...and got Ben injured himself.

    Relax everyone, if the O line can stay (relatively) healthy, all things will be good in Steelersville again.
  4. freakfontana


    Oct 19, 2011
    i agree , i would take a young qb to grow up in middle rounds , just to show in practice someone that buy in the sistem , i would have kept hoyer and cut lefty too , i don't think they will do it
  5. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    This..exactly this
  6. bettissb40

    bettissb40 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I do not think that is far fetched. Maybe not in the early rounds but I hope they do get one as a threat to Ben. I know they have a lot of money in him but everyone is replaceable. To me this is where the coaching comes in and I hate to keep harping on that but what are they their for. They need to sit down with Ben and tell him even if we are losing 100 to 0 your job is to stay with the system that Haley has designed. You have to figure that Haley's job is on the line if Ben does not go by his system and makes him look bad. I'm retired but you guys/women that are working, if you started to make your boss look bad who do you think the company would get rid of???????????????????
  7. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I've been saying all along that we should consider drafting a potential QB of the future in rounds 2 - 4 this year. The guy the Seahawks got in round 3 has worked out pretty well. Maybe there is another Russell Wilson out there somewhere. :hmmm:
  8. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
    It's being mentioned in the sports news media here in Arizona that if Whisenhunt, who is on the hot seat, gets fired, Todd Haley will be the next head coach for the cards because the Bidwills are very fond of him, if that happens who should we get to be the next OC????
  9. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Yeah and don't forget that Ben didn't level his "criticism" of Haley's system until AFTER he had just thrown a pick to dig us even deeper in to a hole. Let's say Wallace touches the defender while he's laying on the ground and the d holds them and we get it back and win the game I GUARANTEE you Ben doesn't come out and make those statements. Just my two cents. I mean if you actually WATCH the interview where he said that you will see that his eyes are VERY red. I honestly think he had been crying. What I am getting at is that I think he made that statement in a moment of raw emotion.
  10. kingoftherings

    kingoftherings Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Thats exactly what we need to do! Bring in a decent draft pick quarterback and have a little competition at the job at QB in training camp.We need a good backup anyway Batch and Leftwich are pretty much done.Though I would try to keep Charlie on as some kind of QB coach.I think Ben would also study more and play better if someone else behind him takes to Haleys system quicker and may be a threat.We have nothing to lose.It`s like a bad worker in the work place that always complaining and brings all his co-workers down too it`s the trickle down effect.But if the new guy is happy everybody else is satisfied.
  11. lersgofor7

    lersgofor7 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2011

    This whole post oozes of ...come on man
  12. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    I'm sorry did you write something? I couldn't stop staring at your avatar long enough to concentrate.
  13. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    a high level is really pushing it. this O never ran that smooth this year because of the line, even before ben went down or any linemen went down. my God. some of these linemen need to go, then we can talk smooth and SB worthy.:cool:

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