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Drama in Baltimore!

Discussion in 'General NFL Talk' started by Steelersfan43, Jan 16, 2023.

  1. Vox Ferrum

    Vox Ferrum Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2019
    While you have never seen players giving money back for underperforming, I have never seen owners offer money back to fans who have invested for years their team stunk up the joint. lol I get what you are saying, but the saying it should all be incentive based is just ridicules. There are so many variables in building a team, if individual players are looking only for personal incentives for cash, then you get a me first based performance. There is always going to be a risk/reward in contract negotiations, sometimes you miss..on either side. I have no issue with a player wanting a guarantee for his future security, and that has nothing to do with endorsement opportunities. He should demand what that market sets. The owner/GM can decide if they want to pay that, or make an offer they feel is relevant. Lamar overplayed his hand, not having an agent did not help him, but thinking his team is obligated to do what the Browns did with a total guaranteed deal is stupid. They made an offer, he feels it is an insult, might be, under the CBA his union agreed to he can sign the tag and get paid, or sit.
    • Like Like x 1
  2. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    If You will go back to what I originally wrote....You will see that I wrote about both. Try not skimming what I wrote, and actually read it. :shrug:
    • Very Optimistic Very Optimistic x 1
  3. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    No one is considering that Ben was on the team, in the locker room, and at practice for 4 of Jacksons 5 season, and know EXACTLY how the Steelers defensive coaches think and game planned for Lamar. He was simply telling everyone what is common knowledge among the team and the media is making a sh+t storm out of it.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  4. santeesteel


    Oct 17, 2011
    Yeah, STD! What are you doing jumping in other people's condos? Stick to your own house!
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 3
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  5. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    LoL :lolol:
  6. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    I laughed way to hard at this

    • Hilarious Hilarious x 2
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  7. FootballAnalyst98

    FootballAnalyst98 Well-Known Member

    Jan 23, 2018
    You did. I wasnt talking to the other guy about both.
  8. Rollers

    Rollers Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2016
    Man I'm glad I don't live in a condo! I can just see S.T.D. jumping through my patio door and crashing in!!!!

    • Hilarious Hilarious x 3
  9. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    What Ben said is 100% accurate. Here’s my prediction about Lamar Jackson and I made a similar prediction about Mike Wallace a few years ago: Lamar Jackson has already had the best season he’ll ever have in his career. He’s had significant knee and ankle injuries the last couple of seasons and they’ll continue to nag him for the remainder of his career. He’s similar to a running back in that you’re starting to get old in your late 20s, which is where Lamar is.

    I was right about Mike Wallace when he left the Steelers for the big bucks and was never the same receiver after that. Time will tell whether or not my prediction about Lamar comes to pass, but I think the league has him figured out and it will be easier to contain him as he gets older and the leg injuries continue to pile up.
    Last edited: Apr 16, 2023
    • Agree Agree x 2
  10. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    How many times do I have to tell you people, Lamar has an agent…

    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  11. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    LoL :lolol:
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  12. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    I've said this before, and I've heard it said....personally....everyone loves Running Qbs, but the Wrs. They say they do...what do You expect them to say, but behind closed doors....they don't like playing for them.
  13. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011

    Listen to Stink, he knows what he is talking about.

    So many people tying to make Bens comments something they weren’t. Maybe listen to the guy whose team knew how to play Lamar.

    Analytical nerds trying to say Lamar is better than Ben :lollmao:
    • Winner Winner x 4
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  14. Rollers

    Rollers Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2016
    Best post ever on this topic!!!
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    Give you another example,

    Ben his last few years, No one feared Ben shrugging off tackles and making plays downfield. They knew his only had a few deep balls left in the tank because his knees were shot. All thay had to do was defend the short stuff to the sidelines and the comebacks. Didn't have to worry about rushing to contain him either. That's the truth.

    All he's saying is the typical game plan for Lamar is not to worry about the WR beating them over the top. Notice when he usually hits those, it's because he broke the coverage down with his run threat. I don't like the guy because he plays for the Ravens, but watching him pull some of the runs and throws he does out when he breaks the defense down is pretty fun. Problem is consistency, and durability. The man has a cannon for an arm and I think there have been improvements in his progressions, he's never going to be that elite level guy that's going to eat you up with his reads though.
  16. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
  17. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    Believe Me....I have been the most hated man on YouTube since this all came out. I've had over 200 notices about people hating on Me about thus this week . LoL :eek:
    I basically told them the same thing Stink just said.
    • Like Like x 1
  18. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    Jalen Hurts just crushed Lamar's dream.....Bwahahahahahaha!
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  19. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011

    I think this is bogus. Being reported as new by this guy but cant find anything else. Can’t be the old deal though, he was never offered 200 guaranteed was he?
  20. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    PLEASE let it be true! Ravens, back those Brinks trucks up to Lamar’s house for offloading!
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 2
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    • Winner Winner x 1
  21. 4124life

    4124life Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2018
    Lamar and Juan Soto should brainstorm together about contracts.
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  22. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    • Winner Winner x 1
  23. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  24. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    • Like Like x 1
  25. doubleyoi


    Apr 26, 2012
    It is not a new deal. Apparently it was some kind of kicker (bonus) if he is on roster 2026. Schefter is saying it is accurate and compares favorably to Hurts deal (on Pat McAfee).
    Since it is likely that he would be on the roster, I think it is to spread out the time the money needs to be put in escrow by the team.

    Last edited: Apr 22, 2023
    • Winner Winner x 1

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