I think we're gonna be 6th seed
Losing this game actually brought about quite a few positive things: 1. If we were going to lose a game, It's better to lose to a non-conference...
I think you meant "WFT"
You're absolutely right. This is our team anytime, not only when they win. They played absolutely horrible today, but they will forever be my team.
oh wait they're not kneeling
So if we want to be optimistic, technically we are still first seed, because we have a better division record than KC. But other than that there...
well bye everyone
Come on Ben we need your 2004 magic!!!!
Yeahi guess that's true
I just don't understand why anyone would throw a deep ball on 4th & 1 when you're tied with a nameless team. Any team with sense would just kick a...
anybody else mad rn
Me neither.
He wouldn't do well with the Steelers offensive line.
Doesn't matter what happens in the first 3 rounds, Ravens win it all :shrug: