So it's going to be this kind of reffed game? They should make a note of this right now. They let stuff like that go in a Steelers Bengals game...
Can the defense get a stop now
Bring Wilson back on and go back to inside handoffs.. perhaps throw the ball?
On the plus side, they have nothing but good teams on the schedule the rest of the year, with the exception of the Browns for a second time. So...
Wtf was Jackson doing there?!
Something tells me if a TD isn't scored by the defense or special teams it isn't getting scored tonight
I want to chop that jackwagon's hands off who keeps smacking that metal sign
Why not try a FB dive instead of a handoff 8 yards deep? That makes no sense.
I'd be amazed if the Steelers end up winning this game. I just don't see it in the cards today.
Washington has to at least make an effort there. No way a DB that is 8+ inches shorter than him should catch that
If he can't challenge this, shouldn't it be on the refs to know this? It was a great play by the Giant DB. Have to where it's due.
Bishop going to troll Rodgers and asking him to sign the ball he picked. :roflmao:
Close to 40 points? When was the last time this team did that?
Same. Seemed like a rather innocuous play, but I guess it just shows you even simple things can sometimes really have an effect.
So it depends on who you spin down if you get a flag or not? Isn't the home team supposed to get the calls? :lolol: