Maybe if Tomlin actually played the offensive starters more than 1 quarter in the preseason they wouldn't be as out of sync.
If Ben is good enough to play this drive he should have been in the previous drives.
There is one person you don't let beat you and beyond that you do your best. They let that one person beat them...
Steelers defender doesn't turn to make a play on the ball its pass interference. Bungholes defender doesn't turn to make a play and he is "in...
Ben is QB and you run run run. Landry comes in and he has dropped back more than handed off. #confused!
We really just need a field goal here to keep this a 2 possession game.
Bengals Offense 152 Yards. Steelers Penalties 142 Yards. (Bengals only penalized 49 yards)
Thats a fumble!
Bengals can't move the ball so the NFL will have the refs do it for them...
A playaction on first down would probably lead to about 11 people being open
Whats funny about that? Our running back wears pink hair braids. They are representing the fight against breast cancer.
AB was WIDE open for a first down and then some. Come on BEN!
at the half the Steelers lead 6-0 Steelers 177 Yards Bengals 56 Yards.
Have to say I'd be upset if they called that on one of our guys hits. Thought that was clean.
Foster takes out gun and shoots team in foot! Takes us out of FG range!