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Do you want Ben as our starting QB in 2021?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by SteelerGlenn, Jan 17, 2021.

Do you want Ben as our starting QB in 2021

  1. Yes

    37 vote(s)
  2. No

    79 vote(s)
  1. TuRnDoWnForWaTT

    TuRnDoWnForWaTT Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2018
  2. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    No cut is helping that melon look good.
  3. Animus

    Animus Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2020
    Man. I saw the tweets during my lunch and second break at work. Got home to watch the zoom with Missy Matthews and the presser. Took me a bit to digest this. Really feels like an end of an era. It feels like the Steelers are moving on and wants Ben to retire, but ultimately they'll make the decision for him if he doesn't. Today is really the first time I felt like this. After the Rooney presser I thought perhaps a deal would be made. And maybe I'm reading too much into today's events.
  4. Da Stellars

    Da Stellars Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    I didn't really get that, it sounded like they want him to take a pay cut, not just move some money around.

    If that is the case, it is like KC said... they need to see how the Cap and FA shakes out...
  5. 86WardsWay

    86WardsWay Well-Known Member

    Dec 27, 2012
    I wonder how the FO can essentially say that they have no more faith in Ben to get them to the SB but yet still believe in Mike Tomlin to take them to the promise land. I can promise them this, ain't happening:no2:. If they're just going to kick the can down the road then a Roethlisberger at 75% gives them a much better chance than MT at 110%. If Ben is willing to renegotiate for significant cap savings then he should probably come back, otherwise, fire Tomlin, cut Ben and start from scratch.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. SteelersFanIrl

    SteelersFanIrl Well-Known Member

    Mar 3, 2019
    The more you look at it the more it appears they want him gone. Bringing in Canada was a move towards a different style of offence and now that he is OC he will want to go all in with his own brand of football. As Blast stated earlier, Ben is probably the last QB you’d want for that type of system.

    Then you have Rooneys comments, now Colberts. Now Vance and Maurkise retiring, Foster and Switzer left last year.

    Ben wanting to come back just looks like a guy that won’t accept that it’s over. I’d say he will retire with a lot of regrets, he should have won at least one more title.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. PWP

    PWP Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    I think we may actually be moving on from Ben so do we roll with Mason or do we trade or draft a QB ? IMO we roll with Mason give him a chance to see if he is indeed improving ...i actually like our chances of having Balance and more big plays with Mason at QB instead of Ben...

    I still think I would go run blocking OL and a RB and a TE ... IMO very hard to get quick feet, catch the defender type OL to make a hole and push a pile...If you intend to run we need some guys of that build and make a hole mind set ....Follow that up with a 1 cut get down hill runner,, not a zone RB waiting and looking for a hole , but Downhill 34 trap ,,you run through the 4 hole right now if not make a hole..lol The OL will get tired of thr RB hitting them in the back at some point....
  8. CK 13

    CK 13 Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2011
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. burghfan58

    burghfan58 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I think they are hoping he retires to save cap space. They save more by him retiring than they do by him renegotiating his current contract. All it will do if they renegotiate is to give him an extension to spread it out over the next few years hurting the cap space the next few years. Chances of Ben wanting to take less than $19M are slim. Ben it is time to listen to what your body is telling you. Like Toby Keith said, "My body says no, but my pride says,.... oh yes you can!" Ben put your pride aside and listen to your body. The ability isn't what it was.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2021
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. AFan

    AFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    I don’t think Ben can set his pride aside. He’ll have to be dragged off the field on a stretcher before he’ll believe he’s done. If he still wants to play, the Steelers will either have to redo his deal or release him. I’m 99% certain that he’ll be in someone’s training camp come summer, 50% sure that it will be w/ Pittsburgh.
    • Like Like x 1
  11. burghfan58

    burghfan58 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    It is the same scenario for Ben as it was Hines Ward and Troy Polamalu. You want them back for who they were as a person and what they meant to the team, but the Steelers put some behind the scenes pressure on them once their ability declined. I don't Hines and Troy could have played another year or two with the Steelers, but at QB you cannot play that same game and hide the deteriorating ability. Sadly, if the Steelers and Ben parted ways, and he still wanted to play one more year, I do not believe he would start for another team. Unfortunately for Ben I think it would turn out to be a Donovan McNabb type ending. He starts a game or two then is benched for the remainder of the season. Thanks for the memories Ben, it has been a great ride, but it is time for this gunslinger to ride off into the sunset.
  12. steel machine

    steel machine Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
    Dammit, I'd wish he would move on so the Steelers can move on. I would think some fans think Ben would be better then Mason next season but so what, we still won't be going deep in the Playoffs. I'd like to see Mason have at least one full season in the NFL. He looks like crap we can focus on the draft. He looks like he is improving it's a win for the future.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  13. burghfan58

    burghfan58 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I am not sold on the fact he would play elsewhere. I agree his pride may say otherwise, but I do think it would be a Donovan McNabb type ending. Yes, I know McNabb was traded, but if Ben signs with another team I think he would be benched after a few games.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  14. burghfan58

    burghfan58 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I think we have a better chance with Mason's arm than with Ben. Decision making will improve with more game time. I do think if Ben is back in 2021 I fear he will hear the boo-birds this year.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. steel machine

    steel machine Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
    How strange would it be to see Ben under center for another team?????? I don't think he wants to stop playing but I sure the hell wish he'd stop playing for the Steelers. I'm ready to move on.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  16. Steel Hog

    Steel Hog Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
    Ben, being Ben, gives me a suspicion why I think he'll be back. I believe he will give prior notice of retiring during his last season and want 8 million camera's following him off the field for the last time and as many mic's in his face to boot. The spineless owners will undoubtedly feel obligated to do this at the detriment of the team. So IMO, unless he gives us a heads up, I don't think it'll happen. Probably why he said the "money doesn't matter" earlier. There is also an article that Colbert still thinks Ben has more to give, blah blah blah. Never trust the media. One article says one thing, another says different.

    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  17. TuRnDoWnForWaTT

    TuRnDoWnForWaTT Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2018
    I hate to disrespect Ben in this way. But where else is he going to play? Nobody is going to want a 40 year old QB who can not/will not play under center. I can't see Ben being a backup. I hope he does the right thing and retires on his own. It sounds like the Steelers are prepared to cut him if they have to.
    • Agree Agree x 4
  18. biggbunch68


    Apr 26, 2012
    Ben will play, We will draft a center, and prob at least 2 other offensive linemen in the draft, and a RB, we will Prob sign a cheap linemem or 2 in fa.. Hopefully this will fix the majority of the problems of last year.....
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Very Optimistic Very Optimistic x 1
  19. Steel Hog

    Steel Hog Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
    Wait a second. I usually don't come on here to prove anything or defend my opinion or try and convince bo diddly of anything. These are not court cases that people have to win or have to "step away". Its entertainment, not a debate or a d1ck measuring contest. Most of the material I read on this board is just people giving OPINIONS and I don't expect them to prove or defend what they think to make someone/anyone/ everyone happy. I enjoy what people are thinking about things that no one may know what really is going to happen or why something did happen. Or, maybe they do know but I am not going to complain if they don't have proof, a twit, or a link (of which many are not factual anyway), or whatever. If they do want to engage in proving their point, then so be it. Now, that is my opinion.
    • Like Like x 2
  20. Junebug

    Junebug Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2018
    Bye, Ben! Go enjoy retirement. Best thing for everyone involved.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  21. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    What did Bo Diddley have 2 do with this. RIP Bo Diddley
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  22. DukeDukeDaDaDa

    DukeDukeDaDaDa Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2017
    Colts acquire Carson Wentz from Eagles. No shocker there.
  23. burghfan58

    burghfan58 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Okay, I guess I'll put my tape measure away. I am not ashamed as I tell you when they bring out the chains I am 4th down and less than a foot. :laughing:
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  24. Da Stellars

    Da Stellars Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    I'm not seeing it with Rudolph. His movement within the pocket is bad.

    If Steelers want to tank next year with Rudolph to get a top ten draft pick I guess that is fine, but that is not what the Steelers do.

    Why not just ride with Ben, he is still the better option due to his decision making alone.
    • Like Like x 1
  25. Thor


    Mar 20, 2014
    Sorry if I sounded too general - my comment was a tongue-in-cheek aside to Blast, meant in a specific context.

    This being a football message board, of course it's about 95% 'reactions and commentary' to 5% 'fact', and most here are passionate about all of it. This can produce responses ranging from idle opinion to spirited debates, both of which I enjoy reading and participating in. But I do get tired when I see someone repeatedly continue to hammer a very specific point of view upon others while providing no additional color and telling those who disagree to do all the homework of finding past links/quotes/etc.

    Of course, they're free to keep posting just like the rest of us o_O
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2021
    • Like Like x 2

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