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Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Jujubean, Dec 22, 2020.

  1. strummerfan

    strummerfan Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    no. Unlike you and your ilk I’m actually placing blame where it belongs.
  2. Kreighoff

    Kreighoff Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    I think Tomlin is a decent coach not great but better than average. The players play hard for him but his big blind spot is how bad his OC is. I love the steelers have since Jack L was a rookie.
    But I can see Ben is either hurt more than he is admitting or if he isn't hurt he is just plain done.
    Tomlin might need to be less a players coach show some toughness . First thing would be to tell JU JU to not dance on the other teams logo it is beneath what the Steelers are about its such a DB ( I don't mean defensive back) thing to do. Being old school it served him right to get lit up like he did.

    It might be time to be bold if Ben starts out bad against the Colts pull him before the game is out of reach. Have Mason go deep to Claypool and get the defense to back the F up. Use JU JU down the seam, crossing routes are going to get him killed. After 12 years as a coach he should know something about offense , he needs to get involved more or dump Fictner and hand it over to Canada. Replace Okorafor with any warm body the guy is a walking pylon.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Stone

    Stone Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015
    Or maybe the Asian fire drill?
  4. Steel Hog

    Steel Hog Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
    Well, I guess there should never be a HC fired in the NFL because its all the players or coordinators fault. Ben runs the team and he is the only one that can bench himself when it was obviously needed. No other QBs in the league should be benched during a game when they are not playing well. Is there nothing at all that MT could have done or be held accountable for as the one who is ultimately in charge of the performance of the team? Is he not held accountable for anything that has happened, like keeping RF employed? I am not advocating firing MT but I see posts saying he is completely blameless for just about everything that has gone wrong. IF that is the case. no wonder this team hasn't gotten where it should have for so long.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. DukeDukeDaDaDa

    DukeDukeDaDaDa Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2017
    If it turns out that Ben really is hurt and management is telling Tomlin you have to play him because of the $$$ that really sucks.

    I doubt MR has improved much but I'd like to believe maybe Canada has taught him a couple things. I can guarantee Ben probably told Canada to f off. Nicely of course.
  6. Lloyd&Green

    Lloyd&Green Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2015
    You clearly don’t “got it” if you think the only 2 positions on Tomlin are that he either deserves to be fired or given a complete free pass.

    The fact that you seem to be unreasonable and a Tomlin-hater is what strikes me. Name another coach who’s been fired after an 11 win(at least) season with his resume? Seriously, who are you Tomlin haters comparing him to when you say he should be fired because it certainly isn’t other coaches?
    What card are you accusing me of playing? Being passive aggressive is weak.

    You didn’t really answer my question. I asked you about your seemingly personal dislike for Tomlin. Even if you believe he’s overrated that wouldn’t explain saying you loathe the man. Your arguments don’t even make sense. What years did Tomlin cost the team A championship?

    Even in reference to life after Ben you seem ignorant. Maybe you don’t remember the pre-Ben days but I do. The Steelers were consistently a playoff team under Cowher pre-Ben. The team was 8-8 last year while running stiffs out there at QB. There’s no reason to doubt that the team can remain successful post-Ben. They just need to re-establish their identity pre-Ben. Smash-mouth mistake free physical football on offense to compliment a dominant defense. Then all you need is a qb who can make some plays without losing the game. Turning into an offense focused pass-first team to cater to Ben is what has kept the franchise stagnated in my opinion.

    Ben was game-manager status his first SB. The reality is, the only time Ben has been able to lead the team to the SB is when they were anchored by that historically great(Polamalu, Harrison, Farrior etc) defense. When the team has been truly reliant on Ben to carry the load the team has underachieved almost without fail.

    Why is all your smoke reserved for Tomlin and not Ben?
  7. Jujubean

    Jujubean Well-Known Member

    Aug 12, 2019
    Ben is not innocent in this disappointing end of what could have been a great Era. They both deserve blame for sure I cannot argue that. TOMLIN due to a lack of backbone by ownership will get a chance to prove himself minus Ben. I know which way my money is going.

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