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Welcome to the Steelers Alex Highsmith

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Blast Furnace, Apr 24, 2020.



    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey steel1031.

    I hope all is well with you and your loved ones.

    I have a good feeling for this pick both from factual and instinctual standpoints. Good to read your informal scouting report on him.

    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid
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    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey Jack LHambert.

    I hope all is well with you and your love ones.

    The way I look at it is that Highsmith had an exceptional senior year. One could really not ask for much more. Yes, his school is "small". Okay given that he seemed to have a dominant season last year. That is what one would expect if he is that good. If he had, let's say 5-8 sacks then I too would be raising an eyebrow and mumbling "reach". That is not the case from a statistical standpoint with this guy. Now, let us see what he can do at the next level of competition.

    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid


    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey Jball.

    I hope all is well with you and your loved ones. Shoot, after the first half of the first round there can also be reaches I know that I may be exaggerating a bit here (smile). Seriously though, the first 10 players or so in the first round are about as close as you are going to get as far as being guaranteed. After that, there is some drop-off IMO. Hit the second round and the "reach" concept only magnifies. There really are only a few "elite" players that come out every year.

    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid


    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey SteelersfaninPhilly.

    I hope all is well with you and your loved ones.

    Yes, my sentiments exactly about replacing Dupree. I am still not sold on Mr. Dupree. After the Jarvis Jones debacle, Management was going to stick by Dupree no matter what. Square Peg-Round Hole Syndrome. Make it fit no matter what. Yes, Bud had his best year yet last season. However, is that really screaming Ultra-Great? I do not think so. I would grade his performance from last year as a bit better than satisfactory, IMO. Management did not want egg on their faces again. However, IMO, I think scrambled is best for this Front Office in regards to Jones and Dupree. Between the two of them, almost a decade has been wasted trying to find the other OLB for this team.

    For now Bud is serviceable and I hope he does build off of last season and really emerges as a star. I just do not feel it though. I think he became the beneficiary of all the Free Agents that we have picked up the last two years which has helped to up his game. Once again, I really do hope that last season was a sign of even better things to come for him.

    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid
  5. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    FYI - the full Tennessee vs Charlotte game from 2018 is on youtube. I have not yet found a cutup of Highsmith's snaps in that game, so I'm watching it the old fashioned way - every snap...

    Edit - Wow! Second play from scrimmage, and lined up in the B gap on the left side of the defense he blew right past the RG and right through the RB in pass protection for a sack before the QB could even set his feet. Lightning strike...

    Edit again... - 4th play from scrimmage, he lines up over the RT and makes a tackle on a run for no gain. He establishes contain on the outside to prevent the bounce out, and then quickly crashes on the RB as he cuts inside. Then around the 6th or 7th play, he lines up over the LT and bull rushes the LT into the QB for a knockdown of the QB as the ball is being released.

    Final Edit - I finished. Here are a few other notes:
    3:00 left in 2nd quarter - slips by LT for a 2 yard TFL
    8:00 left in 3rd quarter, 3rd and 2, coming from the backside he is way too quick for Tennessee's RT to cut him off on a zone run left, 1 yard loss to force 4th down
    2:00 left in 3rd quarter, beats RT for a 14 yard loss on a strip sack on 1st down
    2:50 left, and Tennessee running their 4 minute offense, shoots the gap off the left tackle for another tackle for loss

    This guy is for real folks. He's not Chase Young, but he has a legit chance to be a solid starting edge defender in the NFL. Keep in mind that in 2018 he played with his hand on the ground, mostly as a 5 tech, but sometimes as a 3 tech in certain alignments. He held his ground on literally every run snap even though he was giving up 60+ lbs. to the Tennessee offensive linemen. There were some pass rush snaps where he was completely neutralized by the tackle, but that happens to every edge defender.

    The he was announced I was a bit perplexed. I had read about him, but not watched him. Now that I've seen his 2019 Clemson tape and the 2018 Tennessee game, I'm pretty darn happy with the pick. After watching a couple of interviews with him, and hearing his humble, respectful personality come through, I'm even happier.
    Last edited: Apr 26, 2020
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  6. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    long arms too.:cool:
  7. TarheelFlyer

    TarheelFlyer Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    I've seen him play a bunch as I live in Charlotte, about 10 minutes from campus. The thing I like most is he has a Watt-like motor. He just never quits on a play. I love that.
  8. Formerscribe

    Formerscribe Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2016
    In some ways, he is the opposite of Dupree. Highsmith is big enough for the position, but he doesn't have Dupree's size and strength. I'm not sure if he can develop into the same sort of cover guy and he certainly didn't play as often against top competition, but he already seems to have a better feel for rushing the passer. He seems like a great fit opposite Watt if he can hold his own against the run.
  9. Stone

    Stone Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2015

    Would do such a thing?:smiley1:
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    lmao.....someone with not a lot to offer. :shrug:
  11. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    FWIW Mel Kiper said Highsmith was the best pick in all of the third round, that's high praise for a small school player.
    • Like Like x 2


    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey TarheelFlyer.

    I hope all is well with you and your loved ones.

    Okay, we on the board need folks like you for the "Informal Scouting Reports". You state that you have seen Highsmith play a "a bunch of times" I like what I have read about him so far. I have posted in-depth my opinions about him. However, I can look at film which is good. However, if you saw him live in the games, that will help all of us to collect all of the "Scouting" resources on him to make an even better assessment. The more information on a player the better. So, not to put the pressure on you (smile) is there any specifics that you can share with us here about Highsmith from your observations?

    For almost the last decade, I am personally frustrated with our drafting for this position. We have only gotten it half right with James Harrison and then TJ Watt. For nearly ten years now we have been missing that other "Bookend" OLB. Jarvis Jones was a waste of four years. Dupree was essentially a waste for his first four years. A little better than Jarvis but still not up to snuff for his first four years. And contrary to what some may think here, I am not going to say he had a "Breakout" season last year. Did he play better than his first four years? Yes. By head and shoulders? No. It was an "Adequate" year for him IMO. I will give him a grade of "Satisfactory" last year.

    IMO, Management only held onto him for that fifth year because they did not want egg on their faces for debacle regarding two #1's in a row. Again, he is not a star yet. Watt is. Harrison was. I hope Dupree has a great year coming up. However, he has put Management in a bind by not having a decent year until Year #5. That led to us having to let him test the Free Agency Market or Franchising Tagging him which we did. So, if he has a great year this upcoming season, which I want him too, then he will want big dollars. If he had shown us in his first three years what he did in year four we would not be in this position.

    We may end up in the same boat with Edmunds at Safety. This is year four coming up? I believe. Not sure. We need to sign him now if that is the case. Otherwise, we will be in the same boat as Dupree. Personally, given his production up to this point, I would not sign him to any long-term deal. And we know that the Steelers do not negotiate contracts once the season has started. Maybe someone can help here on what year Edmunds is in. If it is Year #4 that is not good.

    Okay TarheelFlyer, I look forward to any specifics you or anyone else can add to Highsmith's profile.

    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid
  13. Lambert

    Lambert Well-Known Member

    Jun 5, 2015
    There's something about this kid I really like but can't put my finger on. Maybe it's a frame that looks like it can get [a lot] stronger or a style of play / physical mannerisms that stand out. Whatever it is, while I've seen a lot of lower level guys get hyped with very little success, there's something about Highsmith that's exciting. Maybe he really was a high level kid that just bloomed late and/or got missed and played at a lesser college. It's rare but does happen, certainly happens the other way. Maybe it's just a good name and high cheek bones. Who knows but I'm hopeful.
    • Like Like x 1
  14. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    He sure looks like a good prospect, probably needs to get a little stronger.
  15. TarheelFlyer

    TarheelFlyer Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    Have you seen the movie Rudy? You know how the kid practiced that got him into games? Yeah, that's Highsmith. All out all the time. Lights no lights, the kid just went all out. Not that he was going to hurt his teammates, but the kid went all out. He is an effort guy. Watt is sort of the same way. He pushes and pushes hard never really giving up on the play. That was who this kid is. He is where he is because of hard work. I wouldn't count him out.


    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey TarheelFlyer.

    Thank you for the feedback. I guess I have mixed feelings about your review. Yes, Rudy was a great movie. However, Rudy was never going to make it in the pros. I realize you can only relay to us what you observed. Let me put it this way. I look at a third round draft choice as someone the Steelers are really high on. Someone they see who has a future with the team. Not that they draft 4th rounders and higher with no expectations. However, we all know the higher up in the draft the more of a "drop-off" per say in talent. That is where I would see the Rudys in a sense. I know that even 1st rounders do not pan out. However, I look at players drafted in rounds 1-3 as almost a must to pan out. Obviously, a team is comprised of players from other rounds besides the first. So, given that, two questions for you:

    • Do you think he is NFL starting material at some point?
    • Can he be a replacement for Dupree if we lose Bud?

    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid
  17. TarheelFlyer

    TarheelFlyer Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    Understand the Rudy statement was mostly about the kids effort not necessarily about the kid't talent. I'm not sure at the moment how his abilities will translate against better talent, but I don't think he will be any worse than Chickillo, probably better. Chickillo was a DE who was never known to be fast or quick. This kid is fast and quick and has a plan.

    Do I think he is starter at some point? I don't know. He looked it when he played Clemson. I think he has potential, but potential is often unfulfilled hence why first rounders bust at times.

    Can he replace Dupree if we lose him? Again, I think he biggest issue will be setting the edge. If he can learn to do that in the run game, then he can work.

    Let me also say this, I think the one thing that Bill Bellicheat does better than anyone is uses players for the things they are really good at. If he shows he can get to the QB, then most of his snaps need to come once we are ahead and we are no longer worried about the rush. Put him on the attack and let him get the sacks when he can pin his ears back and really get after the QB. He excels there.


    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey TarheelFlyer.

    I understand what you were getting at with the Rudy comment (smile). Thank you for the insight. Good stuff. I read the quotes from the Clemson coach. Impressive. So, he has shown he can hang with the better competition. That is good. Yes, we have to tap into his strengths as you mentioned. Unfortunately, I do not feel that this coaching staff is very good at that, IMO. Your Quote: "This kid is fast and quick" that is always good. I heard that he needs to strengthen up though. Nothing the weight room can't fix.

    My biggest concern overall is connected to Dupree and where we are with him after the season is over. We may need a replacement and hopefully Highsmith can be that guy just in case. Take care.

    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid
  19. thesteeldeal

    thesteeldeal Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Hey STEELWINDS I hope all is well.....
    You are touching on the same point I am. I feel he needs to be the replacement for BD or we could of used the pick to fill a bigger need. I completely agree a 3rd rounder should be selected as a starter in the near future. You know and I know our coaches don’t believe in a rotation. Signing Dupree long term for the money it’s gonna take certainly won’t change that. So if that’s the case we are essentially looking at Chickillo ,the difference being he was a 6th round pick.

    Chickillo himself was a highly touted prospect coming out of HS. He never put up great numbers at Miami because he was asked to bulk up and play DL. It took him 2 years as a pro just to mold himself back in to a OLB body. There’s no telling how he would of performed had he went to Charlotte and was allowed to play on the edge. Highsmith himself struggled until they allowed him to switch positions. My point is it’s not going be a smooth transition but my hope is he shows enough that they feel they can let Dupree go. I’ll be extremely disappointed with the alternative. There’s a lot of talent to be had in the 3rd round. You can’t be wasting it on a back up if that’s the case.


    Sep 12, 2019
    Hey thesteeldeal.

    Yes, to me, I look at the picks in rounds #1-3 critically imperative for Management to get right. Once you get into rounds four and beyond those are where the "Pleasant Surprises" usually surface. We have to get #1-3 right. I know it won't always happen but it must the majority of the times. If not it can set a team back for years. Just look at Jarvis Jones and Bud Dupree. Almost a decade wasted on these two. And IMO, Bud is OK. Not spectacular but adequate for now. I am hoping he ups his game to higher levels as well as Highsmith panning out to be a quality starter.

    Since our "D" is highly predicated on two quality OLBs we do not have the luxury of messing those picks up which is exactly what Management has done for nearly the past ten years. Jarvis was a complete bust and again, I still am not sold on Dupree. Yes, he had his best season yet last year. However, what is that really saying? Is he at the level where TJ is? NO! He is not even close. He does not have to be that good but he does need to be better. These two OLBs must be a formidable tandem, a "Dynamic Duo", The Batman and Robin of OLBs (smile). Dupree needs to get there and yes I am rooting for him. As long as you sport the Black and Gold I am in your corner. The ideal scenario would be for Dupree to keep maturing into a dynamic player and Highsmith to also become that guy. If we had three quality OLBs we would be really tough. Now, give ME my Casey 2.0 NT (smile).

    I am going to leave this post with an excerpt from one of my original poems. In a way, it is related to what we have been talking about here. Please feel free to comment on it if you or anyone else would like too.

    "Time is the greatest thief known to man. Steadily eroding the present into the past; gradually transforming moment to memory".


    STEELWINDS AKA The East Side Kid
    Last edited: Apr 29, 2020
  21. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    [QUOTE="thesteeldeal, post: 774008,

    Highsmith himself struggled until they allowed him to switch positions. [/QUOTE]
    There’s not a lot of film out there on Highsmith, but the full Charlotte vs. Tennessee game from 2018 is on YouTube. In 2018 Highsmith played the 3-4 DE spot before switching to the edge for 2019. He definitely did not struggle in that Tennessee game. He was actually the best player on the field, and made several plays in the backfield. I know Highsmith only had something like 3 sacks that season, but he was still a very good player. For some reason I’m recalling that he had nearly 20 tackles for a loss (maybe 18?).

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    Yes Chick was highly touted coming out of HS but not college, either was Ola and Skipper. The thing here is Highsmith is highly touted coming out of college. With that said he was still just a 3rd rounder any yeah there were many drafted after him we could have had and gotten someone else here but my question is who? What I mean by that is other than OLB where did we have openings or lack of depth? OG or S is my opinion but I put OLB right there with them. I do get what you are saying as far as this has to be Bud's replacement but I also get where the Steelers are coming from by drafting Highsmith and they do sign Bud long term. We have no idea what happens but IMO I would rather have Highsmith ready to go in 2021 to replace Bud then have just Ola and Skipper here and Bud leaves. I have no confidence in either of them, not saying they can't do it but would rather had a guy like Highsmith who is a little more ranked than Ola and Skipper. jmo
  23. thesteeldeal

    thesteeldeal Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I pointed out why Chickillo wasn’t highly rated coming out. He was grossly misused at Miami. If he went to Charlotte I’m thinking he would of done a lot better. I’m not knocking the pick I think you already know that. He’s a 3rd round pick. They need to give him a chance just like they need to give the other guys a chance. Don’t bury them behind Dupree and Watt and give them 30 snaps on the year and then go into another off season not knowing what you have at OLB. If you give Dupree 90% of the snaps again guess what’s gonna happen? They are going to be comfortable with Dupree, not know how anyone else can perform and they’re gonna re sign Dupree because no one else got a chance. Then it becomes a wasted pick because I would put S and OL above a OLB getting 10% of the snaps and the OLB spot costing us 35-40 million. He’s highly touted? You picked him? Play him. That’s JMO.....
  24. Roonatic

    Roonatic Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    Does this kid have a nasty streak like undersize Lloyd had? :hehehe:

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    One of the big things about Chick was the system he played in. I would have to look it up and really don't feel like it cause it isn't a big point here was he was suited more for a 3-4 instead of the 4-3 miami was playing. None the less I totally agree with you about the chance they need to give Highsmith, I am not disagreeing with you there. Especially if He is being drafted to replace Bud(which only the steelers know) when they don't sign him long term. Got to see what you have if that will influence the signing of Bud right?

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