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Quarterback Questions.

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Spencer, Dec 9, 2019.

  1. Spencer

    Spencer Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
    1. Do you think Ben will return next season to be in good enough shape to be a factor ?

    2. Do you think Duck or Mason Rudolph will be the Steelers future ?

    3. Should the Steelers try to draft the next franchise quarterback if one is available ?

    4. How does everyone view the Ducks future progress ?

    Is he going to be a QB that you can put the game on his shoulders at some point or ever ?
    I guess the same questions go for Mason Rudolph too.
  2. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    1. He'll be a factor, but he's never going to be what he was. He's getting old, doesn't train much in the off season and is coming off a major injury. I just hope he helps us more than he hurts us
    2. No
    3. Yes! We wont' go far most years without a franchise QB
    4. Duck is what he is, average. He's being protected by the coaches. At some point, the coaches are going to have to take the handcuffs off and let him go out there and try to put the team on his back. Even very good defences can get lit up (ie San Francisco last night). Unfortunately I don't have much hope for the outcome when that happens.
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  3. Hanratty#5

    Hanratty#5 Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2019
    I think Hodges can be a career backup and spot starter around the league for a long time. He can have a career like Chase Daniel or Case Keenum. Rudolph I'm not so sure about, we will have to see how he comes back next pre-season.
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  4. AskQuestionsLater

    AskQuestionsLater Writing Team

    Apr 21, 2016
    Thank you for the questionnaire Spencer. Here I go on my answers!

    1.) Big Ben will be a factor but not as much as he was in years past. Having surgery on the elbow as a QB is tough; one that is 37 and going to be 38 doubly so and no less. Who knows how well Big Ben will be at that point?! It is difficult to say.

    2.) Devlin Hodges is a backup but I do think he is a quality one worth keeping around. As for Mason Rudolph, we will have to see come the 2020 Preseason. He really needs to readjust and go back to the lab to work on his throwing mechanics. Begin with those and then continue from there. Should he do that, I believe he can be.

    3.) This one is difficult to answer mainly due to the second question posed. However, this question will be answered quickly in Tomlin and Colberts Pre Draft Conference sometime in March 2020. Should Mason have not showcased any improvement within that time on how well he is preparing, Pittsburgh will likely pull the trigger on one come 2021. If not, priority number one to resign Bud Dupree commences.

    4.) As stated before, Devlin Hodges is a backup. However, this does not mean is not capable of spot starter duty. Just do not rely on him to win games by his lonesome as we sit here currently. Keep in mind though that he is the FCS All Time Leader in Passing Yards. It is not like he cannot continue to develop but rather how much he can.

    Again, regarding Mason, the 2020 Preseason will showcase a much better viewpoint of that. Even before that, OTA's and Training Camp should give us a better picture overall. Hopefully his ball placement and throwing mechanics are improved by then.

    My two cents on the current QB situation. Again though, that Pre Draft Conference will be critical. However, should Art Rooney state anything in relations to having a Franchise QB within his statements after the conclusion of the 2019 Pittsburgh Steelers season, expect Pittsburgh to make a move come draft day or showcase a heavy interest in QBs again.
  5. Iowasteeljim


    Oct 26, 2011
    I know I'm just a country bumpkin, but I am wondering what some of you are basing your evaluation of Duck as a starter on? Have you seen enough of him to know he will never be a starter in the NFL? Isn't he starting now? I'm not insinuating that anyone is right or wrong, I just haven't seen enough of him to make that determination.
  6. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    I think we have to let it play out.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    No, Ben will not be healthy enough to play a whole season again.

    One will for at least next year.


    Duck will improve. Probably all the way to s little above average.

    We already have.

    I have my doubts on Mason.

    NY STEELERFAN Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2012
    1 - I am worried about Ben's health and if he can come back. That elbow injury scares me and when a pitcher has "tommy John" it takes well over a year for him to come back to 100%. That is with a baseball not a football.

    2 - I was one who thought Mason was our future but I am not sure now. I do not believe Duck is but then again he has Fitch as an OC and that is bad.

    3 - I have not looked at the draft but I have said in the past since QB is such an important position we should be drafting one every year. Maybe we would find one later in the rounds but it can't hurt.

    4 - Duck's progress....well he is moving the ball and he is willing to tuck and run which is something Mason didn't do. Like I mentioned above Fitch stinks and I feel that is hurting any of these QB's, except Ben cause he is the real QB.

    I will say this if there isn't a market for Mariota I would look at him. Is he the answer IDK but as a low risk option I would have no problem seeing him here. If he is getting starter attention and money I don't want anything to do with him.
  9. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    Depends on how much work Ben puts in.

    Duck is capable of improving. I think he's a poor man's drew brees/Ben type qb. No not on their level but some of the confidence and gun slinger mentality that they came into the league with. A winning confidence.

    Mason needs a good qb coach and system to fit him. I'm not sure that is here.

    Yes we will keep looking to draft one but ride what we have. Until we upgrade the aging line to a level that fits a new offensive style, whether that is by mt finally moving on at some point, I could see a total redo at that time. :cool:
  10. Tiggs99

    Tiggs99 Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2019
    - Ben is out of shape, old and his arm strength will never be the same after surgery and he wouldn’t have thrown for a while. Ben deserves to be starter when he comes back based on his history, but he will be a ghost of his former self. He was bad this year against Patriots. He’s going to be similar.

    - At this point in time, no one really knows about Duck’s potential. Mason also showed quick release and was promising prior to injury. Duck will surely get a back up gig. Not sure about Rudolph. Both looked better than Ben with these receivers this season. However, Rudolph was inaccurate on a 10 yard out against Cincinnati. You cannot make it as a starter if you cannot be relied on to make that throw.

    Ducks potential will be revealed soon enough. Coaches cannot protect him and expect to win against better teams. He did well against Arizona in that two minute drive before half to get three points. That was all Duck. He will have to do that some more and show 7 pls, if are to have post season success.

    I don’t think we will draft a qb in early rounds next year. They will try to ride with Ben and get a definitive answer on Duck or Rudolph.
  11. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    1. Contrary to what some have said, Ben did not have Tommy John surgery. I expect that he’ll be back for 1 or 2 more seasons, and I expect him to be effective. If the team is not seeing what they need to see in terms of rehabilitation, then we may see activity at that spot come draft day.

    2. I think both Hodges and Rudolph have the potential to be at least backups. Rudolph obviously has more work to do on the mental aspect of the game. More on Hodges in #4.

    3. I don’t expect us to be looking for a QB next offseason. Every indication is that the front office is comfortable that Ben will be back, and will be himself. If we see activity at QB, that could be our first sign that Ben is not making expected progress.

    4. At minimum I expect Hodges to continue to be what he already is: a solid backup who can lead a team to a string of wins if needed. As someone else said, he could be a Case Keenum type of starter. I’m not yet sure what his ceiling is though. He has no physical traits that wow me, and he is so far ahead of most QBs his age mentally that I wonder if he’s already close to hitting his ceiling. I need to see a game where he has to put points on the board in the 4th quarter to get a better feel for just how good he can be. I really like him though. He made some big time throws Sunday.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. steel machine

    steel machine Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
    Good second string QB.
  13. HeinzMustard

    HeinzMustard Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2015
    Hodges has the potential to be Ben's replacement, IMO. As franchise QB. Rudolph was never the same after concussion.... but he may come back strong after the benching, if he gets an opportunity. Rudolph looks like he can place the ball where he wants with accuracy... the problem is, his timing is way off.... he hesitates too much and that's whats killing him. Looks like Duck has taken over for now. The results speak for themselves.

    I like the fact that Duck does not throw 35 yards down the damn field on 3rd and 2. Sorry but I don't miss that crap.

    The Steelers are a team again. No more primadonnas like AB and Bell running the show.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2019
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  14. Steel Hog

    Steel Hog Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
    Good points, especially the last one.
  15. Steeler dane

    Steeler dane Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2019
    Great point on Duck.
  16. defva

    defva Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    1. Do you think Ben will return next season to be in good enough shape to be a factor ? Yes, he will return. In shape ... heck No!

    2. Do you think Duck or Mason Rudolph will be the Steelers future ? No to either. Duck as a backup

    3. Should the Steelers try to draft the next franchise quarterback if one is available ? Yes or free agency

    4. How does everyone view the Ducks future progress ? They haven't takened the handcuffs off yet. So, there is no telling.

    Is he going to be a QB that you can put the game on his shoulders at some point or ever ?
    I guess the same questions go for Mason Rudolph too.
    MR ... No .... Duck ... the jury is still out on this guy
  17. Busman


    Oct 18, 2011
    Pretty hard to form any kind of conclusions here but certainly enough to form an opinion. I personally see him as a starter .. He has a better passer rating then Brady in the last 3 games combined. lol. He is beating the other teams QB and clearly they are starters. He is pretty smart and has made fewer bone head plays then MR to date. Its still too early to tell how good he can become but I love his grit.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Spencer

    Spencer Well-Known Member

    Jan 25, 2016
    I actually wish we had Landry Jones or Hobbs on the team.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  19. Iowasteeljim


    Oct 26, 2011
    Maybe Hobbs, but I don't know what you think Jones could do that Mason couldn't. I think if you put a bag over each of their faces and put them out on the field, you wouldn't be able to tell me which QB is Mason and which is Jones.
  20. Roonatic

    Roonatic Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2017
    1. Shaner82 stated it perfectly.


    3.no, I think they try QB in the draft again after Ben moves on. Mason & Devlin back him up until then.

    4.i think he has potential based off what he did in college.

    Yes Duck can carry a team.

    Agree with Heinz on Mason. Timing is horrible & unsure of throwing it so he hesitates. Also he sucks at moving in the pocket so he needs to throw quicker. Mason would be a good QB in a west coast short passing game if he improves his timing
  21. Dustin

    Dustin Well-Known Member

    Oct 8, 2016
    Totally agree. He kind of reminds me of doug flutie a little bit for some reason. Sometimes there are diamonds in the rough. There has ben plenty of quarterbacks make it in the league without pedigree. There has also been a lot of quarterbacks in the league with pedigree that didn't make it. You just never know.
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  22. chuckie_os

    chuckie_os Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
  23. Steellamb86

    Steellamb86 Well-Known Member

    Apr 8, 2015
    1. I have mixed feelings about Ben. One...he looks to be in bad shape and I am not confident he can get IN shape. Two...considering his age and injuries, I am not sure he can be a factor going forward. That said, I do believe he will be our starter next year, just not sure for how long.

    2. Not sure about either of these guys, but I am enjoying seeing us win with the Duck.

    3. I say they go get the best QB in the draft they can get and see what happens next year. Ben starts a few games and looks old and slow and you start the rookie.

    4. Duck's future...probably a backup (here or somewhere else).
  24. Brice


    Jul 18, 2018
    Don't forget about the Wild Card sitting at the #3 spot... Paxton Lynch.

    I think Paxton has a higher ceiling than either Mason or Devlin. If he can get his head screwed on right, it would be fun to see what he could do at camp next year. All the coaches seemed to go out of their way to sing his praises during the off week, and he has been up on the 53 man roster ever since. Look for Paxton to make an outside run at the #2 spot next year when Ben returns.

    Still predicting that we will see Mason this week in the 2nd half against the Bills.
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  25. Steelersfire

    Steelersfire Well-Known Member

    Jan 17, 2019
    It’s possible that Ben will give birth and drop 50 pounds. Other than that he’s going to look like an extra offensive lineman out there.

    I think everyone here is way too down on the duck. Duck has done everything asked off him so far and it’s not his fault Randy treats any qb not named Ben like a 10 year old boy. There hasn’t been a moment yet where someone said, “see duck just can’t make that throw”

    of course it’s unlikely he’s going to be a HOFer, but no one has seen anything yet proving he can’t be a legit starter. All just all draft stock assumptions.

    No way they draft a a serious qb this draft without a 1st round pick.

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