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Cali Gov Signs Bill Allowing College Player $$$$ Endorsements

Discussion in 'Other Sports Talk' started by MojaveDesertPghFan, Sep 30, 2019.

  1. MojaveDesertPghFan


    Oct 19, 2011
    This is bound to set college sports on it's ear. The unintended consequences of this trail-blazing law that will allow college sports figures who, from what I've seen and experienced, already get everything handed to them on a silver platter for free including walk-around money (stipend) will be huge.

    The recruiting advantage that this will give to schools in big TV markets will be downright ludicrous. It's very possibly California's way to try and stick it to smaller market southeast and mid-west perennial powerhouse schools in FB and hoops since Cali schools (i.e. USC/UCLA) have fallen so far off the ladder in the last decade or so.

    I could see setting fair and equitable increased stipends and possibly deferred compensation revenue sharing, but can you imagine seeing what teenage athletes do when they suddenly come into big money knowing what often happens to older athletes when they do turn pro? (AB!!!!)

    And talk about hypocritical - the Cali legislature is one of the most anti-capitalist governing bodies on the Planet doing everything they can to kill Big Business with taxes and regulations while offering freebies to every person setting foot in it's boundaries and now will be dipping into the Capitalist trough to compensate " amateur" athletes.

    Only possible upside I see is maybe it keeps certain better athletes in school another year since they will have a slightly less enticement to jump ship for the big money grab.

  2. Jball

    Jball Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
    The only positive from a football perspective is, the guys that are idiots and unstable won't make it to the NFL before they implode. You give a bunch of dumbass college kids a bunch of money and, in a lot of cases, it's gonna go real bad. In many cases what keeps these guys motivated and on the straight and narrow is that carrot(money) being dangled just out of their reach until they get drafted.
  3. santeesteel


    Oct 17, 2011
    Did "Moonbeam" jr. add language that says college athletes have to pay all their own expenses now?
  4. MojaveDesertPghFan


    Oct 19, 2011
    I didn't hear this. My understanding is it is in addition to whatever scholarships and "deals" they already get. From the article linked above, virtually everyone who supports it, including Kimberly Guilfoyle's Ex (the new Gov), keep bringing up "race" as the main rationale to allow it. Thus the "R" word will be used against anyone who opposes it starting with the NCAA.
  5. santeesteel


    Oct 17, 2011
    Then, I guess I'm an "R". I have no problem with amateurs making money off their sport but, they shouldn't get free education along with it. The minimum tuition at USC for 2019/20 is just over $73.000.00. Anything over that should go in the athlete's pocket!
    • Agree Agree x 1

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