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New approach to watching the Steelers

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by SteelersFanFromTX, Dec 3, 2018.

  1. SteelersFanFromTX


    Jan 1, 2012
    I really need to get to the point where I don’t care so much, because the crap they pulled last night is just another installment of the Tomlin Sh!! Show. He is horrid, and the Steelers will not win with him in charge.

    I dream of the day this team starts over with Mason Rudolph at QB and Kris Richard as head coach.
  2. takenoprisoners1

    takenoprisoners1 Well-Known Member

    Nov 7, 2011
    If you want a new approach, you could always go the Sean Davis route and close your eyes.... though based on the results I don’t recommend it....
    • Like Like x 1
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  3. 58stillers


    Nov 14, 2011

    I tried that after the game..... I was sooooo :frustrated: that I couldn't fall asleep until 2:30am or so..... doesn't work well with a 5am wake up time.
  4. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
    Thats been my approach for years now, never expect them to win and their isnt any after shocks and you sleep sound after they blow a game, when the score was 23-7 at half time I told the wife that score will go downhill in the second half, and as usual it did, dont expect them to beat the raiders sunday because the raiders hung with KC 33-30 with 7 minutes left in that game, and if they hang with us sunday get ready for another shocking ending.....
  5. DSteelerCT

    DSteelerCT Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    I'm a Braves fan and the most enjoyable years were a few years ago when they scked. No expectations, no heartache, no loss of sleep. In the 20 years they were good, there was 1 ring. So not worth it.
  6. Jares

    Jares Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2016
    I had trouble getting to sleep too. It is kind of absurd to get that upset at a football game, but I invest so much time in the Steelers even in the off season that watching the same thing play out each year is just infuriating. More and more people are starting to realize that Tomlin is not a great coach. He can't keep his team disciplined and in line either on or off the field and he either can't or wont control his QB. He can't make adjustments to schemes that are not working. He consistently makes poor in-game choices. However, he's been getting a free pass from the local and national media for years now (but I think that's starting to come to an end too) and it seems like the owners are more concerned with their image of stability than with results. As a fan, it is not like I am going to go root for another team, but dang this current team is hard to get excited about Anymore.
    • Agree Agree x 3

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