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Fear The Walking Dead

Discussion in 'The Watercooler' started by Blast Furnace, Aug 23, 2015.

  1. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Oh, most of us assumed that. But since the comics and both shows only touch on the U.S. / North America, there has been a few crackpot theories over the years that it's only here, and the rest of the world quarantined N.A. I mostly blame 28 Days Later for that theory. And it was a good twist for that movie.

    Other theories speculated that the whole Walking Dead "virus" was biological warfare gone wrong (or in one crackpot theory: very right. It was one or several nations targeting the US).

    But now those theories are put to rest.

    Who's to say the cosmonaut is infected? :hmm:
  2. strummerfan

    strummerfan Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012

    Personally the biggest moment of intrigue from the mid season finale concerns Maddison's home. We know she's from Alabama so will there be some sort of crossover?
  3. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
  4. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    That's been speculated since season 1. Short answer: not any time soon if ever. That's not my words, that's the words of the producers.

    Their timelines are way off for one thing, unless Fear takes a big time skip. And they're way apart geographically, although we do know that Abraham, Rosita and Eugene would all be in or near Texas at this point in time. (now there's some crossover potential...)

    That's not to say there isn't a connection outside of just being in the same universe. A producer/show runner let slip back in season 1 that Madison is connected to the main show. Kim Dickens was told how, and the rest of the cast are in the dark. And queue the fan theories...

    Some think she's related (sister?) to Rick. Some to Daryll. Lately they've even gone to wondering if she's related somehow to Carol or even Shane. One major problem with all of these: she's from Alabama. NOT Georgia. I long thought maybe her maiden name was Dixon since it was obvious she's had a troubled past. But her latest reveal kind of dowses that one out. The Dixon's were ultimate poor white trash rednecks from deep in the south Georgia. Madison's father was a VIP in Montgomery. It appears her family wasn't poor by any stretch, nor were they countrified. If she's related in any way to any of them by now, it's probably Andrea. We don't know where exactly Andrea came from. Only that when the Zombie outbreak began, she was on a road trip with her sister to take her back to college, and then Dale found them. Maybe? Dunno. Not sure that would even matter.

    I was among a few early on who wondered if she'll turn out the be the next big villain coming down the pike after Negan is... well, not exactly resolved. That if this whole show just serves to be a prequel of sorts for the Whisperers. But even that theory has gaping holes in it.

    It's fun speculating, but for now, there just isn't enough info or evidence to form a solid conclusion.
  5. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I think (hope) her connection is to Rick or Daryll. Lover maybe? Rich girl dates poor boy Daryll to piss dad off or was involved with Rick before Lori. Or maybe worked as a deputy with Rick and Shane. I haven't thought the timeline through on any of this, makes my brain hurt, so just spit balling.
  6. strummerfan

    strummerfan Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012

    I read somewhere the other day that they created a bit of a time jump in ftwd so it would coincide with twd timeline.
  7. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    They may plan on it, but it hasn't happened yet. FTWD is only about 4-6 months into the zombie apocalypse currently, while TWD is 3-4 years after. But TWD also took a huge time jump during their prison stay of over a year.
  8. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    This link try's to piece the timeline together. They come up with 598 days, so it hasn't even been 2 years.

    It also indicates that FTWD is only a few weeks before TWD timeline and that the outbreak had already begun when Rick was shot and in a coma at the beginning of TWD.

  9. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    And there lies the problem. While geeks will obsess over little details like days mentioned, the show's writers don't seem to have made a Bible before writing. I really doubt Jenner's mentioning of 192 days since first case and 6 months since it went global would have been used if they first questioned their own timeline.

    There is simply ZERO way possible that the outbreak was already global when Rick was shot. The world was very much normal. Carl was going to school. People were going to work and living their lives. Not a SINGLE mention of an outbreak anywhere. Now, was there an isolated outbreak, or a few cases? Maybe even a small outbreak in another part of the world at that point? Sure. Very likely. But if you want to tell me that Rick got shot at around the same time they were QUARANTINING or even fire bombing Los Angeles and San Diego? No way. You'd think that would be a major point of conversation at the very least if so. And why would Rick have not a single concept of walkers when he woke up? It was all very new to him.

    And the show has other time discrepancies like the tale of the Army having a battle 6 months ago BEFORE the thing was even global by Jenner's own estimate.

    Again, sure, you can add up the numbers and get 598 days. But I don't believe those numbers were intended, they were just throwing numbers round without considering the timeline. They never really planned it out. Maybe now they will, and just live with the discrepancies.

    And it was only a year ago when one of the show's runners (Can't recall if it was Scott M. Gimple or Gale Ann Hurd) said on The Talking Dead that we were about 3-4 years ahead of the other show. I don't think they really had a set timeline yet.

    The only thing that can't be disputed is at this point in time for FTWD, Rick should be waking up.

    Edited to add: I suppose it's likely that the very first episode of FTWD coincides with the day Rick is shot or maybe a week after. What I can't get my head past is that Rick was in a coma several weeks. If it all went to hell around the time he is shot, there's no way he ever wakes up. The army and or walkers killed the entire hospital staff. Rick couldn't possibly survive more than a few days without medical care. He'd die from dehydration if nothing else in less than a week.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
  10. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I think what they were saying with Rick was that it was global as far as WHO was concerned but not epidemic levels yet. As far as Rick surviving, I recall Shane protecting him until the last second and then leaving him.

    I remember a flashback scene from TWD when Shane, Lori, Carl and others were fleeing and they saw Georgia burning in the distance. So they are right there with FTWD timeline.
  11. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Comic-Con trailer for the back half of this season:

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  12. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    so aside from the news that Lenny James (Morgan) is being added to the cast, we have 3 other rather big additions:

    Garrett Dillahunt of Deadwood fame among other places.

    Maggie Grace - aka the world's oldest 16 year old in need of Liam Neeson's special set of skills. Oh, and Lost. ;)

    And Jenna Elfman. Can't say I've seen her in very many things, but she has a resume. They just haven't been shows I usually watch.

    I'm really leaning to the idea that the show is taking a massive time jump forward.
  13. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Premieres April 15th. Which must mean it's beginning the same night as TWD's season finale? Hmmm...

  14. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    So I guess we're going to see how things got to where they are over the next few episodes. The show runners confirmed last summer that the dam collapsed in the same day that the CDC building exploded on TWD. That put them roughly 2.5 years behind TWD give or take 6 months. They said they've been at the stadium for a year. So are the "Vultures" flashbacks from a year ago? Or are we missing a year before the stadium?
  15. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Guess this show is going for the most cheap shock deaths. First Travis and now Nick.

    What a stupid way to write off a major character.
  16. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Frank Dillane asked to be written off the show last year. This wasn't about a shock death but rather about letting the actor pursue other projects. Oddly enough, the same could be said about Travis as he needed off the show to start filming the THREE Avatar sequels. Nick dying this way is fine. His pursuit of vengeance was ultimately his undoing (vengeance for what... exactly?!). If he listened to Morgan at any point before killing Ennis, he'd still be alive.

    That said, I never really cared for Nick anyway. He was selfish and reckless. Sure, they tried to make him a little more warm the last 2 seasons, and I have no problem at all with the actor. But the character Nick never really grew on me too much.

    What really worries me is WHY Nick, Alicia, et al all seem so desperate and feral. My fear is that Maddison is already dead in the current timeline. Not sure what else could make Nick homicidal. If Maddy is dead, that will piss me off. They'll basically be purging the original cast for a newer (albeit much stronger) one. They better not touch Alicia! :rant:
  17. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I hated his character when the show started but like where he ended up. All these characters on both show tend to be selfish and reckless. They should have had him meet his end on the dam then. That would have been better.

    I hadnt thought of Maddy being dead, hope thats not true, still hoping to see some kind of tie in with her to Rick or Darryl.

    Yes, better not touch Alicia :lolol:
  18. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    By far its best season, IMO.

    Don't know who is still watching but its a good build up to what went south at Maddys camp. Im starting to think the soil/fertalizer and other supplies brought back from the FEMA site was tainted.

    And John better not die, damn it Alicia.
  19. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    John won't die or he would have died right then.

    Agreed on the best season. Hell, it's as good as anything TWD ever did. Maybe better when all is said and done.

    With every episode, I get more and more nervous that Madison is dead. SOMETHING made Nick and Alicia homicidal. SOMETHING even made Strand into someone willing to risk his own neck to settle a score. I mean, it could just be that lots of people they lived with died. But this feels even more personal than that.

    Alicia thought Naomi/Laura died. Assumed due to circumstances probably. But seeing her not only alive, but also one of the Vultures, AND driving Madison's "Just in case" car? Instant rage.

    The Vultures just packing up and leaving was too easy. Was Naomi one of them all along? Or do they eventually attack (non-violent my ass), maybe even using the "caches" of walkers they have stored all over the place to send a herd at them.

    Or alternate wild fan theory: Madison isn't dead, she's gone off to get an equalizer. When next we see her, she has Daniel Salazar with her. Good luck to the Vultures then.
  20. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Meh. Wasnt happy with the scenario they came up with for it all going south.

    Guess we'll find out what happens to Maddy next week anyway.
  21. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Yeah. I think the writing's on the wall there. A dirge is playing somewhere.

    We haven't seen Madison or even heard her mentioned in the current timeline. Nick and Alicia went all homicidal and animalistic. Even Strand and Lucia are out for nothing but blood. Didn't Strand say something like "We're not here for just one guy. We're here to kill them all." when Alicia was so focused on Mel? Does that sound like Strand, ever? He's always looking for an angle to benefit himself even if it means dealing with the devil. Now he suddenly wants to kill an entire group of people, no questions asked? Why? What could possibly have happened to garner that kind of rage and scorched earth revenge blood thirst in all of them? Only one thing comes to my mind...

    This week's The Talking Dead guests are Coleman Domingo (2 weeks in a row?), Alycia Debnam-Carey (yes, please) and a "Surprise mystery guest." Now, we all know that usually means someone who just died. Couple that with the show having on the only 2 other "Year one" stars left currently, and I'm almost positive it's Kim Dickens. So long, Madison. You deserved better.

    Unless they've just pulled off the biggest misdirect possible. At least she isn't hiding under a dumpster.

    The good news is the show runners confirmed Daniel is still alive and we WILL see him again.

    I'm beginning to wonder if this whole Morgan crossover is meant to whittle down the group into 6 or 7 core characters, and then merge them into the main show. With all of the key TWD actors leaving lately, and that cast sure to get even smaller soon, a merge might breathe enough new life into th show to keep it going for a few more years. (Yeah. If you haven't heard, Andrew Lincoln and Lauren Cohan are both leaving the show next season. Rick will only be in 6 episodes. Maggie 7 or 8. No word on how they'll be written out... but it's TWD, no one gets out alive. Norman Reedus is being offered HUGE money to commit to staying on the show for several more years. 20 million a season. Maybe Le'veon should take up acting. ;))
  22. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Only way I can think of Maddison being alive is if they pull the old, oh, we thought you were dead scenario. Maybe a herd of Walkers swarmed her but a dumpster was nearby :lolol:

    I doubt it though, it appears a lot of actors want to move on from both shows and pursue other things. I had not heard about Lincoln but sure I would have soon. Have no idea why they would let that out of the bag unless he is already signed onto another project. Show will probably end for me when he leaves, I think thats just dumb. End the show already, pay him a heap of money and tell him we'll wrap the show up in season 10.

    If a cure and happy ending aren't to be, then whats the point, how many more similar storylines are you going to regurgitate to just keep it going.

    I would end it season 10 with either, living how they are now in these communities and Walkers are just a part of life or you save the world.
  23. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    I dunno. Robert Kirkman has said many times that Rick will NOT live until the end of the story as far as the comics go. Could be that they've realized that to follow all of the comics, they'd need 20 seasons and have decided (along with Lincoln's desire to move on) to speed things up a bit. They have plenty of key characters left to carry the story. And killing off Rick and/or Maggie would certainly raise the stakes of "no one is safe." Just as no one would have believed they'd kill off Nick. Now we're all just assuming Maddy is dead.
  24. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Called it. April 30th to be exact. (covered by a spoiler tag no less)

    The good news is Kim Dickens just said that she as well as everyone from the original cast is "locked down" to start filming a Deadwood movie later this year. :rawk: Now, she emphasized that it isn't an "official announcement" yet, but all signs point to go.

    I've seen Alycia even more attractive on The Talking Dead. But that dress...

    The more attractive time? Maybe I just like girls kind of scarey. :lolol:

  25. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Yup and I didnt see any dumpsters near by. Unlike Nick and Cliff, who wanted off the show, Kim Dickens didnt want off, so her death pisses me off more than the others. According to the The Talking Dead, she was completely shocked when she got the script. They never got into her past which was widely speculated about, just that you knew it was dark. They dropped the ball to do so much more with her, IMO.

    Been an excellent season though, agree with a previous post of yours, better than TWD.

    Yeah, hummuna hummuna hummuna
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