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Gradkowski signed

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by dobbler-33, May 1, 2016.

  1. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011

    More long winded bs to trick readers into thinking he posted something relevant.
  2. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    I probably have to put myself down as a troll as well. For a while I also had Vick as my avatar. Although, there was also a dog doing something doggie style to Vick. Non the less, not the way my mother raised me.
    Last edited: May 15, 2016
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  3. MorrisFoster

    MorrisFoster Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    I couldn't care less about some popularity contest.

    Vick 2015 = Gradkowski 2009 > every other year of Gradkowski's career.

    You have once again taken a strong position on an unimportant issue.

    Last year Vick was the #2 QB because Landry wasn't fully trusted. This year Landry will be the #2 so it matters a lot less who the #3 is.

    That is my pretty tame opinion. You won't find me calling a 4x Probowler "the worst QB in the league."
  4. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    I will have to agree with Morris that Vick is a tremendous athlete. But his days as a good QB ended years ago. There was nothing good to be gained when he was signed and a lot of bad.
  5. MorrisFoster

    MorrisFoster Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Vick was never a good pocket QB though. Vick has always struggled with accuracy and timing.

    Now that he has lost a step a big portion of his game has been taken away. He can still beat a linebacker to the edge but he can't dodge defenders like he used to.

    I would say Vick's NFL career is over. The fact that he was able to be a starting QB in the NFL after the dog thing speaks to his physical talent.

    Vick only played one 16 game season as well. Injuries are nothing new to him. Vick is about as durable as RGIII.

    Vick still throws a good deep ball. He has very good arm strength.

    I warmed up to Vick's signing after the season began. There aren't a lot of teams whose backup QB makes the minimum and has 112 games of starting experience and a winning record at that.
  6. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I'm going to disagree on the reason why Vick had a job and it had nothing to do with team confidence in Landry Jones. I firmly believe Vick had a job based solely on Coach Tomlin and his love affair for the man. I never like saying a coach has a man crush on a player (abundance of evidence I don't) but clearly Tomlin had a huge crush and used all the pull he had to get Vick signed even though he was a wrong fit and couldn't run the offense.
  7. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    I doubt your intent was the same, but if you wish to wear that hat, by all means... :)

  8. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011

    You're amusing as hell. Wonder if you even believe half the stuff that falls out of your mouth :lolol:

    Keep cherry picking your stats, everyone else will believe their own eyes, the ones that saw that travesty gracing a football field last year. Guess you know better the 32 GM's. Even Tomlin couldn't justify giving another handout to that sorry excuse of a QB, gave the job to a guy who missed a season due to injury. Or, maybe he tried and Colbert said NFW this time. Thank God.

    Worst QB in the league, I can say that easy. And since he is jobless, pretty obvious.
  9. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    Reading your posts on Vick I can't figure out if you think he's good or not.
    Seems like you're more concerned with playing Devils advocate and getting under Blasts skin to me.
  10. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I think that is the case Glenn. Way back on page 2 he was telling everyone that he didn't want either of them but at least wanted everyone to admit that Vick was better than Grad although by his own admission Vick's accuracy was never there, his fit for the system was wrong and the only he had going for him his running skills which even those had suffered. Since then he has been throwing out stats about Vick in the hopes that people will see that those stats support that Vick is the better QB than Grad which he may have been at one time in a different system. Clearly though the Steelers felt that Grad was the better fit for what they do as shown by his resigning after not throwing a meaningful pass in two years or more and Vick never having been in the plans to begin with. So basically it comes down to what the front office believes versus MorrisFosters cherry picked stats and that itself proves him wrong
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  11. MorrisFoster

    MorrisFoster Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Umm probably the front office realizes that a girl scout would have better durability and a better chance of finishing a game than Vick.

    Reliability should be a main point of value for a backup QB. There isn't much point in having Vick on the roster when he can't dodge defenders and is now being hit square.

    I feel I've been very consistent with my opinion on Vick.

    If you look at average passer rating for 2015 Vick's career of 79 would be 28th. The worst team passer rating was St Louis with 74. Gradkowski's career passer rating is 66. It isn't even on the same scale as other QBs.

    It is just very annoying to me to hear all the groupthink and hear overwhelmingly positive reviews of Gradkowski. Some of the personnel decisions the Steelers make are mind boggling... but this one was not based on Vick being made of glass.

    That's it. That's all. You can't trust Vick to finish even one single game. That means the other backup QB will be playing for him anyways. That is the entire summation of the logic behind Vick being done in the NFL. He couldn't finish a season when he was 26 let alone 36.

    That doesn't change the stupidity of an argument like "Vick is the worst QB in the NFL because no one wants an insanely injury prone 36 year old."

    Not one of you has a problem with that sort of logical fallacy? And no one has a problem with "Tomlin used his power to overrule Colbert and Haley to employ Vick"?

    Maybe Colbert thought that signing a 4x Probowler to a league minimum contract was a good idea? I would want to see at the very least anecdotal evidence to the contrary.
  12. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
  13. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Where the frak are you getting this stuff? He wasn't resigned because he couldn't play. The only one talking about his fragility is you. Vick could have written an epic ending to his redemption story but couldn't make a five yard slant throw to close out a game, couldn't get on the same page as the best wr in the game, use the most reliable TE in the game or utilize two of the best rbs in Pittsburgh since the Bus retired. Now you want to compare stats for a 1st Rd franchise QB that had a Hella career before going to jail to a career backup who fits the system the Steelers play then yes your creative number crunching will show Vick is greater than Grad but stop dodging the issue which is play on the field, not durability but actual play on the field and Vick proved he was done at least in Pittsburgh.
  14. MorrisFoster

    MorrisFoster Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Gradkowski doesn't fit any system. He has no deep ball. Defenses can play a cover 2 or cover 3 in a compressed field all day.

    Nobody who has any sense would argue Gradkowski's on field play has kept him employed. Period.

    Tomlin said Grad is a great extra set of eyes and brings experience which in this case has to be Tomlin telling the truth.
  15. MorrisFoster

    MorrisFoster Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    "Wahh! Vick lost to the Ravens in OT! Wahh! Worst QB ever! Wahh!"

    Let's ignore Ben had a horrible game in the second matchup and also lost by 3 points.

    Ben threw 2 picks and a third pick six was called back on an offside.

    Only Vick can't have bad games.
  16. MorrisFoster

    MorrisFoster Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    If Boswell had been the kicker in week 4 Vick would have won that game too. Not only would Boswell have made at least 3/4 FGs but also Bos would have kicked the game winner in OT from 49. If he missed he would have been the scapegoat instead of the failed 4th and 1.

    The story of the first loss to the Ravens was Scobee.

    I'm told Tomlin never lives in his fears... by Tomlin... who I am told never lies... but I smell a conspiracy when he won't try a 49 yard kick to win the game. Are you sure Tomlin wasn't afraid? Damn where is my tin foil hat?
  17. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Pocket QB vs a running QB does fit what they do especially when they want to use a short passing game to get rid the ball quickly.
  18. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    boy is this desperate. Trying to make your point by using bad games by Ben? are you really going there? I mean do you really want the Ben Brigade to descend upon you with actual valid stats? Maybe you do
  19. MorrisFoster

    MorrisFoster Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    The only QBs arguably better than Ben are Aaron Rodgers, Tom Brady and maybe Russell Wilson. The way Ben is playing now is unreal. He still has bad games.

    Remember Wilson throwing 4 INTs last year vs GB? Brady vs the Donkeys this year? Montana vs the Giants? Elway getting embarrassed in multiple Super Bowls?

    But Vick loses in OT to a Ravens team that also beat the Steelers with Roethlisberger and all anyone can talk about is a missed 4th and 1 that should have been a FG. (Not blaming Tomlin for trying a 49 yarder with a bad kicker... Boswell makes that though.)

    Funny that you didn't care when Blast said "Gradkowski completed 2/3 passes only to have Ben come in and throw an INT."

    Double standard much?!

    Vick went 1-1 as a starter for the Steelers last year. His win was a 4th quarter game einning drive and his loss was in OT to the Steelers nemesis Ravens who always play tough.

    Hardly "the worst QB in the NFL." You don't have a problem with that either. :facepalm:
  20. MorrisFoster

    MorrisFoster Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    Meh. The running bit worked out pretty well when Vick ran for 30 yards on his game winning drive vs the Chargers.

    Vick also still throws a great deep ball like the one he laid perfectly on 4.3 speed Martavis Bryant on his way to a 72 yard TD.
  21. MorrisFoster

    MorrisFoster Well-Known Member

    Feb 8, 2014
    ^Also... no one jumps on this conspiracy theory? No? No takers?

    This one is fine because it is anti-Vick?
  22. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011

    This is someone else's hyperbole that you have grabbed onto and are using a lot. I don't think Vick was the worst QB in the NFL I just don't think he can play anymore and again wasn't right for the offensive system that is used in Pittsburgh. You are again using some interesting stats to prove what exactly? That Qb's have bad games? Is anyone denying this? All they are doing is muddying the water and don't address whether or not Vick can make the plays required on the field. Yep at one time he was the best thing since sliced bread not anymore.
  23. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    It is my personal conspiracy theory I'll admit to that but it what allows me to believe that a organization that has has much pride in its image would sign a polarizing figure like Vick.
  24. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Interesting are you sure about hitting Bryant?
  25. Thigpen82

    Thigpen82 Bitter optimist

    Oct 17, 2011
    I believe the 72 yarder was Wheaton.

    He threw a 63 yarder to Bryant, but it was in preseason against the Bills.

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