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DirecTV Sunday Ticket vs. NFL Game Rewind

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by HugeSnack, Sep 7, 2014.

  1. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I could use some advice from anyone who has used NFL Game Rewind before.

    For years I've used DirecTV Sunday Ticket at a discounted price. It used to be you just threatened to leave and they'd give you a discount. Every year. But now (maybe because of the AT&T thing?) they aren't budging. It's full price or nada. That's $240 for the games alone, and $340 if I want the package that include Short Cuts, which I like because they make grading faster and easier and they reduce used DVR space by like 80%. That might just be too much money for me. Plus, I hate the principle of the thing. ALL I want is the game and the shortcut of ONE team, but I'm paying for every game for every team, plus all of their short cuts, plus a list of like 10 more features I have no use for, most of them fantasy-related. Plus I'll only use it for 9 or so weeks anyway, because the game is available for 5 night games, plus a couple others that will spring up for me randomly. I swear, if they would let you pay a la carte I'd never leave them.

    Here comes along NFL Game Rewind. From what I understand, for $30 I can watch every Steelers game online (hours after it ends though, not live) and I'll get "condensed games", which I assume is the same as the Short Cuts offered on DirecTV.

    The downside of course is that I'd HATE to not see the games live and either live in a cave all day or know the score and what happens before I see it. If I can't take it, might wind up in a restaurant or bar during game time, which would cost me another $10 per game that I can't see live at home (about 9 games).

    My questions for anyone that's used it before:

    -Are the Condensed Games as good as the Short Cuts?
    -For the $30 package the Coach's Film is only for "select plays." How select? Like touchdowns and turnovers?
    -How good is the Coach's Film? Is it worth the extra $40 to get it for every play?

    Gun to my head prediction, I'm probably leaning towards dropping Sunday Ticket and buying the rewind, plus going to a bar & grille to watch the games live and pay for an appetizer or something. That'd run me about $120 and it's a bigger hassle, but at least it'd save me $150 I wouldn't feel as much like a sucker. What say yinz?
  2. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    I'm interested in hearing about this as well. I also dropped Sunday Ticket, even though they did offer me a $200 price for the full package to stay. My reason was different - due to other stuff going on I can't commit to being home for football every Sunday afternoon this fall. I have to admit though - I'm sick of the exclusivity arrangement, and may never get Sunday Ticket again. I have been noodling over the Rewind and Coaches film packages on NFL.com. Maybe this year is the year that I splurge.
  3. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    I don't mean this in a bad way toward either of you , but I think in Directv's eyes you guys are in a very small minority.
    $240 is really cheap when you think about what you're getting. Not much more than a tank of gas and dinner and a movie out with the wife.
    17 weeks of any game you want to watch, I love it!
    I know money is tight these days so I understand that. It would be nice if they just offered a team package for say $99 for a season or $9.99 per game.
    Snack you talk about grading the players, do you do that for a blog or work? Just curious.
  4. doubleyoi


    Apr 26, 2012
    I got the same discount as Steel_Elvis by saying I would drop.

    When I tried NFL Game rewind a few years ago I wasn't happy with the quality. Most of that is likely due to my crappy Brighthouse ISP connection though. Also, if I remember right you cannot watch anytime a game is on TV, which is alot of my free time so it didn't work well with my schedule.

    I liked the idea of the coaches tape but in reality I didn't use it much.
  5. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    I'll chime in, but I'm afraid I really can't be of too much help, as I've never had DirecTV. I get Game Rewind every year and have for several years.

    I don't think I've ever once watched the condensed versions of games.

    I didn't know they gave you any coaches film without getting season plus.

    It's great. I love it. I couldn't live without it. Yes. Yes. Yes!

    That might be overstating it a bit, but the All-22 is worth it. The coaches film generally isn't available until late Tuesday or Wednesday, so that's something to consider. One thing I like a lot about it is that you can just click on a play and it takes you right to it. Once in a blue moon you have one that's not synced right, or doesn't have tracking until they fix it, but it's pretty rare.

    The games aren't available when a live game is airing, in case anyone isn't aware of that. I usually watch games online through other means if they're not on my tv, and watch it again when it's available on Rewind. Then watch it again once the coaches film is available. To each his own, though. I think I have a 10% off code somewhere I can dig for if you'd like. No promises though.
  6. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I'm pretty sure there is a support group out there to help people like you :smiley1:
  7. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    For me it was less about the money, and more about having a lot of other things to do on Sundays. I got married in June, and we're working on selling her place and moving stuff over. I will admit though, I'm getting tired of having to go with DirecTV to get Steeler games. Technology has come far enough for the NFL to sell individual games on demand through cable providers. Dealing with DirecTV is getting a bit annoying to me because it's always the same old deal as an existing subscriber - threaten to leave; get a good price & updated equipment for 1 year with a 2 year renewal, and then pay through the nose for year 2. Rinse & repeat. It's enough to make your local cable provider sound attractive.
  8. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    I come here everyday, but it doesn't seem to be helping. :lolol:

    I actually left out some watching, but I didn't want to sound like too much of a freak.
  9. truckin9999

    truckin9999 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    to late...lol
  10. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
  11. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Where do you take your wife to dinner?? :eek: Taco Bell + a good spot just outside the drive-in fence = $6.99 for the night. :thumbs_up:

    There's two ways of looking at it - if you compare it to the cost of attending all of those games, it's a steal. If you compare it to the cost of watching TV, it's not a steal at all. And what really gets me is the packages. Not just the idea of packages, but specifically the way they've arranged it. You HAVE to buy ALL this stuff that I think lots of people don't care about. I don't think I'm in the minority when it comes to the reason I watch (to follow my favorite team). How many people need to see every team every week? And the fantasy stats that are inescapable anyway online and on the screen during games?

    I think a lot of people are in my boat. There's one game a week they need to see that they can't, and that happens 9-11 times per year. That's $27 per game, $38 per game if you spring for the short cuts. And they can rationalize it by saying they're giving me all this other stuff I have no interest in. To me it's like if McDonald's charged $100 for a hamburger, and then when you got it they included 20 fish sandwiches. And in this scenario, I'm a hamburger addict along with the rest of the country, and McDonald's is the only place in the world that has any hamburgers. It's price gouging. And the real situation is even worse, because there's probably little to no overhead by giving me all those extra games, compared to the cost that would actually exist if McDonald's gave me 20 fish sandwiches. DirecTV could easily provide a product we all want at a reasonable price (a hamburger for 5, 10, or even 20 dollars), but it refuses to do so in the name of jacking up the price.

    I grade for my own knowledge, although I would totally take a paid position somewhere if you're hiring. I mostly want to be able to know when to agree with PFF and when to call them a big pile of ****. :)
  12. PWP

    PWP Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    I am with TTF. I did fail to get it last year was working multiple jobs and the slow start to our season sent me in a state of depression.lol. The all 22 is very good tape ,you can watch all the individual spots you want to.
  13. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    What exactly is it like? How many camera angles to you get? I know it has the end zone camera and the super far back camera that shows all 22 players, but can you also get individual matchups or sideline views or anything?
  14. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Thanks for the answers. I'm thinking I'll start with the "one team" package, and upgrade later if I feel like I want to see more. I'm assuming they'll be willing to take my money later.

    Luckily, DirecTV had a free preview today, and we play night games the next two weeks. I don't have to decide for 3 more weeks. :)
  15. PWP

    PWP Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    Mainly End Zone ,but you can zoom, and you do have multiple angles on most plays. Not sure if it changed going to get it after we beat the Ravens.

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