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Steelers Vs Titans Post Game Complaint Thread

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Real steel, Sep 8, 2013.

  1. steelers5859

    steelers5859 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    I went to this game and everyone has posted enough reasons why we are so bad right now. Everyone has said what I wanted to say and I'm not going to rehash it again.

    But I will say this, If you are not worried about this team after last year, preseason and the 1st game, you are wearing the homer glasses.
  2. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
  3. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    Can I be worried after game one and be a homer?
  4. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Can I drink koolaid instead of being a homer?
  5. numbah58

    numbah58 Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Agreed, I'm in that camp as well.
  6. numbah58

    numbah58 Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    The Kool-Aid is a little bitter right now BF. I sure wish they'd sweeten it up a little so I could partake again. Maybe next Monday night.. :beg:
  7. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    I think this team has all the tools and the right leadership/organization to make a run at the next 2 or 3 Super Bowls!

    They look like they are starting to gel on Offense and the Defense is just a few turn-overs away from being a rival to the great ones of old!

    I see at least 4 shut-outs coming and expect to see 30 points on Offense a game for the next 5-6 games!

    These guys are exciting to watch!
  8. Bleedsteel


    Oct 16, 2011
    Wow... Where to even start with all that negativity?
    If I hadn`t seen ya on the board so long, I would think you were a troll,,,
    Kinda like Redsteel, I think it was, who said Pouncey had to be "made of glass" to keep getting hurt like this, in their very first post.
    Yeah, I have been concerned with him being "injury prone', but there is NO WAY IN HELL you can fault him for this one!!!
    I was wondering if someone from another team hired DeCastro to take him out.
    Ya couldn`t do it any better if you tried!:facepalm:
    As for your bunch of critsism, a lot of it is justified...
    And it looks like you won`t have to worry about Foote anymore.
    Not that you were the only one complaining, but Y`all got your wish.
    I didn`t think he was so bad as to need to be replaced, but that`s a moot point now...
    And none of us have a crystal ball, to see if Bell will be the answer or not, as he hasn`t played a snap yet.
    He definitely has a challenge, given how we have blocked, SO FAR... But part of the reason we preferred him to Lacy, was his ability to create on his own...
    We`ll see, jury`s still out there...
    I`m not one to say Ben doesn`t have his faults, but... "LACK OF MOBILITY?!?!".... Reallly, the guy who has played sandlot football, and escaped the rush since he has been here, to create plays outta nuthing, and been criticized for not being a "pocket passer" has "MOBILITY" ISSUES???!!!
    OK, if that`s how you see it, fine... I would like to see him get back to scrambling for a first down, when he HAS to, also...
    But I would have to list him as the LEAST of our problems...
    What else...
    The recievers... Not too much to say, there.
    I think they are average to better than average, but not the best in the league.
    I doubt any D "FEARS" them, but I`m pretty sure they "respect" them, and prepare for them accordingly. Not that they think, "Oh Goodie, I got an easy day against Brown, Sanders, Cotchery, and (hopefully soon, Wheaton)...
    What`s left? Coach T...?
    Well, again, I don`t think he`s the BEST I`ve evr seen, some of his choices leave me scratching my head, but...
    "A dunce"???? The worst in the league???
    NO! I can`t go anywhere near that far... Could we do better? Probably, but a lotta oteher teams would be better off with him at the helm, as well...
    At the end of the day, enjoy your Sunday Ticket, and "flip around the dial", all you want.
    No one`s stoppin ya...
    I will keep watchin my Steelers thru the good and bad.
    One thing I think I will do, tho, is try to stop defending them, until they show me good reason to.
    I am tired of making up "excuses", or clinging to "hope"...
    I need to be convinced that this team can live up to our traditions, before I get my expectations up, again!
    I see all the talent on the roster, then I see how they play...
    It`s dissappointing, and I`m tired of it!!!
    I will ALWAYS bleed Black and Gold,
    But I`ve gotta keep my mouth shut, until they give me legitamite reasons to tell other team`s fans, why mine is better than heirs!
    The history is what it is, and I can always fall back on that, in an argument, but, currently, they just ain`t given me enuff to brag about!!
    GIVE ME SUMTHIN TO TALK SMACK ABOUT, AGAIN!!!:praying::herewego!:
  9. rutan74

    rutan74 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Troll? I already answered the 3 questions!! I am not going to justify my experience with the Steelers or Pittsburgh. Let's just say that I was at opening day at the now defunct Three Rivers and at the 74 All Star game. I also saw the last ball hit over the right field roof at Forbes Field and I have stood at that corner in Oakland more than once to watch the cop direct traffic, only I did not make the Candid Camera episode. I have a great deal of loyalty to the city, but I refuse to drink the Kool-Aid and be part of the Peoples Temple.

    Now, on to more serious matters. I do not bleed black and gold. I grew up with the Steelers but seeing that they do not pay me, I do not carry water for them. Without the likes of folks that can see the forest for the trees, this would be a pretty boring place. I quit "caring" whether the Steelers win or lose a long time ago. I enjoy watching them and do my best to see them on Dtv. I do adorn my house, car, and dog with assorted Steeler items! I'm sure the Rooney's are thankful that I continually support mediocrity. You know, support the average guy kind of thing, only its the Steelers that are average, or are they even average?

    What's the use? I sat here and listened to everyone tell us that the preseason does not matter and the problems will get sorted out. That come regular season when it counts, everything will be hunky-dory. After the first week, many are asking who we will take with the 3rd pick in next years draft. Let's just say that we all saw it coming, but many were and still are refusing to believe the writing on the wall. We all want the Steelers to play well and remind us of those 6 SB titles, but this team is more than a few bricks from a load.

    The only difference between this Steeler team and the Titanic, is the Titanic had a band.

    The Steelers are asleep at the wheel and it appears someone needs to wake old man Rooney from his nap if that is possible. Meanwhile all the fans will continue to march lock step to Heinz field and plunk down their hard earned cash to watch this years version of the Three Stooges Pigskin Follies. Kind of like Field of Dreams where they will come and plunk down 10 dollars without even thinking about it. At least we KNEW the Pirates were awful, yet I still love baseball and still plunked down my 10 bucks. No so with the Steelers. A mere blip in the road. Injuries caused our defeat. If only, if only. Wait till Bell gets in there. Wait till Ben has more than 30 seconds in the pocket then you'll see. I keep hearing that the Steelers never get up for the weaker NFL members and you will see Tomlin light that fire under their butts this week and well, you will see. Remember Oakland is the cry heard from the locker room!! I get all teary eyed. Kool-Aid? No thanks.

    At least in the late 60's and early 70's when the Steelers were still losing, they instilled a belief that things are about to get better and thus we could deal with a one win season. At least Joe Greene was hitting someone and getting ejected! Somehow though now, I don't feel so good about a one win season but next years draft will be exciting for the Steelers I can guarantee you that.

  10. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011
    Well, as for Ben's mobility...We can all agree he doesn't run around very picturesque.

    He looks like a wallowing beast and he tends to go down awkwardly, which leads to injuries.

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