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DeCastro's new job

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by steelersrock151, Feb 20, 2025.

  1. Kreighoff

    Kreighoff Well-Known Member

    Nov 25, 2017
    It makes bad bar bands freaking awesome. It increases appetite and makes potato chips addictive.
    It also awakens the mind for eg. after ten years of heavy use and then you quit you get that WTF have I been doing for the last ten years.
    I was going through my album collection and sometimes just had to ask myself what was I smoking when I bought this.
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  2. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    I recently had a flare up of Piriformis Syndrome. My previous 2 bouts of it were incredibly painful and I literally couldn't walk for almost 2 weeks the first time - almost a week the second. Like, I was unable to even move my leg forward. I needed crutches and had to drag my leg along. And walking (especially stairs) was still painful for a while after.

    So when it flared up again and was getting progressively worse throughout the day, I thought, "here we go again." I expected to be out of commission for another 1-3 weeks. Fortunately, I know better how to treat it now. Between stretches, exercises, NSAIDS, and frequent heat, I can keep it loose and at least function. But I gotta tell you, the Lord's lettuce (actually, edibles containing it's best ingredients) really helped too. I never lost the ability to walk. The pain was much more bearable. And I recovered much faster. How much of that is thanks to THC/Terpenes and CBD is up for debate. Aggressive measures with heat, NSAIDS and stretching no doubt did most of the work. But it definitely helped.

    I'm a lifelong migraine sufferer. And nothing works better for that for me... and I've tried most of them.

    And that's not even why I've been prescribed its use. Which it helps both of those conditions (not going to elaborate) very well too. Not a cure. But helps.

    Of course, I don't use recreationally 97% of the time. And I only ever overindulged by accident (read your labels, people! :roflmao:A story for another time). It takes very little to achieve my desired effect - which is well below getting "high" or stoned. Not that I have anything against people who do use it just for fun. I was in college once upon a time when dinosaurs roamed the Earth too ;). And then I was never even around the stuff for over 35 years. I've only began using in the last year.

    I see it as no worse than alcohol. As long as you're being responsible and not letting it control your life or act foolishly/recklessly, you do you. Just don't do it when you need to be safe or can affect the safety of others. And don't smoke/vape around people. It's rude unless they're also indulging. Let's face it, even vaping flower doesn't smell great. It lingers less and smells way better than smoke, but it still is fairly pungent. And the oil/resin type vapes (similar to e-cigs) can even be unpleasant for some people. And much like alcohol, if it begins taking over your life, affecting relationships, work and responsibilities, it's time to reevaluate and step back.
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  3. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    I don’t use it just because I don’t enjoy it but I certainly agree.
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  4. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    I can't say I "enjoy" it. I don't use it to get high as a kite.

    But having once "greened out" because I was an idiot and didn't read a damned label, I can say that I absolutely did NOT enjoy that.

    I thought they were 10 mg gummies. They were 50. They were designed to dissolve SLOWLY between your cheek and gum - I chewed 2 of them up and sucked the marrow from their bones. Usually, an edible takes about an hour and a half to kick in for me. I was heavily under the influence in 30 minutes. By the hour mark, I knew I was in trouble. :lolol: Even if I had let them dissolve slowly, it still would have been too much for me (yes, I'm aware those are rookie numbers to actual stoners. I'm not a stoner). But I probably would have handled it better. By chewing it up and ingesting it all at once, it hit me like a truck. I'm talking about clinging to grass to keep from falling off the Earth. And then everything started spinning. :sick: It was not a fun time.

    I actually called my wife who was at work with the opening line, "I @#!#ed up..." I had her talk to me / talk me down for over an hour until I hit the 3 hour mark. I knew that would be the peak and at that point, it wouldn't get any worse. Then, I laid down and became one with the couch. Closed my eyes and woke up 5 hours later. :lolol:

    Alcohol never did me like that. But then, it would be like thinking you're drinking 3 pints of beer, but it was 3 pints of whiskey. :tequila:

    I see videos now and then of people who took 1000 mgs by accident. I know you really can't OD on it, but I think I'd die anyway - of shame if nothing else.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2025 at 9:43 AM
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  5. forgotten1

    forgotten1 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2022

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