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Discussion in 'The Bill Nunn Draft Room' started by gpguy, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    I think I agree with you on that Elivs haha
  2. pjgruden


    Oct 16, 2011
    That was their plan all along! They wanted the future to be full of single digit first round draft picks. :dancing:
  3. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    According to this article, Smith is still a 49er until March 12th.

  4. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    You guys are so much fun. This is a perfect example of the lack of imagination I was talking about, that I knew would come. When Smith became healthy again and Harbaugh decided to stick with Kaep, that was a controversy. Kaepernick had absolutely exploded, piling up the yards and touchdowns, and it was still a controversy to leave him in. Smith had been one of the best QBs in football for the last year and a half. Kaepernick was a question mark.

    Smith led them to the NFCCG last year, and they would have won if Kyle Williams hadn't fumbled three times, including once right at the end of the game in his own territory. The same crowd that booed him for the previous 6 years said the loss was all on Alex because of one stat, the 3rd down conversion rate, even though you couldn't really point to more than a couple plays that he didn't do well. And he didn't have any major mistakes, and he threw two TDs on a wet, slippery day. Again, without fumbled punt return in crunch time in their own end (Ricardo Colclough style), plus another fumbled PR earlier, they go to the Super Bowl. Alex was playing even better this year. I see no evidence to support the idea that they wouldn't have gotten to and won the Super Bowl with Alex Smith at quarterback.

    I guess we'll never know for sure if they would have gotten there anyway or if he would have crumbled in one of the playoff games (like Kaep did in the Super Bowl <---oops, not helping my trade value), but I can tell you with certainty that if Smith had started that game, he'd have a Super Bowl ring. 4 downs from inside the 10? Smith would have picked them apart, not panicked and thrown a 5 yard hail mary. He wouldn't have missed wide open receivers near the goal line, like Kaep did on that drive and on earlier drives. He had a rocky beginning to his career, but the minute they put in an offense that catered to his strengths, he became a franchise quarterback. Harbaugh got credit for that, but really all he had to do was not be as stupid as the million coaches before him. As a 49er fan, I can tell you: they were stupid. "Duuhhh... whys donts we makes it sos it's easy for him?" is the brilliance that has people calling Harbaugh a miracle worker. Sadly, it is smarter than any of his predecessors.

    Kaepernick, on the other hand, has started what, like 10 games in his career, and it has not been all highs. He's explosive and loaded with potential, but so was Cam Newton as a rookie. Kevin Kolb also looked fantastic after 10 games. Smith has about 5 turnovers a year, many of which come off of tips and drops. Kaepernick, on the other hand, is more likely to go out there and cost you a game. And that's what we know for sure. Think about the future. If you guys think defenses won't get around to stopping him from running for his success, you're mistaken. His success will ultimately be determined by his ability to read defenses, and so far that has been hit and miss. The last time we saw it, it was miss.

    I don't want to harp too badly on Colin for his Super Bowl performance. It wasn't terrible or anything. He made a lot of plays in the 2nd half to get them back into the game. But even aside from the mistakes, the plays he didn't make were just plain ugly and inexcusable, and not anything a mature quarterback would make. The missed throw on the first scoring drive. Not throwing it to a wide open Crabtree at the end of the first half on a play clearly specifically designed to go to Crabtree, and taking that lame sack instead. Forcing a throw to a clearly covered Crabtree on 3rd down at the end and bypassing a wide open Delanie Walker. Panicking on 4th down and lofting a 5% pass instead of walking into the end zone like Tebow that time against the Jets.

    I would have every reason to world to make this decision if I was GM of the 49ers, which is what I thought this was all about. I don't want to think, "Wait, that's what I would do, but the 49ers GM probably wouldn't do that, so I better not." This decision makes sense to me, and even if you would decide to go with potential over a sure thing, you should have the brain power to understand my decision to go the other way. WHICH, might I add, I haven't made yet. To help me make the decision, I am going to see what kind of offers I get. If I can get twice as much for Kaepernick than I would for Smith, and I was already torn on what to do, that might push me over the edge. We are a team in win-now mode, and we know Smith is a guy who can do that. Kaepernick could be Kordell Stewart and Drew Brees all rolled up into one, or he could be Kordell Stewart and Kyle Boller all rolled up into one. The next couple of seasons will decide that, and maybe this GM would rather take a QB that it knows can get the job done and has a great team around him than roll the dice and possibly waste the "open window" years. If you look at the way things are on the field, and not just what you know the coach is thinking and what ESPN is reporting, you have to acknowledge that this is a viable option. This isn't Tom Brady and Drew Bledsoe, who was done and overrated anyway. This is a promising question mark with a higher ceiling and lower floor and a proven veteran with a higher floor and lower ceiling. If you want to say Harbaugh was right for sticking with Kaep because he got to the Super Bowl, go ahead. But what I saw in that Super Bowl was an inexperienced kid who was too flustered by the pressure of the situation to make even basic decisions necessary to win the game. I am sure Smith wins that game. It's not as simple as Harbaugh making a great decision. He made the decision to live by the sword and die by the sword, and in the end he died by it.

    If this is about making the decisions we would make, then what I've done is a perfect example of how a group mock draft should work. You're welcome. If it's about doing what we think will happen, then put Alex on the Chiefs right now, make a post banning anything interesting from happening so it doesn't happen again, and delay the beginning of our mock until April 26th.
  5. SteelByDesign

    SteelByDesign Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    I'm with HugeSnack(I think because that was way too long to read all of it). As long as the trade is fair and semi-realistic then I say allow it.

    Anywho the Browns are looking to...

    * Trade the #6 pick to move down
    * Trade Brandon Weeden and/or Colt McCoy
    * Acquire a QB
    * Acquire 3-4 defensive pieces
  6. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    Just to get everything covered and set for when i make my final decision...

    If we tried the idea of a "trade approval committee"...I'll need 2 other DEPENDABLE people to be on it with me...PM ME if your a long term member of this "game" and if you're interested (even though I have a couple people in mind)..sorry to the newer guys...but I need/want vets for this if we're going to try it.

    Also we still have 12 teams...tell your friends/etc on here to join...as soon we might have to open it to people taking second teams (though that will be a few days away...as I'd like to have this up at least a week before I decide to do that).

  7. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    Someone may want to PM a few of the 'regulars' who haven't been on in the last week or so (GB, The Drunken GM, PWP, Beastly, etc...), so they know it's starting and have a chance to get the team they want.
  8. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    I guess I can shoot them a message. I havent had time to go over last years GMs and see who is missing yet...I'll have the pull the old thread up and contact them.
  9. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    I'm in the process of sending out about 10 PMs to people who played last year but havent signed up this year.
  10. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    Well Snack, I figured you were either pulling our chains and would come back with a "gotcha guys," or that you were serious and would come back with a long winded rant trying to justify what you want to do. I guess I got my answer. Whatever... If we're going to head off the reservation, then the Dolphins will offer you Tannehill, a 3rd rounder and Gloria Estefan - with or without the Miami Sound Machine - for Kaepernick.
  11. winggin

    winggin Well-Blitzed Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    THe Drunk GM with the first pick of the 2013 mock draft selected the Washington Redskins...
  12. winggin

    winggin Well-Blitzed Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    I will take denver if we meed second teamers!
  13. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    Hahaha there he is!

    And it'll be a few more days for 2nd teams!
  14. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    From the New England Patriots FO:

    We would consider trading down and even out of the first round for an appropriate offer.

    EDIT: We're also not totally averse to trading up if we see a player we've identified as a "can't miss prospect" falling unexpectedly.
  15. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011

    After debating about things we are going to try Snack's idea about having a "Trade Approval Committee". I didn't want to go straight to "cold turkey" with no player trades at all (we may try that next year though to see which works better). There will be a committee of 3 of us (to be announced soon) plus at least 1 alternate/back up. It will work something like this...teams announce a trade and if at least 2 of us have an issue with it, the trade will be denied by the "league". There will probably be some time of time limit for us to deny a trade (like 12 hours or something maybe) and if the time limit expires then the trade is automatically approved. I think thats it for now...its not overly complicated or anything so yeah. Committee members will be announced soon.

    Also soon there will be an official announcement letting owners take on 2nd teams...so if your interested be ready to announce your 2nd when the time comes.

  16. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Don't knock long-windedness. I got SBD to agree with me and he didn't even read it :thumbs_up:

    Thanks for getting the point. I was, indeed, "trying to justify what want to do." How outrageous. But perhaps I'll reconsider and do what I don't want to do instead.
  17. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011

    So.... you haven't responded to my trade offer. is the problem fitting the entire Miami Sound Machine under the cap along with Alex Smith's guaranteed salary?
  18. SteelByDesign

    SteelByDesign Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    What's the decision on Steelers trades, is it still picks only? Because I'd offer Colt McCoy or Brandon Weeden for a 4th rounder.
  19. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    I think the only thing we might do to keep it simple...is trade picks. If when they are close to on the clock or something and another team approaches with an offer we'll vote. But I want to keep it quick and simple still. If a player was to be involved I guess we'd consider it...but unlike other teams we're not going to be randomly fielding offers from other teams ALL the time...if that makes sense.
  20. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    Ok guys....

    Here is the Trade Approval Committee:

    SteelCity_NB (the originator of this mock)

    Alternate - numbah58 (and by backup keeping this thing running if I'm MIA)

    numbah will step in if any of the others are MIA for periods of time...ALSO...if say Elvis has a trade up for review, he cannot review his own trade so numbah would step in then also...fairly simple. Also number will help move things along...update the pick post (in the other thread) and so on if I'm not around to do it (obviously other Senior members can try and help keep things going...but numbah has Mod abilities to edit posts/etc).

    Also starting MONDAY at 8am...you can signup for a second team if you wish to do so. HOWEVER...if any of the guys who are regulars (that I've PM'd) or if anyone NEW wants to join...someone with a 2nd team will HAVE to relinquish their 2nd selected team to that person...as we want to have as many different people as possible.

    I think that does it!
  21. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011

    First of all, Estefan peaked in '97 and you know that, so stop trying to fleece me. Second of all, if SF was prepared to pay Smith what his contract gives him, and he went out and played well, why wouldn't they be prepared to keep paying it? You think Kaepernick's going to play for a 2nd round salary forever? He gets one more year of that, and if he's as good as you say he is, he'll cost a hell of a lot more than Smith after that. Third of all, I don't see what's so hard to understand about what I'm doing, regardless of what you think of Kaepernick. If you disagree with my assessment of the players, fine. But if Kaepernick is really SO many more times valuable than Smith, as you think he is, to the point where it seems outright ludicrous to even be looking at trade offers for him, then doesn't it stand to reason that I could get tons more for him in a trade? I mean, if Smith is good for #34 + a conditional pick next year (what's a safe bet, 3rd/4th round?), and if Kaepernick is worth SO much more than him, can I get a top 10 pick? Top 5? Sure, I'm giving up the next Joe Montana/Jim Brown in your mind, but I'll still have a guy that has played at or above the level of the big contract we gave him since he got it, and I'll be gaining a ton of draft points that I can use in conjunction with my other million picks to build one hell of a team around that crappy franchise QB that's been earning his big contract and efficiently winning games.

    If I am given the choice between having Alex Smith and the #8 pick in the draft, or Colin Kaepernick and the #34 pick in the draft, that's a choice I should be allowed to explore. Especially in freakin' fantasy land. Or didn't you know you aren't really the GM of the Miami Dolphins? If you really can't see the difference between what I'm doing and what Beastly did every 20 picks so he could get himself back on the clock... :shrug:
  22. numbah58

    numbah58 Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I'll take the Titans as my 2nd team, if needed.
  23. Ben There

    Ben There Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    I'll take the colts as my second team, if needed.:yeehaw:
  24. SteelByDesign

    SteelByDesign Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    I'll take Cincinnati at a 2nd team.

    Also, another question... Could I make a trade between my 2 teams, assuming it's approved? It would likely be just draft picks and I'd use the value chart to make sure it's fair.
  25. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    Teams updated!

    And SBD...hmm...in the past we didnt allow it...but I would think with the committee thing now that it could be possible...other committee members...what do you think about this?

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