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Quick Question. What is Everyone Afraid Of???

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by S.T.D, Oct 8, 2024.

  1. DJ18Baller

    DJ18Baller Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
    JF is not the reason this team is losing games. They have no running game no WRs and an offensive mentality from the Stone Age. The defense is crashing back down to earth and coaching is as bad as ever. We know RW is not a long term answer and we know this team isn’t contending for Jack Sh!t so why not evaluate the young guy who is showing some promise to make a decision on next year??
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  2. Dagmire

    Dagmire Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2019
    Wilson had 26 TD passes last year with the Broncos. Fields won't throw 26 in 2 years. I guess the ownership of this one time legendary franchise is OK with being average. Clearly the man has absolutely zero skill at judging QB talent. IMO, Tomlin is copying the ratbirds and some how thinks its a winning formula. Im so sick of the greatness tag they have put on this man its an absolute joke. So I guess we will be picking between 18 & 22 in next years draft. But the steelers dont fire head coachs!! You know what else they dont do anymore? Win playoff games......
  3. Dagmire

    Dagmire Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2019

    How can you have a running game if there is no real threat in the passing game? Tomlin has ruined this tackle from Georgia and I understand a lot of draft picks miss but bouncing this kid all over the offensive line is absolutely a sign of idiocy.... There's a reason there ain't no dam MikeT coaching tree.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  4. winggin

    winggin Well-Blitzed Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    I'm afriad Wilson might be on the downside of his career and benching Fields would ruin his confidence.

    Looking at the stats it seems a lateral move.

    Wilson in his 2 seasons with the Broncos ranked

    32 of 32 in points for 2022
    21 of 32 in total yards
    30 of 32 in Time of possession per drive

    19 of 32 in points for 2023
    26 of 32 in total yards
    21 of 32 in time of possession per drive

    Right now the Steelers are

    26 of 32 points for
    23 of 32 total yards
    4 of 30 time of possession per drive

    2023 Bears were

    18 of 32 in points for
    20 of 32 in Yards
    4 of 32 in TOP per drive
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  5. Rollers

    Rollers Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2016
    I have no clue what that means!
  6. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    So you are another guy that refuses to actually look at the all 22. Can You actually watch the all 22, and tell me honestly nobody is getting open, or doesn't that matter, or do You not want to see it??
  7. DJ18Baller

    DJ18Baller Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
    Would rather not see it :roflmao:

    Once on Sunday is more than enough
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  8. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    Well if You did....You would see people running open, and then You might not be saying stuff like nobody is open, and such. Nobody finds it funny....that a guy cold off the bench comes in....after we aren't completing hardly anything in the passing game....., and people on the board are saying.....nobody is open...Tomlin is holding him back...., and His 1st pass is the longest pass completion in the game. That little thing should have opened people's eyes.....even if they don't want to look at the all 22
  9. DJ18Baller

    DJ18Baller Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
    JF is far from perfect and I doubt he will be a long term solution. That being said RW is washed man he’s missed a quarter of the season pushing a sled. He wouldn’t last more than 2 games especially behind this OL.

    This team isn’t any good and they are injured. It’s not like we are talking about turning to John Elway on the bench.
  10. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    You know what....I have never seen so many people so sure of themselves,,but unable to want to prove it. I've said this before, and I'll say it again. I know TJ Watt is a bad a$$, but if You said hey they would be better with another player in his place.....I would say....go ahead.....why???? Because I know He would take His spot back,,but when it comes to Fields.....I hear a bunch of....I know it's not him, but let's not check, and see. LoL That's call .....You aren't very sure.

    TWISTER Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    I find it funny people put so much into the all 22. I mean is the game played in slow motion? You can take an all 22 of every qb out there and say they had an open receiver here and there in slow motion.
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    TWISTER Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    You keep bringing up a comparison of TJ Watt. So you are telling me that if TJ has a bad game or so that you would want someone in his place? There is in NOWAY you would say bench TJ if he had 2 sub par games. Can’t say bad games, because JF really hasn’t had any bad games. I mean he is accountable for 30 points of the 41. And no that’s not counting the 5 extra points.
  13. DJ18Baller

    DJ18Baller Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
    He’s on one of his rants just let him go.

    I get like that with MT I’m not judging.
  14. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    I too find it funny how people think it is so easy to be a QB
    In the NFL. They go to these all 22 sites and others and see
    Wr's open in slow motion. What they fail to see or feel is
    A a 250 to 300 pd defensive player wanting to end their career.
    Now granted these players are highly compensated and it takes work
    And good play calling and design and execution by all offensive personnel to be

    TWISTER Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    Exactly, heck when I watch a game in slow motion I feel like I could be out there hitting those open receivers that are open on every snap or take a handoff and run and hit the huge running lanes. Heck even better when I watch the all 22 in sloooooowwwe motrtiiiooon I think I could return EVERY kick for a TD.
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  16. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    If it was so easy everybody would be an NFL player. LOL
  17. Steelresolve

    Steelresolve Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2022
    The other huge issue here is if Tomlin doesn’t play thus right with the QB’s he could lose both of them when it comes to FA in 2025. If he is wish washy with these guts it’s just gonna piss them off and possibly divide the locker room. I don’t think Fields has played bad enough to warrant being replaced in the starting lineup so thus could really be a slippery slope for Tomlin. If Fields is potentially the future he needs to be careful he doesn’t undermine Fields trust.
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  18. Steelresolve

    Steelresolve Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2022
    that’s why I said at the beginning of the year it was absolutely crazy to invest in all these free agents etc. and bring in a new OC and yet keep the oline coach. It makes zero sense. If we’re 9-8 again then Tomlin has to go. It’s just that simple. He is unwilling to take big steps and make changes. He is so married to and loyal to average coordinators and assistants. It reeks of a guy who is afraid to give up any power or control.
  19. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    I can only guess You are not exactly reading what I've written, but scanning it. I've said exactly what I meant.....Yet somehow You aren't grasping it. I will try again.
    I said I believe TJ Watt is great.....if You didn't, and You thought we could play better if Someone else took His spot....I would say go ahead....because I know He would take it right back. Understand???.....but on the other hand.....while many of You say it's not the Qb.....You are not willing to see. Do You Understand the difference. I will agree to let people see....because I know He's great(Watt).....Many on the other hand while saying it's not the Qb.....are for some strange reason afraid to see a switch, and see if it helps. It's not rocket science.
  20. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    Then simply stop saying there is nobody open. If everyone could be a great Qb.....people would stop drafting a different one all the time. That's part of being a great Qb.....seeing those open target.....not how far You throw, or how fast You run. Notice.....I didn't show any 22 with Pickett until people kept saying there is nobody open, and yet during the games I see guys open, and I didn't post any 22 before with Fields....until people keep saying....there is nobody open.
    Again. If it's not the Qb....let's see. Why so scared???
  21. Steelresolve

    Steelresolve Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2022
    not only do we play in our fears and play not to lose on offense but we play defense the exact same way. No blitzes just rush four and play a prevent soft shell zone defense. It’s death by a thousand cuts. Tomlin is gonna put Wilson in only to see him get eaten up because if the lack of pass blocking. Then as a result he will have undermined Fields trust in him and as a result we will lose the chance to resign Fields long term. My prediction is Fields will go to Miami and end up earning a couple pro bowls.
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  22. Steelresolve

    Steelresolve Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2022
    You are an oline apologist for our oline coach. Stop making excuses for them. We gave been in oline prater for at least five years now. It shouldn’t take this long to fix this issue. The only way is to get guys that are already developed and are self starters. Jones was raw and they have struggled to develop the guy. The sad thing is it literally looks like he is free lancing out there and just doing his own thing. He looks like he is completely lacking effort. I don’t understand it at a professional level. I mean these guys go over game tape the whole team sees it. How is this guy continuing to make the same mistakes over and over again? The guy lunges, I have seen him head but people. He looks off balance and like there is no base or leg strength to set and anchor. He barely uses his hands. I don’t understand it. If anyone needs to sit it us Jones but we don’t have anyone to replace him.
  23. Steelresolve

    Steelresolve Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2022
    Actually you’re wrong. Everyone is safe that’s the whole issue.
  24. Steelresolve

    Steelresolve Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2022
    Much of what you said is true but haven’t we all literally been saying these same things for the last five years? I mean every single team has new players, injuries and rookies starting. Many if the successful teams in this league get picked apart each year wether it us the loss of free agents and or coaches but they reload and move on. Look at the Ravens this year. They lost three offensive lineman to free agency yet they are dominating in the run game and doing pretty well in the passing game as well.

    The real issue here is our culture and the lack of accountability. You watch Broderick Jones play or Pickens and you tell me the biggest issue isn’t first effort. If these guys aren’t disciplined and held accountable how can we expect them to do the fundamentals right? Sure every now and then you get guys who are self motivated enough to always give maximum effort like a Watt or a Minkah or even Frazier but every team has those guys. Those guys are easy to coach.

    I’m talking about guys that are oozing with potential and holding them accountable to themselves and the team so they reach their potential. You don’t think practice and fundamentals matter …. Look at Aiyuk. I guy who lit it up last year and then missed all of training camp and is still struggling to produce.

    When Tomlin came to this team it was loaded with talent and leaders and a culture of veterans who knew how to hold each other accountable. We completely lack that now. Tomlin is to afraid of implementing it so as a result he completely undermines his coordinators and his assistants. These guys walk all over the coaches and as a result they don’t get any better. The guts that need real coaching don’t get better at least.

    I seriously question whether Tomlin is even capable of getting quality coaches at this point. I think he micromanages the coaches and because of the lack of discipline and accountability of certain players he emasculates his coaches. There us a reason he doesn’t have a coaching tree and there us a reason we gave the same problems year after year after year.

    The offensive line has never been good under Tomlin with the exception of when Tennessee’s old coach was here. Can’t believe I forgot his name. Ben masked a lot if the oline issues because he could extend plays and he was so hard to tackle. Our run blocking and run game has been below par for well over a decade. It was fantastic under Cowher but honestly was it ever really good under Tomlin?

    Tomlin talks a good line but he does completely opposite of what he preaches. That man blinks more than any coach in the league. He coaches in his fears and tge way he manages the team is completely governed by fear.
  25. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    Why would it undermine Fields trust???
    Where else is he going to go???
    Do You actually think there is some bidding war going to be waged for Fields??? If He can't handle being benched then He is as weak as Kenny Pickett. My friend....there are Qbs playing right now that have scored as many tds in two games as Fields has in 5. Again we are 24th in scoring....it's not like we are going to destroy all this great offensive production by starting a Different Qb

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