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Discussion in 'The Bill Nunn Draft Room' started by gpguy, Feb 24, 2013.

  1. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011

    Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages...TSF.com proudly bring to you…the Official Fantasy Mock Draft!! Yes it’s that time of year again...a time a lot of us look forward to...a time that helps pass the days pass leading up to the draft.

    For those of you not familiar with this...it’s pretty simple. There will be a sign up period where you pick a team (if all teams are not picked, then some of us will take on an additional team)...then we go through the draft as they do in real life, each team has a time limit, if they do not they will be skipped...and if they still do not pick by the time the next pick is in then ANYONE can pick for that team. When it’s your turn, you pick the player you think your team needs, simple as that. Also WE MIGHT being allowing (realistic) trades between teams involving player currently under contract to your team and picks from this year’s draft can be made...as long as both teams agree…and once again its realistic. HOWEVER this year we may not have any trades for players...but if we do NO dismantling teams just for the hell of it just to get picks/etc. If things get out of hand you will be relieved of your team.

    All teams and their players will be locked in as of when we officially BEGIN the draft...meaning if a team signs/cuts/trade/etc a player in real life it does NOT affect your team once we’ve started. Same goes with picks, those are locked in also. Only players who are under contract (for the 2012 season and beyond) or have been tendered RFA/franchise/transition/etc will count as part of your team. The ONLY thing that might change...is once the NFL announces this year’s compensatory picks (for rounds 3-7) those WILL be added in. I’m hoping by the time we'd get to round 3 they should be announced...if they are not announced by the time we get to pick 32 of the 3rd round, then we will NOT include that rounds comp picks this year (and we'll just add in the ones we can).

    All trades are to be negotiated via PM but announced in public by both teams if the trade is agreed to (if there’s any of you who do not know how to PM or check PMs then ask someone). Please reference the draft pick trade value chart as needed http://www.draftcountdown.com/features/Value-Chart.php

    Also if you will not be here and your pick is coming up...you can PM your pick and I will announce your pick for you...but keep in mind, say there are 3 teams ahead of you, then you would need to PM me FOUR choices (ranked by the one you want most to least), that way if someone takes one of your choices I'll go to the next and so on. If you do not PM me your picks (if you're not going to be here) and your time limit expires...then you will be skipped and if you haven’t picked by the time the next selection is made then ANYONE can be make your pick for you...but it MUST be a logical/fitting/etc pick not just some random player. Now even if you do PM me your picks and you're here when you’re on the clock you CAN announce it yourself.

    There will be a time limit for picks. For the first round will 12 hours...based on different time zones, etc. I think this is what we went with last year too or very close to it. Then each round will have a shorter time limit as we go on.

    There will be a separate post to ANNOUNCE your picks and we will also keep track of picks there.

    Teams are first come first serve, no if ands or buts about it...and that means in THIS thread only...no claiming teams in previous threads or any new threads that may come up or via PM...this is the ONLY place to claim a team. This is to be fair to everyone.

    Nobody can claim the Steelers; we will be doing a voting system again that will be below.

    I think that should cover it...however please refer back to these first few posts of mine...as they sometimes will get updated with new info/etc.

    Oh yeah...please check your PM's frequently, thanks!

    Let’s get ready to ruuuuuumble!

    Also here is the link to the trade value chart again:




    Since there are a lot of us who want the Steelers each year (for obvious reasons) once again we will be doing a voting system. There will be a separate post for voting.

    With that being said...here’s how its going to work (its quite simple). When we are no more than 3-5 teams away from each Steelers pick...you can begin voting. Only votes posting in public in the voting thread will count. You get ONE VOTE for ONE PLAYER...however...if you vote BEFORE the Steelers are on the clock and another team takes who you voted for you CAN change your vote to someone who is available. The Steelers time on the clock will IDEALLY be less than any other team...but it will depend on what time of day they go on the clock and how the voting is going/etc. As the Steelers are the purpose of this site...if we need a little bit more time for a pick...so be it (not like doubling the pick time or something but just a little overtime).

    As far as trades for the Steelers are concerned…last year we didn’t do them based on too much potential confusion or whatever (tons of team willing to trade/etc)…also we only considered trading picks not players. Plus as we all know the Steelers rarely do trades during the draft. So I think we will keep it the same this year unless we decide otherwise before we begin. Also all votes will be tallied and announced by me (unless states otherwise).

    Time limit per pick (by round):

    1st - 12 hours
    2nd - 10 hours
    3rd - 8 hours
    4th - 8 hours
    5th - 6 hours
    6th - 6 hours
    7[SUP]th[/SUP] – 5 hours
  2. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    TEAMS and their OWNERS:

    1. Kansas City (2-14) - Ben there
    2. Jacksonville (2-14) - bigsteelerfaninky
    3. Oakland (4-12) - pjgruden
    4. Philadelphia (4-12) - steelersrock151
    5. Detroit (4-12) - HugeSnack
    6. Cleveland (5-11) - SteelByDesign
    7. Arizona (5-11) - strummerfan
    8. Buffalo (6-10) - gpguy
    9. New York Jets (6-10) - numbah58
    10. Tennessee (6-10) - numbah58
    11. San Diego (7-9) - Steel_Elvis (Team is available)
    12. Miami (7-9) - Steel_Elvis
    13. Tampa Bay (7-9) - gpguy (Team is available)
    14. Carolina (7-9) - chitown steeler3
    15. New Orleans (7-9) - blackandgoldpatrol
    16. St. Louis (7-8-1) - centralpa007
    17. Pittsburgh (8-8) - N/A
    18. Dallas (8-8) - steelersrock151
    19. New York Giants (9-7) - TTF
    20. Chicago (10-6) -Fe3CCity
    21. Cincinnati* (10-6) - SteelByDesign
    22. Washington* (10-6) - winggin
    23. Minnesota* (10-6) - SteelCity_NB
    24. Indianapolis* (11-5) - Ben there
    25. Seattle* (11-5) - blackandgoldpatrol
    26. Green Bay* (11-5) - centralpa007
    27. Houston* (12-4) - rmorphy
    28. Denver* (13-3) - SC Gamecock
    29. New England* (12-4) - JackAttack5958
    30. Atlanta* (13-3) - SSylvester
    31. San Francisco* (11-4-1) - HugeSnack
    32. Baltimore* (10-6) - freakfontana
  3. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    NEW things and some IDEAS:

    A few things some may have noticed I changed this year. The first was how we handled teams not making their pick. Before I let anyone pick if they missed their pick...but some people complained about that...just like back on the old MB people complained when we left the pick empty no matter how long it took for the owner to pick. So what I did is I made it so if someone misses their pick...they still have rights to it up until the next team picks. So if team A misses their pick and the next team...team B picks then anyone can pick for team A. This way it does give teams a little more time to pick...but it doesnt screw up the draft by letting 5 picks go by.

    Also...I'm considering having voting for trades for the Steelers (probably picks only). Like how a lot of people want to trade down in real life/etc. We'd probably let any other team interested in trading announce their offer/etc and then we vote or something.

    Also I'm thinking we'll hopefully start after the franchise tag deadline has come and gone...that way those players could be involved in trades/etc (as I remember some people mentioning this last year). I just have to find the date...I think its the first week or 2 of March is when the deadline to use the tag is.

    The biggest thing I am considering...is not counting overnight time for the pick clock...like say from 12am to 6am or something like that...this way we only "loose" 6 hours of time...compared to say going 11pm until 10am or something like that. Please let me know your thoughts on this or any other ideas/suggestions. Thanks!

    EDIT: One other thing...I may be looking for a #2 or #3 person to help me run this thing if needed...I know that some of you who've done it for years and years would probably help and such. Please PM me (do not post here) if you might be interested and I'll go over what you'd need to do!
  4. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    Sweet, I'm getting in this year. Thanks for doing this, gpguy.

    The deadline is March 4th.
    Personally, I like this idea.
  5. blackandgoldpatrol

    blackandgoldpatrol Well-Known Member

    Dec 5, 2011
    When is the sign up period......pencil me in for new orleans
  6. strummerfan

    strummerfan Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I'll take the Cardinals and will trade Ben R to the Steelers for picks 1-3 in 2013 and pick 1 in 2014.

    Sorry, I just had to stir the pot a little.
  7. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    Are you seriously taking AZ or what? I was just about to post I'd take them...
  8. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    I knew someone here would know the deadline and save me the time to search for it. And I think that time frame could be fair even though 12am is late for some and 6am is early for some...there are still some around and like i said we only loose minimal time.
  9. freakfontana


    Oct 19, 2011
    can i take the rats ? (like last year )
  10. strummerfan

    strummerfan Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Sure. I don't know anything about their needs, but it could be fun. I'll consider it a penalty for messing with your thread.

    /edit If you want the Cards feel free I'll take the Seachickens instead.
  11. Ben There

    Ben There Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    I will take the K.C. Chiefs.
  12. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    I'll take Buffalo then.
  13. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
  14. HugeSnack

    HugeSnack Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I'll take my usual San Francisco.
  15. SteelByDesign

    SteelByDesign Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
  16. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    I'll try the Dolphins this year
  17. bigsteelerfaninky

    bigsteelerfaninky Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Can i have jacksonville again?
  18. steelersrock151

    steelersrock151 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    I'll take the Eagles again, if they're still available.

    I was thinking about this the other day, and was going to pm you to see if you were going to do it again. Thanks. you did a great job last year.
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2013
  19. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    Owners list has been updated.

    Also guys (especially those who have done this before) I would like your thoughts/etc on my post above (3rd from top)...TTF commented but nobody else.
  20. numbah58

    numbah58 Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I'll take the J-E-T-S and I like the idea's that you're thinking of implementing.
  21. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    GP, thanks for running this again. I'm sure it's going to go great. I fully agree with not counting the hours of midnight - 6 AM against the pick time limit (if you recall, I was one of the people who got time-crunched because of overnight hours last year). If this is going to be unfair to someone who works 2nd or 3rd shift, maybe there's a way to allow them to select a different "sleep window." While this sounds like it would be tough to track, it may not be if it only applies to 2 or 3 people (you could just put an asterisk and note next to their name on the master list).

    One thought that I would like to throw out there is to consider not allowing players to be traded. Based on past experience, I think we usually see about 10x the number of player trades in our draft than we actually see in the NFL (because real teams have to consider cap hits, etc), so we may get a more realistic result by not allowing player trades. That said, I am fine with going either way, and if we do allow player trades, I would like to announce that the Dolphins are interested in kicking the tires on 4-3 players currently on the rosters of teams switching to the 3-4 scheme :)
  22. centralpa007

    centralpa007 Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    I will take the Rams - thanks for doing this again this year, I think it's a great way to get a feel for how the draft will shake out!
  23. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    You know I have been thinking about that as in recent years WOW...the crazy trades. I've always wondered about either eliminating player trades or something...some have said well what about keeping the trades realistic...that real NFL teams may trade. Like Alex Smith or something. And I've thought about it. But the ONLY way to do that...is as the draft would be going on and there are any real life trades then that team would have to OK in our "game" to trade that player too if they wish...but the other side of that is...say we're in round 3 and a big name player say Revis gets traded for 2 1st, etc. Then it would be a moot point at that time...so I dont think that would work either.

    I think we might try that this year (as I have been thinking about it myself) of only trading of picks no players! Just remembering last year it was a nightmare at times with player trades. I updated my first post in this thread stating we may not do player trades...I'll ponder this some and go from there.
  24. Ben There

    Ben There Well-Known Member

    Oct 20, 2011
    I am in favor of "only picks" being traded, but that is just me.:yeehaw:
  25. chitown steeler3

    chitown steeler3 Well-Known Member

    Feb 25, 2013
    If they are still available I'll take Carolina. If not Dallas, (someone has to help Jerry Jones out)

    This sounds cool and am looking forward to it.
    BTW yes this is my first post on this message board but have been reading on this for over 2 years. Love the discussions just never had anything to say that wasn't already posted.

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