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Cut Ben some slack on the film study

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Steel Acorn, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Lizard72


    Oct 23, 2011

    He doesn't have to be lying. That's probably what he got from his son, who probably confides in his father.

    If you think the players don't get a sniff of what's going on at the upper levels, then you're fooling yourself.

    Hell, at most jobs I worked prior to and while in the military the grunt knows what's going on regardless of the closed door policy.

    Now you have to be carefull on what you believe, but it seems very plausible given the different answers from Tomlin and the Rooneys for both Arians departure and Haley's hiring.
  2. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I'm a boss, so I don't think I am fooling myself. The only way that anyone would know that Tomlin didn't even interview Haley would be if he said it himself. Do you think Rooneys would give out that info? Or how about Haley? maybe he has loose lips? Maybe Omar? Colbert? I seriously doubt any of them would give out that information. Do people get a sniff of something? Yeah, it's called gossip. Obviously Rooney stepped in and forced BA out but I don't believe for a second that Tomlin wasn't involved with the hiring of Haley. Jerry Jones isn't the owner here, in fact, I don't even know if Jerry Jones wouldn't allow his coach to pick the OC.
  3. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    Maybe Ben comes in early or maybe he takes the film home to study it. AB and his dad should focus on AB's fumbling problem. True or not it's very irresponsible of AB's dad to be flapping his gums to a bunch of drunks at a bar. Instead of worrying about getting gossip you should be trying to get a signed jersey!
  4. knab70

    knab70 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2012
  5. lersgofor7

    lersgofor7 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2011
    I was doing shots with the tooth fairy last night and he told me that we are going to win the super bowl next year... :lolol:

    PS. I truly believe we will
  6. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    That's not the part I have trouble believing, I wouldn't doubt he does leave soon after practice is over, I'm sure most people do, isn't that the point of practice? You practice and you go home :shrug: If everyone else leaves what's he supposed to do, throw the ball through a tire? Oh right, go study more film, that will change everything. Because it's funny, in these playoffs I watched Peyton make a bunch of adjustments at the line which yielded no results, took the play clock down to 1 second numerous times and then watched him throw a game ending pick. Then I watched Brady mismanage the play clock terribly, make several bad throws and failed to lead his team back from behind. Hmm, all things people scream at Ben about :thumbsup:
  7. turkeysniper

    turkeysniper Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    you think brown's dad blowing steam at the bar is more irresponsible than brown talking about ben in the first place? or are you assuming he's just running his mouth without substance? it's a piece that seems to fit the puzzle, lots of other indications film study isn't ben's strong suite. now... ben doesn't care, that's a big leap.
  8. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    It's one thing to confide in your Father and another to confide in a bunch of strangers at a bar. If it's true what kind of father throws his kid under the bus? If I was AB I'd be pissed!
  9. turkeysniper

    turkeysniper Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    when it comes to work i play my cards close to the vest. i don't tell anybody but my wife, and sometimes not her, anything i don't want repeated. i don't think it's much secret that ben prefers the gunslinger approach. he's said himself that its his MO. the point is it can only help to better prepared, you can always still improvise if you want in the end.
  10. turkeysniper

    turkeysniper Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2012
    hey KC i'm curious now about how ben leaving right after practice came up. you do know that ben and haley probably have on the clock film sessions right? extracurricular study only helps if ben is open to playing that style.
  11. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    You're absolutely correct. My impression of Ben is that he's stubborn in a passive-aggressive kind of way. Getting on board with Haley's dink and dunk will set the course for the rest of his career. The choice he makes will determine whether or not he has 3 to 5 good years left or if he'll be playing effectively for 6 to 8 more.
  12. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    You don't stay late at work? How dare you! People are only fooling theirselves if they think Ben doesn't study film.
  13. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011

    I don't think anyone who is seriously involved in this discussion is saying that Ben doesn't study film. The point is that he doesn't put as much emphasis on it as others do. He has commented before that intensive film study may work for other QB's just not for him. Fair enough, he knows what works for him and what doesn't. The difference being that when we talk about QB's who really get into watching film such as Brees and Rodgers they are doing it to improve on deficiencies they see in themselves such as Brees knowing he is shorter and has a harder time seeing over the lineman and thus seeing his receivers down field. So he watches film and works on throwing the ball to a certain spot on their outside shoulder. When we talk about real film junkies like Manning it isn't just him studying film it is what it does to his team around him It was covered during the preseason on ESPN when Bronco's camp first got under way. Being on a Peyton Manning led team means you have to take notes, Reggie Wayne said Manning made him a better note taker in film study and sent one of his old notebooks to ESPN to show his notes for one season and said this is what it will do for the young receivers in Denver.

    So that is something I can see as hurting the Steelers right now. There is so much emphasis on Ben's ability to create, to extend the play that it carries over into how other members of the offense approach their job. Wallace says he loses focus. Why? not enough balls thrown his way. However it doesn't matter if he does lose focus and runs sloppy routes because Ben's style lends more to waiting till plays break down and creating on the move. So having receiver run crisp routes and executing the play called perfectly is less important than getting open when Ben extends the play. Notice I said less important and not, not important. This was true under BA they spent so much time in practice working on when the play breaks down, if you are planning for a play to fail why even have it in in the first place. This hampers player development and why you see Wallace running sloppy routes or Brown and Sanders not securing the ball or even the RB's not keeping it hihg and tight and getting two hands over it. So while it may not be something for Ben it can set a tone for what others think as well.

    Lastly the leaving after practice versus staying and putting in more work. There are other QB's who like Ben aren't big on film study like Romo but who do try to work in extra practice just throwing the ball and devloping a chemistry with receivers. During the Cowboys training camp with HBO they covered how Witten says Romo carries a football with him everywhere and is always after guys to catch some balls(usually Witten)and you see how that translates with production during the season. Witten has huge numbers or receptions each year because of his chemistry with Romo. Yeah I know Romo hasn't won anything every, chokes and so on and Ben has two SB's and been to three yadda yadda yadda but the point remains the chemistry is there. So if Ben wanted to get some extra throwing in after a practice session I am sure there are plenty of guys willing to stay and catch balls from him especially fourth and fifth receivers or PS guys looking to try and impress the coaching staff to maybe get a hat on gameday.

    The whole point being that Ben knows what works for him and what doesn't however if he wants to improve maybe he needs to re evaluate what his views are on what works and what doesn't. Bottom line is it cost nothing but time and can't make him worse can it?
  14. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    i agree with what you say here thorn.

    i've said this before and stick by it, ben is a repitition guy. he has to practice it alot. over and over. when he has short weeks of practice, he is not the same guy. i don't think it's just the injuries, it's his loss of repititions that week for the game plan. ben likes what is comfortable to him and what he knows by reps he's had doing it. i believe that is the basis to him reverting back to the old playbook in one game with the wr's. that's what he's had the most reps at over time. it's also why he wants the no huddle 2 minute drill run more often. he's familiar with it. the more reps at something the better he runs it. i don't think that's ever going to change for ben, no matter how much we want it to. nor will anyone else change him now.:cool:
  15. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    All the Quarterbacks you just mentioned don't have near the record Ben has. Romo, seriously? Brees, good, but one bowl. Rogers, good, but one bowl. When practice time is over you go home, if you decide to stay that's great, but you shouldn't be looked down upon if you leave on time. If you guys were held to the standards you expect from Ben at your own job you would be singing a different tune.
  16. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    It has nothing to do with records Glenn the number of SB's won doesn't say anything about your approach becoming better at your job. Are you saying that you think Ben has nothing to improve upon? I don't think you are. By bringing up what other QB's do I am saying these are ways they approach the game, this is how they want to improve and it shows in their play on the field. What does Ben do to improve? As so many on here like to say the game is constantly evolving and players have to evolve with it. How will Ben?
  17. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    Unless someone here is Randy Fichtner, there's just no way you know how much time he spends studying game film, reviewing coverages, going over the game plan etc..., especially compared to other QB's in the league. It's all just speculation. Hell, I don't even buy what Brown's dad supposedly said.
  18. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    First of all, we don't know that Ben leaves 5 minutes after practice, I'm not going to put a lot of stock into what AB's dad said or what a message board member says he said. His dad pretty much abandoned him as a kid and his mom put him on the street when he was 16, hardly great character people. But even if Ben was leaving early, I'm sure if one of his receivers felt they needed work on their timing that Ben would stay. And Ben isn't remotely responsible for Wallace losing focus and running bad routes, that's just absolving Wallace for his short comings. Ben doesn't wait for plays to break down, the plays break because his line more often then not can't even give him 2 seconds. It's not like Ben is sitting comfortably in the pocket, waiting waiting waiting and waiting for the play to breakdown, it breaks down seconds after he takes the snap.
  19. thorn058

    thorn058 Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    True we don't know,what we do know is what Ben tells us such as Film study to the degree Manning and Brady do isn't for him, he admits that film study is important but not to the extreme which I'm ok with just as long as you can see improvement. Which is whatyou have said before, in this thread I think, that he showed improvement in the short passing game and overall improvement before the injury. We know that prior to this season they did spend time each practice session practicing for when a play breaks down which is where Ben does some of his best work extending the play and creating on the fly. I am not saying that this absolves any body for playing poorly but I am saying that it might be a trickle down effect when it comes to focusing on fundamentals. Kinda of an attitude if Ben doesn't sweat it, we won't either. This translate to poor development and on field play. You don't need to run a crisp route because if Ben can't find you then you go to plan B which is get open and Ben will work the magic and that seems to be more of a focus than the fundamentals or at least that is my take on it. As far as the getting extra reps after practice again we don't know although you'd think one of the outlets the Trib or the Post gazette would mention if guys stayed after practice to get some work in, at least they used to. Which makes me curious remember when we used to hear stories about Ben calling the rookie in the draft as soon as possible or giving them his number right away ans saying don't be afraid to call me about anything because that is what Ward and Bettis did for him. What ever happened to those stories?
  20. SteelerFanInKC

    SteelerFanInKC Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Thanks for your concern, but I DO have a signed jersey! What's so irresponsible about it? Is any different then what we message board people say or spout off? Is it any different then espn or nfl network saying it? Truth is...it's the truth and I don't care if you believe it or not! I'll continue to get some of my information from a player's dad who is extremely humble and has no reason to spout off to us drunks at a bar about the facts that took place and you get yours, well wherever you get yours!
  21. SteelerFanInKC

    SteelerFanInKC Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Ben's lack of film study is a very well known story throughout the league. All the guys on the nfl netowrk and espn have spoken about it at one time or another. Could they ALL be lying, really? Sorry, do buy it!
  22. rukus4ever

    rukus4ever Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    Cut Ben some slack. Rake all the other players over the coals. :lolol:
  23. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    Who cares if Ben studies as much film as Manning ir Brady? Doesn't mean that he doesn't study enough or more than other Quartebacks. Maybe Ben can bench press more than Brady and that's why he is able to get away from defenders better than Brady. Should Brady be heckled by the fans because of it? If you have 10 million dollars and I have 9 million does that mean I'm not rich? Does that mean I need to get a second job?
  24. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    Yeah, Ben never gets criticized! :lolol:
  25. SteelerFanInKC

    SteelerFanInKC Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    I care because a $100 million dollar QB that is always hurt spending just a little more time studying film would more than likely lead to a few LESS game changing INT's (see last year) and perhaps, just perhaps another SB appearance or two with anothe SB win or two! Even though Manning and Brady are at home watching the SB like Ben is, at least they do more with less! Period!

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