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Cut Ben some slack on the film study

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Steel Acorn, Jan 13, 2013.

  1. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    No way! :shocked: And here I thought that Ben was the only one who ever does that :doh:
  2. D0bre Shunka

    D0bre Shunka Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2012
    No, that isn't the only one that matters. What matters is his body of work since taking the helm and he's not only done well he's one of the best. And I think he has more to prove and do, good news for us.

    I was one of the few, if that, around here that wasn't big on the OC change because I'm of the if it works don't fix it philosophy. It's been done, OK, but that's a huge change to the flow of your offense and what your QB works with on the field. With that big of a change, we were still just one game, perhaps one play, off the playoffs!
  3. truckin9999

    truckin9999 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    He didnt put up 35 points. He put up 21. 2 Tds where kick returns.
  4. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    LOL. No, Peyton is quite proficient at it when the season is on the line.
  5. lersgofor7

    lersgofor7 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2011
    Maybe Atlanta should trade Matt Ryan for some picks and draft an ILB...possibly draft a QB in the 4th round...you know start looking to the future... :lolol:
  6. SteelerFanInKC

    SteelerFanInKC Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    No, because AB's dad said so! AB's dad lives here in KC and occasionally comes up to the our Steelers bar to watch the games. He said that AB has confided in him that five minutes after practice is over, Ben is gone unless he has media obligations! That sure is a better source than some message board rat!!!
  7. Tdot Steeler Fan

    Tdot Steeler Fan Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    AB as in Antonio Brown? As in Antonio Brown's dad? If you are telling the truth, then the leaving after practice will only get worse now that Ben is a dad. That's so cool that you met Antonio Brown's dad though.
  8. SteelerFanInKC

    SteelerFanInKC Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Yes, Antonio Brown's dad lives here in KC and is a high school football coach. He frequents our Steeler's bar and will converse with anyone, easily approachable! High fives when we score, especially when AB scores! I have asked him questions about "what" goes on in the locker room and practice etc and that's what he said! He also said that Todd Haley was forced onto Mike Tomlin and that Tomlin didn't even sit in on the interviews....strictly and totally a Rooney decision and hire most likely because of Haley's dad!
  9. Da Stellars

    Da Stellars Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    Oh man, i don't know how I feel about that. I'd give Ben a pass this year because his wife was pregnant. I feel Rooney's should let Tomlin have a say and have a big part in the hiring process
  10. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    :rolleyes:That's bull****, you think Tomlin is sharing that info with AB???
  11. SteelerFanInKC

    SteelerFanInKC Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Tomlin doesn't have to say anything to AB or whoever. The players see what's going on or not going on! I'll believe this from a very credible source who has no reason to say otherwise then you!
  12. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    I don't see how he could know that. :scratch:
  13. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    So you are saying AB's dad is incapable of lying? Or embellishing stories? How would the players know otherwise? Were the players hanging outside of Rooneys office when interviews were going on? During the off season no less? There is absolutely no way a boss is sharing that kind of information with his underlings.
  14. Da Stellars

    Da Stellars Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    Maybe the is an assistant coach with loose lips?
  15. Kevin James

    Kevin James Well-Known Member

    Feb 11, 2012

    Agree 100%
  16. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Everybody assumes that if you criticize Ben about his lack of preparation and film study, you're trying to turn him into Manning or Brady. Not true. He'll never be either one of those guys and we all know that. I think there is enough evidence out there that indicates that studying film is not one of Ben's favorite things to do. Ben has always been a physically dominating presence on the football field but logic would dictate that over time Ben will no longer be able to do the things he used to do. As a result of aging and wear and tear on his body, Ben MUST start playing smarter. He's got to start preparing better, spending more time in the film room and becoming more cerebral. We've seen Ben make some phenomenal plays in his career after the original play call broke down but I think those days are coming to a close. I don't think he seemed as elusive and quick footed this year as he has in years past and as a result we're not seeing the same kind of late game magic we've seen in the past. One way Ben can compensate for that is to become a better diagnostician of defenses pre-snap which comes from better preparation and film study.
  17. darcrav

    darcrav Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2012
    well if the Haley hiring was a Rooney thing it could easily be a way (insurance) to have a potential head coach in the organization if things go sour with Mike Tomlin.
    i mean fofksake lots of, i mean gobs n gobs of people here want Mike To to begone NOW. You don't think Rooney doesn't get on here and read the stuff we post?
    I bet he does and i bet he is thinking "i have a local boy who has and can coach an Nfl team " if Tomlin doesn't start producing or controlling his team.

    Personally i see Ben in Arizona after 2 years at most,and Todd as the head coach here.
  18. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    i'll bet our assistant head coach john mitchell would get it first with the rooney rule being rehashed by the heads of the nfl.:cool:
  19. lersgofor7

    lersgofor7 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2011



  20. darcrav

    darcrav Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2012
    TTF make this a sticky so i don't have to hunt it down and rub it in legs's face :facepalm:
  21. darcrav

    darcrav Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2012
    and once again

    JACKATTACK knocks it the hell out of the park

    read this people and reread it SO YOU UNDERSTAND WHAT IS WHUT.
  22. Tdot Steeler Fan

    Tdot Steeler Fan Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    Next time you see Antonio Brown's dad ask him if he can get his son to convince Mike Wallace to stay even for less money for a shot at the SuperBowl? Im intrigued what else has Mr. AB sr. said?
  23. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    No need, James and I know what is whut :thumbs_up:
  24. lersgofor7

    lersgofor7 Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2011

    so you see Ben playing in Arizona in less than two years...:lolol:

    care to wager?
  25. santeesteel


    Oct 17, 2011
    Playing golf, maybe.

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