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Who is Steeler Nation pulling for.. the ratbirds or the cheatriots?

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by cajunyankee, Jan 14, 2013.

Who are you pulling for?

Poll closed Jan 19, 2013.
  1. Ratbirds

  2. Cheatriots

  1. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    :lolol: You guys have to become relevant before I cant expend energy hating them :taunt:

    And you are right about the Browns too, which is why I kind of want them to improve, that was a great rivalry. I know, technically it's the Ravens but doesn't feel like it.
  2. 12to88

    12to88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011
    The better the Ravens and Bengals are, the better it is for the Steelers. Though the Pats' success in the AFC East hasn't translated that way for the other teams, I can only think of the NFC East back in the 80s and 90s.
  3. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    Interesting. I think the same about people who are cheering for the Patriots . Jealous that their teams biggest rival will get one before their team does.
  4. 12to88

    12to88 Well-Known Member

    Dec 2, 2011

    Problem is, they have been the most dominant team in football over the past seven seasons and have nothing to show for it. Trying to beat teams like Buffalo and Tennessee 56-7 in October only hurts their chances of beating playoff teams in January. Why? They repeatedly show their hand and leave nothing in the tank for the post-season. Case in point: the Julian Edelman end-around for a TD against Indy, late in the 4th, up by about 20. What was the point of that? Of course they want to win a Super Bowl, but only on their own terms. They lost to the Giants in SB XLII mostly because they refused to adjust (or were incapable of it). It was stubborness unbound. So it goes back to the point: it's not so much about winning that trophy as it is winning that trophy to show everyone how brilliant they are and setting the world on fire in the process.[/QUOTE]

    That makes no sense to me, they should win it on someone else's terms? I wish we had some of that in us, I wish we could kill teams like the Pats do, they put their foot on your neck and don't let up until the gun sounds. They lost to the Giants because the Giants matched up great against them, they have a killer pass rush, they rattled Bradys cage. I think your bias is showing through, you don't like them and that's fine, I don't like them much either but I don't feel any of what you are saying is true, but that's JMO.[/QUOTE]

    You're right. I don't like them. I don't like their coach. I don't like their QB. I don't like their owner. I don't like their fans. And I don't like the Boston media. It didn't used to be this way. I harbored no ill will toward them when they won their first two Super Bowls. But then three things happened:

    1. After the 2004 AFCCG, there was a Boston sportswriter who openly criticized the Steelers because fans were making hotel reservations in Jacksonville--as though the Rooneys control or influence this behavior. At one point in the article, he said something to the effect of, "Congratulations Steelers on winning the Halloween Bowl." Remember, the Steelers defeated the Pats on Halloween, to end their winning streak. I heard similar sentiments from a Pats fan I encountered in Starbucks that week. Ever since, I have noticed an unprecedented air of superiority from Bostonians, in their media and from their fans (of all sports). It's not just the Pats I dislike. It's the Celtics, Sox, and Bruins too. Take a look at Jackie MacMullen's column this week on the Houston Texans and her uncalled for criticism of Matt Schaub.

    2. The Belichick-Steelers trainer incident. Look into this one, too. I think it happened in 2005. But basically, a Pats player suffered a serious leg injury and, out of professional consideration, the Steelers' female trainer ran on to the field to assist the Pats' staff. Belichick threw a holy fit, shoved the trainer away and screamed, "Get the f*ck away from my player!" SCUMBAG move. The man is a piece of horse excrement. Great coach? Yes. Great human being? No.

    3. The Tom Brady media meltdown prior to the 2005 playoffs. I had always been a fan of Brady's, until this single incident. After the Pats' final game of the season, Brady went on a rant when he got on the podium to address the media. "None of you respect us!" he said. He proceeded to go on and on and on about the lack of respect and consideration the press gave him and his teammates. It was one of the biggest "SAY WHAT?" moments I have encountered. It occurred to me right then and there, that Brady was a spoiled brat, and nothing in his play and on/off field behavior has convinced me otherwise. After all, the guy impregnanted his girlfriend and then ditched her...brought criminal charges against a homeless man who mistook his expensive planting pots for trash...has been known to talk trash knowing full well he will never face retribution for it (remember the Anthony Smith incident?)...has also been known to storm off the field pouting after playoff losses...refused to shake Eli's hand prior to Super Bowl XLII...But as well know, he's a "super guy" (eyes roll).

    I haven't even touched spygtate, the Ted Johnson comments, the use of IR players in practice (prohibited by the league), Kraft's lack of discipline toward Belichick for Spygate (think the Rooney's would back Tomlin and give him a raise if he embarrassed the organization?)...Krafty getting in bed with CBS, which has become, basically, the Pats' own national TV network as a result...keeping starters in the game and running up the score simply to humiliate opponents...it goes on and on.

    So, yes, I dislike them. But this doesn't make my criticism any les valid. Again, when you dominate teams all season long and then can't win the Super Bowl, what is going on?
  5. sec108

    sec108 Well-Known Member

    Nov 15, 2011
    Would have to pick the Ravens but only because I believe that SF can beat them in the SB (lesser of two evils).
  6. cajunyankee

    cajunyankee Well-Known Member

    Oct 27, 2011

    That makes no sense to me, they should win it on someone else's terms? I wish we had some of that in us, I wish we could kill teams like the Pats do, they put their foot on your neck and don't let up until the gun sounds. They lost to the Giants because the Giants matched up great against them, they have a killer pass rush, they rattled Bradys cage. I think your bias is showing through, you don't like them and that's fine, I don't like them much either but I don't feel any of what you are saying is true, but that's JMO.[/QUOTE]

    You're right. I don't like them. I don't like their coach. I don't like their QB. I don't like their owner. I don't like their fans. And I don't like the Boston media. It didn't used to be this way. I harbored no ill will toward them when they won their first two Super Bowls. But then three things happened:

    1. After the 2004 AFCCG, there was a Boston sportswriter who openly criticized the Steelers because fans were making hotel reservations in Jacksonville--as though the Rooneys control or influence this behavior. At one point in the article, he said something to the effect of, "Congratulations Steelers on winning the Halloween Bowl." Remember, the Steelers defeated the Pats on Halloween, to end their winning streak. I heard similar sentiments from a Pats fan I encountered in Starbucks that week. Ever since, I have noticed an unprecedented air of superiority from Bostonians, in their media and from their fans (of all sports). It's not just the Pats I dislike. It's the Celtics, Sox, and Bruins too. Take a look at Jackie MacMullen's column this week on the Houston Texans and her uncalled for criticism of Matt Schaub.

    2. The Belichick-Steelers trainer incident. Look into this one, too. I think it happened in 2005. But basically, a Pats player suffered a serious leg injury and, out of professional consideration, the Steelers' female trainer ran on to the field to assist the Pats' staff. Belichick threw a holy fit, shoved the trainer away and screamed, "Get the f*ck away from my player!" SCUMBAG move. The man is a piece of horse excrement. Great coach? Yes. Great human being? No.

    3. The Tom Brady media meltdown prior to the 2005 playoffs. I had always been a fan of Brady's, until this single incident. After the Pats' final game of the season, Brady went on a rant when he got on the podium to address the media. "None of you respect us!" he said. He proceeded to go on and on and on about the lack of respect and consideration the press gave him and his teammates. It was one of the biggest "SAY WHAT?" moments I have encountered. It occurred to me right then and there, that Brady was a spoiled brat, and nothing in his play and on/off field behavior has convinced me otherwise. After all, the guy impregnanted his girlfriend and then ditched her...brought criminal charges against a homeless man who mistook his expensive planting pots for trash...has been known to talk trash knowing full well he will never face retribution for it (remember the Anthony Smith incident?)...has also been known to storm off the field pouting after playoff losses...refused to shake Eli's hand prior to Super Bowl XLII...But as well know, he's a "super guy" (eyes roll).

    I haven't even touched spygtate, the Ted Johnson comments, the use of IR players in practice (prohibited by the league), Kraft's lack of discipline toward Belichick for Spygate (think the Rooney's would back Tomlin and give him a raise if he embarrassed the organization?)...Krafty getting in bed with CBS, which has become, basically, the Pats' own national TV network as a result...keeping starters in the game and running up the score simply to humiliate opponents...it goes on and on.

    So, yes, I dislike them. But this doesn't make my criticism any les valid. Again, when you dominate teams all season long and then can't win the Super Bowl, what is going on?[/QUOTE]

    THIS!!!!!!!! Jealous of the pats? If my Steelers did what the pats have done like 12 has posted I'd become a fan of another team. I truly hate the pats. The birds are our div rivals and play our brand of football which I respect. As much as I hate them its a hatred wrapped with more respect than I could give the patsies.

    I respect what Tomlin-era is saying and his position. I can't pull for the patsies no matter what because of their owner/coach/qb and our AFC Champ losses to them which I'll go to my grave believing they cheated to get.

  7. tbrucemom

    tbrucemom Well-Known Member

    Nov 10, 2011
    I'm hoping Atlanta wins it all. If it was life or death and I had to choose between the Ravens and Cheatriots I'd choose the Ravens. My reason being is even though I hate them with a passion, I respect them because they play similiar football as the Steelers and I will never root for a cheater. I don't have anything against SF except that I'm selfish and want the Steelers to be the only one with 6 rings.
  8. steelerzfannforever

    steelerzfannforever Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    AMEN....HALLALUJIA!! I would rather be dragged around by my bare butt on a concrete floor full of nails, than to ever root for the RATBIRD bastards!!
  9. numbah58

    numbah58 Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    I voted for the Patsies.. A year ago I was rooting for the Ravens because my hatred for the Patsies was greater. I don't hate the Patsies any less but I can't help but feel that they're out of our league right now.. So I could care-less how many SB's the Patsies win anymore, just keep B'more from winning another. Maybe I'm still sick over this season but that's just how I feel.
  10. Cali Doll

    Cali Doll Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Exactly, exactly, exactly!!!! I can't fathom anything else.
  11. D0bre Shunka

    D0bre Shunka Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2012

    Still can't pull the trigger
  12. Diamond

    Diamond Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2012
    Cant root for puke purple, and hairballs ego is already so big he cant wear a hat, and watching ray lewis going through his pre game gyrations is so damn boring I cant wait to see him go. So down with the puke purple...

    CANTON STEEL Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Hate the pats but hate the rats even more. With that said, i want the pats to win but want one of the NFC teams to win the SB. I couldn't stand either the pats or the rats winning the SB.
  14. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Oh absolutely, I want Atlanta to win it all, I just don't want the rats to win another single game.....ever.

    CANTON STEEL Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    LOL, me too
  16. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    I'm down for that as well. :-D
  17. jimmyallen45

    jimmyallen45 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012

    That makes no sense to me, they should win it on someone else's terms? I wish we had some of that in us, I wish we could kill teams like the Pats do, they put their foot on your neck and don't let up until the gun sounds. They lost to the Giants because the Giants matched up great against them, they have a killer pass rush, they rattled Bradys cage. I think your bias is showing through, you don't like them and that's fine, I don't like them much either but I don't feel any of what you are saying is true, but that's JMO.[/QUOTE]

    2. The Belichick-Steelers trainer incident. Look into this one, too. I think it happened in 2005. But basically, a Pats player suffered a serious leg injury and, out of professional consideration, the Steelers' female trainer ran on to the field to assist the Pats' staff. Belichick threw a holy fit, shoved the trainer away and screamed, "Get the f*ck away from my player!" SCUMBAG move. The man is a piece of horse excrement. Great coach? Yes. Great human being? No.

    I live in New England, I am a big Red Sox fan. and I have close friends who are Patriots fans. I still hate them though. I was pleased to see my friend 12to88 mention #2- the trainer incident, as it should not be forgotten, and is one of my primary reasons for hating Belicheck. I do hate the Ravens more,as I will explain soon enough, biut

    I am not rooting for either team. A comet hitting the stadium would be a preferred outcome. Last year, for some reason, I found myself rooting for the Ravens by the end. However, even though this looks like the most dreaded AFC matchup we could think of, actually it is a good one in that...
  18. jimmyallen45

    jimmyallen45 Well-Known Member

    Jan 1, 2012
    one team we hate is going to suffer a devastating loss tomorrow.

    If the Patriots lose, then this will be the 5th time since 2007 they have had a great regular season, been an overwhelming post season favorite, and been upset in the playoffs. All sorts of questions will be asked, and no satisfying answers will be given. The 3 Super Bowls that they won, a long time ago, and all by 3 points, will be further tarnished. Tom Brady will be a year older and closer to decline and retirement.

    If the Ravens lose, then we will also hear the slamming shut of their Super Bowl window, as least for Ray Lewis and probably Ed Reed too. They will have lost 3 AFC championship games, in the same era that the Steelers will have won all 3 of theirs. The Flacco/Harbaugh Ravens will go down as the team that can't win the big one, can't get over the hump, can't be anything that will better than second best. A aging defense will continue to decline, while Flacco will get a huge payday that he doesn't deserve and that will limit the team in other ways. Ray Rice is an injury waiting to happen.

    I think that the Ravens know how desperate their situation is, and realize it is their last chance. The Patriots are over confident and soft on defense. They also won't be as lucky. The Ravens win tomorrow, but lose the Super Bowl in a track meet against the Falcons.
  19. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Actually Brady would be the third qb to win 4SB after Montana and Bradshaw.
  20. shadowmaker

    shadowmaker Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    Which would give the 49ers 6 superbowls......Damn this hurts to say but GO BRADY!!! :facepalm::huh::cray:
  21. darcrav

    darcrav Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2012
    the Flacco v Ryan debate comes to a head

    retiring Lewis v retiring Gonzalez

    atlanta aquarium v baltimore aquarium

    Atlanta :bowdown:
  22. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    Hey, we're the favourite to win the World Series this year. I'd say that's relevant. It's not that easy when we can't spend over $200 million on salary though.
  23. shadowmaker

    shadowmaker Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2011
    WOOOOOOOO Steeler Nation, hold the dang bus. No way we can have a non steeler topic in steeler talk without this being said.......'again, another topic in steeler talk that has nothing to do with the steelers. we have other sections for these kind of topics.'

  24. lovembig

    lovembig Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2011
    i really dont want to see Brady get his 4th ring. if he does everytime they mention Bradshaw Brady will be mentioned. i wouldnt mind seeing him get to the super bowl and then losing. not sure how many qbs have lost 3 times in the super bowl, but that would be nice.
  25. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Weak! Weak! Besides, we're not the highest payroll anymore, that title belongs to the Dodgers. The Yankees seem very determined to get under a certain number, there might even be another team with a higher payroll too, Angels maybe. And being projected to win just means you are paper champions until you actually do something with said prediction. I don't know how they have you guys favored though, I had not heard that, I still think the Orioles and Rays are both ahead of Toronto. I think the Redsox bounce back too, I knew the Valentine hiring would blow up in their face, I enjoyed that quite a bit.

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