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4th and 2 @ the 50 - 2 minute left, LET's GO DEEP!

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by mikeyg, Dec 11, 2023.

  1. SteelersFanCanada

    SteelersFanCanada Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2019
    If he said no, then it wouldve caused a bunch of headaches for all involved. I think he chose to fall on the sword instead.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    Have You looked at that play??? There were other options.
  3. Wolfepack88

    Wolfepack88 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2022
    I'm sure there were, but both OC and HC have to know their QB tendencies. Does Mitch consistently show that he goes through his progressions and was our offensive line really providing time for the QB to do so. So knowing that and seeing how the line was playing I don't call a play where the primary read is a bomb downfield. I'm gonna assume he never gets to go to his other progressions and Mitch will lock in on #1 read.
    • Like Like x 1
  4. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    He had Robinson ( I believe it was Him) also I don't believe DJ was the primary....I believe that is Tomlin sticking up for Mitch....the reason I say this is because the play had a rub route designed to get a Guy open right past the sticks, and He was open. I never heard of setting up a rub route for a short throw, and then the primary being the deepest throw. It make no sense. :shrug: Again I believe it's Tomlin not wanting to throw the Qb under the bus. Here watch the play....it's the last play.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Wolfepack88

    Wolfepack88 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2022
    If #11 just sits and doesn't keep cutting in after the rub route worked its an easy first down but he doesn't he keeps heading for towards two defenders, Would have been close unless Mitch gunned as he is barely right at the sticks. Again our guys running just to and not past the sticks. Either way bad decision and in my mind a waste of a play.
  6. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    Ball is leaving Trubiskys hand is why He didn't. The play was supposed to go to Him....He's looking right at Mitch. All I can say is on most rub plays it's designed to go to the other guy the D is getting rubbed, and the Deep route is usually just a decoy....unless it's wide a$$ open, but Mitch doesn't even look at the rub, or the route made open. He automatically shoots deep. That's on Mitch....no way that deep shot is where the ball was supposed to go to, but that was Mitch doing like He said before the game.....being aggressive, and Mike sticking up for His players.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Hanratty#5

    Hanratty#5 Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2019
    The pass to Pickens on 3rd and 2 was even worse than I thought. If he hits Pickens in stride it is at least a 20 yard gain. Instead he fires the ball 6 feet too high and 6 feet too wide of Pickens.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  8. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    Winner. No matter what We think of KFP....He's better than Trubisky, and He doesn't put the ball at risk.
  9. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Exactly. Bens gone, whats the one constant that remains?

    Mitch was going to Johnson all the way. I don’t think Tomlin is covering for him, thats the way he is, wanted to be aggressive. Same as passing up the FG in the beginning. That’s just Tomlin.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  10. METALMAN_68

    METALMAN_68 Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2022
  11. Steelvision

    Steelvision Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2022
    Maybe Mike thought Ben was still the QB
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  12. SWSteel

    SWSteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2020
    His reply that they went deep at end of Rats game n converted for a td was such garbage

    That play was on 2nd down, NOT 4th

    It's a clown show
    • Agree Agree x 1
  13. Aerosteel

    Aerosteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    I had to go back and look at the game log because 15 pass plays in a row seemed crazy, but you're right! How is that possible? They were only down by 3 points. So much for better play calling after Canada.
  14. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    It's odd though. It's completely arbitrary it seems like. Sometimes he's very aggressive and other times he's very conservative, and it doesn't seem to make sense sometimes. I don't think analytics are a part of Tomlin's coaching strategy. He just goes with whatever feels good at the time.
  15. SteelHack

    SteelHack Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    What really bothers me about that play.. besides the obvious is this

    When ut is 3rd and 20 and the Steelers just do a delayed hand off or screen.. you hear the same BS from every source. . ."you just don't have a good play for that down and distance"

    Are you sure? Because on 4th and 2 they have a40 yard play drawn up... so it seems they at least have 1 play that does t

    • Like Like x 1
  16. Thor


    Mar 20, 2014
    We'll never know, but there's always the possibility of chatter over the headset on certain looks/reads/matchups to keep an eye out for with a given play. That aside, with as much "we've got to be aggressive" speak Trubisky was giving during his interviews last week I wouldn't have sent that play in unless I expected him to be looking for Johnson.
  17. OB1

    OB1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
    Trubisky is a super sucky QB. The *two* OCs are super sucky co-OCs. The HC is a super sucky HC.

    You guys are arguing over who's the super suckiest.

    I personally always go up the hierarchy to find the super suckiest because the person above has the power to change the people below. So, kind of by definition, the top dude is the sum of all of the suck under him.

    In this case, the owner is most super sucky, then Tomlin, then the two OCs, then players.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  18. Da Stellars

    Da Stellars Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    This team is really bad, I would have preferred Tomlin would have been more conservative with the play calling instead of going for it on 4th down that many times.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. MattCanada

    MattCanada Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2022
    Type of guys u gotta work with daily basic
  20. MattCanada

    MattCanada Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2022
    Ya funny how they don’t on 4th and 2 , but when it’s 3 and 12 we will do some little draw or bubble pass outside and be lucky to get back to line of scrimmage or normally we lose a yard or two lol
  21. Animus

    Animus Well-Known Member

    Dec 30, 2020
    I'm not against going deep on a 4th & 2. It has worked as often as it's failed. My issue with the call is the formation and lack of playaction. If they gawn 13 personal and did a playaction bomb, I would've been fine with the play not working. Give the opponents something to bite on and maybe it would've resulted in a TD. It was a one option play where the DB was all over it and likely batted it dahn if it was a better pass. At least present the threat of running the ball in situations like this.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  22. GoldBurgh

    GoldBurgh Well-Known Member

    Dec 31, 2022
    Tribusky is a selfish POS that knowingly makes terrible decisions throwing downfield because he sees it as if HE has nothing to lose. He doesn't care about the team and I cant stand the site of him. He threw that long ball on 4th down because it was more rewarding for him if it hit and "who cares" if it misses. The guy is scum IMO.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  23. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    So why have a rub for a 1st down??
  24. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    People look at the dang play. You almost always have a deep threat in a play. The telling sign is the rub for the 1st down. The play was designed to go there, or there would be no set up rub, but Trubisky decided to go deep right from the snap. That is on the Qb.
  25. Hanratty#5

    Hanratty#5 Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2019
    Robinson was wide open on that rub play but Mitch was hell bent on throwing the ball 40 yards down field as soon as the ball was snapped.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1

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