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This board is hysterical - No criticism of Haley at all

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Dick Shiner, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. polyjb

    polyjb Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    Ben had some good play early but he wasn't great. And if you recall, his better play was with the quick passing game. He was awful when the line broke down and couldnt ad lib like he has in the past. And dont forget, he and the offense were horrible in the KC game BEFORE he got hurt.
  2. polyjb

    polyjb Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    I meant good play early in the season. Not today
  3. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Exactly, people are in for a rude awakening when we no longer have Ben. I can point to so many reasons why we aren't in the playoffs, Ben's last 2 game ending picks aren't the only reason. And for the record, he only threw 7 int all year, that lousy suck @ss. People are hilarious indeed.
  4. Ray D

    Ray D Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 18, 2011
    Haley has been a bumbling idiot this year overall with a few odd moments of brilliance.

    Just like BA for all those years. The only difference was BA gambled more. Win enough gambles, and you look better.

    Stop apologizing for BA. He sucked. Just because Haley also sucks, it doesn't mean it wasn't time for BA to go.

    But.. but.. BA is doing well in Indy. Yeah, with a young, talented, and very motivated team. Wish we had one of those...
  5. 58stillers


    Nov 14, 2011
    Let's not forget there are other factors involved this season aside from just a simple OC change.

    1) We lost our offensive leadership, in Hines Ward. His production may have fallen last year, but he still commanded opposing defenses to pay attention to him so that the other WR's could get better coverage.
    2) We had a starting caliber RB all season in Mendy, this season our RB situation has been a mess of using the hot hand (or the one that didn't fumble). Sorry, I like the way both Dwyer & Redman run, but they are too inconsistent to ever be considered "starter caliber".
    3) Look at our turnovers, fumbles alone in 2012 = 31 in 2011 = 18... these players are killing themselves
    4) Up until Ben got injured, we were 6-3 and Ben was having a fabulous year. As usual, it appears Ben came back too early and has not recovered from his injury, as it seems he is missing some velocity on his throws.
    5) Not sure if there is anyplace that tracks WR drops by team, but I suspect our WR's dropped significantly more balls this year as compared to prior years (just a gut feeling).
    6) Our defense has been decimated with injuries, even though they played well yesterday, they have been inconsistent all year as well.

    I don't think Haley is the best thing in the world, but I do think there are other issues at play here. He's had one season as OC, I think you need to give him more of a chance. BA had a "pass" on criticism for years because he "won" a SB, I don't think it's quite fair to go blame Haley like he has been here for 5 years. Does he deserve criticism? Yes. Does every player deserve criticism? Yes. For whatever reason, our team was just not prepared to play this season, especially late, when it really counted.
  6. thesteeldeal

    thesteeldeal Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    This^. If you ask me I couldn't tell ya where BA left off and Haley began. It still baffles me as to where this O went wrong we were lookin good with the short passing game,then all of a sudden totally clueless. If teams made their adjustments then where were ours? Lets face it Ben has missed throws all year that would of won us a lot more games. When every game you play I so close to the vest all your mistakes are magnified. The good teams in this league get consistent and efficient play from the QBs. When you don't then you look just lik we do. Ben needs to get his head out of his ass and realize he can't rely solely on his athleticism anymore to win games.he needs to get his mind up to speed in this league or we will continue to see more performances like this from him and the team for years to come. It's time to stop blaming the OCs all the time.
  7. GravelGod

    GravelGod Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2011
    Kind of intresting, I dont see the name of the untouchable and seldom held accountable Mike Tomlin mentioned as being responsible for anything causing the Steelers to sit home during the playoffs. Like was done with Ariens, fans are looking to everyone else as to blame but not who is the root cause.
  8. Busman


    Oct 18, 2011
    Ben was holding on to the ball like it was his son. He never wanted to give it up.

    Some say he had a large bet in on Cinci to win lol

  9. virginiasteelerfan

    virginiasteelerfan Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011

    well, tomlin isn't really responsible for the play of the offense, especially if he had no choice with Haley. His responsibility comes in fixing it. If he goes into next year with the same game plan, same staff, same players and gets the same results...............................then he could very well see his job in jeopardy. but the problems were so systemic this year that there really wasn't much he could do. It's the coordinators that devise the system and create the gameplan. If he does want to keep his job, look for some changes after next week. but who knows how much control he really has over the team. I sense the current Rooney has a lot more involvement in the team than his predecessors.
  10. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    For those of you saying there isn't any Haley or Tomlin criticism...I must have been reading a different board lately.

    Use the search bar and lookup 'Haley' or 'Tomlin' and enjoy the next couple hours. :lolol:
  11. snipit73


    Oct 23, 2011
    :lolol: Yup! It's called "selective reading"
  12. blountforcetrauma

    blountforcetrauma Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    That's what I was thinking. I'm the dang President of his fan club and I've been letting him have it all day. They should go read the live thread.
  13. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    as i've said before. FTHI
  14. GravelGod

    GravelGod Well-Known Member

    Dec 10, 2011
    Tomlin isn't responsible? You must be joking right? Tomlin is the one where most here want to remind others how St. Michael took the Steelers to the SB his first year. With those amazing tallents, we should be far removed from seeing anything as ugly as what we have seen the past 2 years. Tomlin as Head Coach (using the term litely) is responsible for everything on the field including play calling, he does have a headset. With all due respect, its time to stop looking for others people to balme and go to the source of the problem.
  15. Dick Shiner

    Dick Shiner Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    Why do I keep reading comments about how Ben was great early? That we were 6-3 until (insert lame excuse here)? Yeah, we were 6-3. Yeah, Ben was "great early." Maybe because, with the exception of the Broncos, our competition those first nine games wound up going 47-73? Four of those games were against teams in the bottom ten pass defenses in the league. Does anybody really want to boast of Ben's numbers against the Jets, Redskins, Eagles, Titans, Raiders, Giants, Bengals, and Chiefs? Those are five really bad football teams and three very hot and cold teams. We SHOULD have been 8-1! Losses to the Titans and Raiders?
  16. darcrav

    darcrav Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2012
    this is copy and paste right ?

    i know i have read this verbatim before

    just saying

    copyright infringement plagairism gospel
  17. virginiasteelerfan

    virginiasteelerfan Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    of course he's responsible, but there's nothing that can be done at this point in the season. you have to dance with the girl that brought you. his responsibility is more in correcting the problems from a personell and system standpoint. he can't exactly take over the game and run the offense and defense himself.
    yes, it is time to start looking for the source of the problem. that's what Tomlin job and responsibility is. not running things himself on gameday
  18. freakfontana


    Oct 19, 2011
    james harrison sayd yesterday :
    We‘ve got to do a better job as players of playing the game, individually and collectively,” Harrison said. “And we have to do a better job as coaches, coaching the game and putting our players in positions to make plays .

    he was calling out the coaching staff

  19. Dick Shiner

    Dick Shiner Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    I never said Tomlin wasn't receiving criticism. Tomlin is taking the brunt of it. I'd say the vitriol is directed about 70% on Tomlin, 25% on Ben, and 5% on Haley. The problem I have, is that in successful seasons in recent years, Arians took about 95% of the vitriol on this board (IN SUCCESSFUL SEASONS). And, really, without merit.

    The problem for me is this: this was a terrible hire to begin with. It was a very polarizing decision. The majority of this board were jumping for joy. A few were hopelessly optimistic but saw red flags everywhere. The latter suggested that Haley hadn't accomplished anything anywhere other than one year in Arizona with two future hall of famers hooking up on offense. That he had personality clashes everywhere he went (Boldin, Paoli). That he would certainly have a personality clash with Ben (how's that working out?). That he was driven out of town at his last stop with his boss saying something like, "we couldn't get rid of that guy fast enough. Horrible mistake! Had to nip it in the bud now. We realized our mistake. We took care of it. We apologize to our entire fan base for that colossal misfire!" (so we run out and grab him because he was a ballboy here in his teens or something) The select few on this board who cautioned this hire basically threw out, "caveat emptor!" and "be careful what you wish for!" One wild (HIGH-SCORING) PLAYOFF loss at Denver and we needed to make major changes in our offense? We needed to bring the running game back (right after Ike Redman ran for, what, four-hundred yards at Denver?) Our offensive coordinator needed to go? One year removed from a (HIGH-SCORING) SUPER BOWL loss to the Packers? Our offensive coordinator needed to go? We needed to make major changes in our offense? It was a BAD THING that our offensive coordinator and franchise quarterback got along well? That they were on the 'same page?' WTF?! That we NEEDED a jerk to come in and boast of things like "my way or the highway" that excited this fan base and led some on here to gleefully copy and paste quotes like that to their profile? That we NEEDED someone to boss our franchise qb around? To bully him? We didn't WANT them getting along? WTF?

    I'll say it again: a franchise quarterback comes along, what, 2 or 3 times every eighty years or so? It would only make sense to do whatever we can in this short window to empower Big Ben to feel comfortable in this offense and run the plays he wants to run. Anybody who thinks we need a change in quarterback can place their thoughts in the 'moron file.'

    I'll also add: I'm glad Dan is running back from Ireland. I don't like the way Art stepped up and played dictator in this decision to oust Arians and bring in Jerkwad. I was very concerned about how the new regime would be operated. Now even moreso. The Rooneys have been great the past four decades because they hired a head coach and let him do his job. They didn't meddle. Art meddled. We missed the playoffs.
  20. 58stillers


    Nov 14, 2011
    One person does not get all the credit for success or failure, but prior to injury Ben had 17 TD's to 4 Picks.... since returning from injury Ben's had 7 TD's and 4 picks (including 2 Pick 6). We may not have been hitting on all cylinders during our 6-3 run, but we did do enough to win those games and Ben was definitely much better than he has been the last 3 games.

    You can argue all you want about how much blame goes to Ben, Tomlin, Haley, etc. They all deserve criticism. But I don't think it's fair to consider shifting the criticism 95% to Haley because of the other circumstances he has dealt with in my previous post. It's his first year as our OC, you give coach's a little bit of leeway coming into new situations...no?
  21. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    get out of my head dick. LOL;) spot on. especially about art.:cool:
  22. mrtnalvrz

    mrtnalvrz Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2012
    So far I am not a big fan of Haley, and in my eyes Tomlin has not proved himself as a HC, since (in my opinion) his first 3 years this team was pretty much still "Cowher's team". However , everything you list in your comment is true. People looking for just one person to blame couldn't be more wrong in doing so.
  23. TerribleTowelFlying

    TerribleTowelFlying Staff Member Site Admin Mod Team

    Oct 12, 2011
    I wasn't implying you did. I was referring to other posts in this thread that were.

    There have been plenty of complaints about Haley recently...much more than what the title suggested. Don't worry though, I'm sure in another couple years it will likely parallel the Fire Bruce Arians cries that began a few years ago. No point in dwelling in the past though. Bruce is gone and he's never coming back. Time will tell if Haley is a better answer for this offense or not.
  24. 58stillers


    Nov 14, 2011
    Maybe we can start the FIRE TOMLIN HIRE ARIANS threads.... I mean, BA is being mentioned as a HC candidate already. FTHA :lolol:
  25. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Because he was, you can only play the teams in front of you. You rattled off half the schedule, our whole schedule is made up of pansies for that matter, with the exception of Denver. Until Ben got hurt, he was having one of his best seasons if not best ever, many analysts were talking about how well he was playing in Haleys system, even going as far as to say having an mvp type season. So what happened? He got hurt and not only was he not the same after that but I didn't even see the same offense being run that he was doing well in. I don't know if that was Haleys doing or Bens or what but its clear he wasn't the same after the injury.

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