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This board is hysterical - No criticism of Haley at all

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Dick Shiner, Dec 23, 2012.

  1. Dick Shiner

    Dick Shiner Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    No criticism of Haley, at all.

    He was brought in to take us back to being a running team and we're one of the worst running teams in the league. What was it, 26th heading into today?

    I attended 8 games this season (Jets, Skins, Chiefs, Ravens, and Chargers at home; Bengals, Browns, Cowboys on the road). Seeing the entire field, Ben had nowhere to go with the football for most of the season. People praise Haley's "well-designed plays" yet our receivers were rarely open. But people rave and rave because Heath put up Pro Bowl numbers. Yet here we sit at 8-8.

    Meanwhile, Bruce Arians has taken a 2-14 Colts team, with a rookie quarterback, to the playoffs.

    Haha. All you can do is laugh.

    The numbers contradict any argument suggesting Haley was an upgrade over Arians. To even argue the point would be embarrassing for a Haley defender. It would revolve around nothing but rhetoric and hypotheticals. It would merely be the same nauseating arguments that have been thrown around here all season regarding red zone efficiency, Heath's numbers, and the infamous "well-designed plays" comment. Worse, there would be blame solely on the players for lack of execution (blame that didn't exist while Arians was here). Nobody cared about excuses, they just wanted production. Fact: our production is much worse under Haley. With the exception of Kurt Warner and Larry Fitzgerald coexisting in Arizona, Todd Haley has left every one of his coaching stops worse than he found it. But we only care if he's mean to Ben, right? Because that's what Ben needs, right? Someone to call plays our franchise quarterback doesn't want to run. Sounds wise.

    Congratulations! Arians is out and Haley is in. We have played some of the inept football this past month that I have seen in forty years. This offense is a mess. There is no identity whatsoever. Ya hated all the screen passes called by Arians? All we have done for the past month are screens to the receivers and slants to Heath. Those slants becoming so preictable, Leon Hall just jumped one of em and ended our season today (while our D totally shut Cincy down -- as this board cries for Lebau's head).

    What's interesting is that the people in the stands at Heinz hate Haley. Curse his name all game. So why is he so loved here. I don't get it. Don't really care to either. It's just weird. I know that Haley's complete ineptitude will result in only one thing: more fire Tomlin threads.

    Haha. Fascinating.
  2. HinesWardHOF

    HinesWardHOF Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    i love the fact BA is doing great at indy... love to see them win the SB without manning and with BA... good luck bruce

  3. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    make this sticky.
    Epic rant.
    Well done.
  4. polyjb

    polyjb Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    Haley is not the problem - please.

    Haley doesn't run the plays, throw passes, fumble the football.

    Haley also does not return kicks, block in the back and hold.

    Haley does not punt the ball into the end zone or 34 yds off the side of his foot.

    Haley does not mismanage timeouts, challenges, and the clock.

    Haley does not kick field goals wide of the net into the Yinzers in the 26th row.

    Haley is not the problem.
  5. steelers5859

    steelers5859 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011

  6. Dick Shiner

    Dick Shiner Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    Then I guess we never needed to get rid of Arians then because he didn't do any of those things either.
  7. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
  8. polyjb

    polyjb Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012

    I never had a problem with Arians. I just didn't like some of the situational plays.
  9. bigsteelerfaninky

    bigsteelerfaninky Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    haley sucks but everyone wanted ab gone............sometimes the grass isnt always greener
  10. polyjb

    polyjb Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    And a coordinator changes takes time - especially when your QB is one named Ben. He is stubborn. This was not going to be instant magic for this team. So you can't compare Arians to Haley.
  11. Dick Shiner

    Dick Shiner Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    And I don't have a problem with Haley. I just don't like anything about him.
  12. Romans5:8

    Romans5:8 Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    I appreciate your thoughts!

    Running game: I can't blame this on Haley. Our o-line just can't open holes.
    Passing game: I agree that at times it seemed Ben had no where to go with the football. I think both play-calling and Ben's weaknesses (accuracy in small windows) may account for this.

    As disappointing as the offense looked at times this year, I'm not ready to put the blame solely or even primarily on Haley. The players have their fair share of responsibility for sure (dropped balls, fumbles, o-line play, qb play).

    I supported a move at the OC position this year. I felt that Arians had a good number of years here with less than satisfying results. Two SB appearances is certainly an accomplishment, but our overall offensive production wasn't impressive. And with as much talent as we had (and still have) at the skill positions, I didn't feel the production could be justified.

    The verdict is still out on Haley, in my opinion. In the meantime, I won't be asking for Tomlin's firing.
  13. slickster10


    Oct 23, 2011
  14. 4EvrH8O'donnel

    4EvrH8O'donnel Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    We wanted Antonio Brown gone? I though it was Wallace we hated.
  15. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Can we all agree that Haley's coaching was insufficient AND Ben's play was insufficient? Had Ben made the plays he should have made though Todd Haley's coaching would have looked a lot better. When Brady has a bad game (has he ever) does he blame the playcalling? NO. He goes out and executes the heck out of the plays that are called!
  16. Dick Shiner

    Dick Shiner Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2012
    Aside from the game last year where Brady was screaming at his OC?

    The poor o-line excuse is weak. Our o-line sucked under Arians. Moving on.

    The bigger problem is that Haley is not calling plays our offense is comfortable with. We have basically our second franchise quarterback in 80 years and we want to see him adjust to a poor playcaller rather than have our OC adjust to empower our qb to play at his strength? Fascinating.

    Haley sucked in Kansas City and he sucked with Matt Leinart in Arizona. He had Warner riding the bench behind Leinart. Let THAT marinate! Now tell me what a genius he is. He became a golden child after they let two future Hall of Famers do their thing.

    He's not good. This offense is inept, out of sync, off, sucks . . . The formations are bizarre, the third-down play calling is weird, and the production has been awful. It's time to stop defending him.
  17. virginiasteelerfan

    virginiasteelerfan Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    I think it's becuase (and I spent a lot of time at the old official board) that many of the people here invested so much in hating BA that they have to support Haley. were they to admit that Haley is a complete disaster and that Arians has now shown those two SB rings he has weren't a fluke they would look pretty stupid and quite ignorant of football.
  18. Coastal Steeler

    Coastal Steeler

    Oct 16, 2011
    You want to fix the OC problem? Put ben on the bus out of town. I am sick of him whining around and never admiting he is wrong.
  19. SteelHack

    SteelHack Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2011
    Ben blames himself every week....read the articles...not just the titles.

    and you must not have read all the threads...I questioned Haleys playcalling in the post game thread

  20. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    You obviously missed the game day thread. He was called out in there, frankly, no one on the offensive side of the ball gets a pass from me today.
  21. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Great, hello more losing seasons.
  22. BobbyBiz

    BobbyBiz Well-Known Member

    Nov 30, 2011
    I agree.
    The Steelers should keep Haley and bring back Kent Graham.
    Problem solved.
  23. Tdot Steeler Fan

    Tdot Steeler Fan Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    So if it's not Haleys fault who's playcall is it 3rd and 1 at the Cin 2 yard line why are we in 5 WR set?
  24. polyjb

    polyjb Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2012

    Yeah so how does that conversation go on 3rd and 1?

    Haley: Ben let's run "54 double terd z flat"
    Tomlin: Todd is that a pass play with empty back set?
    Haley: Yes, it rocks
    Tomlin: Okay sounds good, let's do it but let's make sure that if it breaks down and Ben can run for it, make sure he knows to throw it to Rainey
    Haley: 10-4
    Ben: wtf is this play todd? Mike, help?
    Tomlin: Ben, it is a great play, run it.
    Ben: Oh F. Okay.

    At some point, Tomlin should say hey Todd, run the football down their throats right here. Bottom line, is Tomlin is blessing this offense, otherwise he could change it. He is the head coach (supposedly).
  25. Tdot Steeler Fan

    Tdot Steeler Fan Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    Can anyone confirm the rumor that Haley was only signed to a 1 year deal?

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