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Next 8 games for the Steelers…

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by steel_ben7, Oct 16, 2023.

  1. steel_ben7

    steel_ben7 Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2015
    I think will go a long way in determining whether they win the division or make the playoffs. Those 8 games consist of at the Rams, Jags at home, Titans at home, Packers at home, back to back road games at Cleveland and at Cincinnati, and then back to back home games with Arizona and New England. Five of those eight games are at home and I’ll say this right now you better be able to go at least 5-3 looking at that schedule and be 8-5 worst case scenario going into Indy on December 17th. Looking at this schedule especially the home games you absolutely almost have to win the games with Tennessee, Green Bay, Arizona, and New England at home. If you win those 4 games and just go 1-3 against the Rams, Jags, Browns and Bengals you get to 5-3 and that 8-5 record that you probably need to be at to have a shot to win the North. Something else worth noting after this trip LA this Sunday the Steelers are not gonna have to travel for a road game for another month and when they do it will be for very close trips to Cleveland and Cincinnati.

    So this team is gonna be home a lot over the next 6-7 weeks so there is really no excuse to not win all those home games you have against those teams that stink. So if you go 5-3 you should be in pretty good shape to still win the division and make the playoffs anything less then that in my opinion and this team is in trouble and will probably miss the playoffs again.
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  2. steel machine

    steel machine Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
    I'd be thrilled with 8-5. I know any given Sunday but I as most Steeler fans look ahead. I have us winning those 4 home games. The next two games have me worried since we have to go West young man and then home to a team I predicted will be in the AFCCG. Against the Rams, Jags, Browns and Bengals I am hoping for a split.

    Now in fine Pittsburgh Steeler fashion, they will beat the teams I'm worried about and lose the ones I predict a win.

    I would think 10 wins gets you in Playoffs or at least I hope. And as MLB has shown us the last two years, having the best regular season record is useless. The past two seasons no 100 win team made it to WS. Hell, this season the 3 100 win teams won the grand total of 1 Playoff game.
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  3. Rollers

    Rollers Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2016
    It has been a weird baseball playoff game. I have a good fan that is a Rangers fan so I'm rooting for the Rangers. It is hard to believe that the 100 win teams only won one playoff game! Weird year!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. steel_ben7

    steel_ben7 Well-Known Member

    Nov 16, 2015
    They aren’t gonna make the playoffs most likely if they aren’t 8-5 going into that Colts game on Dec 17th. You have to be able to beat teams like the Titans, Packers, Cardinals, and Patriots at home. There is simply no excuse not too. Those 4 teams for all practical purposes stink and aren’t very good and you have to be able to beat teams on your homefield with QB’s like the Titans with Malik Willis or Tannehill, the Packers with Jordan Love, the Cardinals with Josh Dobbs or even Kyler Murray if he is back then, and the Patriots with Mac Jones. You go 4-0 there and like I mentioned just go 1-3 even in the Rams, Jags, Browns, Bengals 4 game stretch it will get you to 8-5 and 6-3 in the AFC overall with your conference record and put you in excellent shape to either win the AFC North or make the playoffs as a wildcard going into those last 4 games.
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  5. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    i hope we are just concerned with the next game. one at a time. the rest is out of their control. :cool:
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  6. steel machine

    steel machine Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
    I'm also all in on the Rangers only for one silly reason. Game 2 in Houston the Astros had bases loaded with no outs. You can imagine the crowd noise. The camera kept going to these 3 young (12-13) boys in the stands. All three were Ranger fans. When their pitcher did an amazing job of getting out of the inning with zero runs scored you could see the boys wanted to go crazy which they would have in their home stadium. So funny watching them contain their excitement surrounded by all Astro fans.

    Sidenote about older baseball fans. Last night I went around my neighborhood at 10 PM. I live in an over 55 place. There are a ton of Phillie and Eagle flags everywhere. I found the grand total of 1 house with a TV on. Granted a lot of residents are 75+ but if the Pittsburgh Pirates made it this far I sure the hell would be wide awake for the games.
    • Like Like x 3
  7. steel machine

    steel machine Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
    This would not be funny and I'd never root against the Steelers but if all goes to crap before Dec. I'd probably wouldn't get to PO'd if Dobbs had a game in the Burgh. Now if we still in the hunt we better win that game!!!!
  8. Thor


    Mar 20, 2014
    I take it it's one of those with 10 speeds and a remote. Make sure you position it with a good angle to the TV on low so it doesn't cool the Rangers off any; they've been on a tear. ;)

    I'm a Phillies fan, hoping they keep up the good winning ways against Arizona again tonight.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. Silverback

    Silverback Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2023
    Of course, and all teams fall to this trend to some degree (losing games you think are "W's") but a Tomlin-coached team seems more at risk than average to it. It's in his DNA. It has to do with discipline and focus, and he just fails along those lines.

    I agree the Rams, Jags, Browns and Bengals will end up in a split. It's honestly looking like another 9-8 season, just enough for the Tomlin apologists to brag about "no losing season" trend. Hooray. Looking at this incompetent offense, and "hit or miss defense," I don't see them much better than that.
  10. RockyBleier

    RockyBleier Well-Known Member

    Sep 11, 2015
    We're fans...is our job to worry about the next 8 games...let the players go one week at a time.
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  11. Silverback

    Silverback Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2023
    That being said, we made a young rookie - only a month into his career - look like Marino in his prime in playing vs. Stroud. We all read the quotes where he said he wasn't wetting his pants thinking about TJ rushing him, thinking his cockiness would lead to his doom...and then we played and TJ didn't lay a finger on him, all game.

    Stroud easily manhandled our "scary D" with ease, like a maestro leading a symphony. So, would it really be shocking if a Dobbs, a Love, a Jones, or even a Willis look effective playing against our defense - a defense that refuses to start its best CB on the entire roster, just because? Just "because" they have a history of not giving rookies starter playing time for some outdated, antiquated, old-man reason beyond modern, current-day comprehension?

    Oh, because it's not "the Steelers' way." A "way" which leads to .500 ball or 1 game better in the win-loss column. That "way" is supposed to keep us fans endlessly supporting the team because "that's the way things were." Genius.
  12. Silverback

    Silverback Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2023
    Yea, it always cracks me up when fans think we have to think like players: Let them think of "one game at a time." That's not our job; it doesn't impact a damn thing if we look down the road. We aren't players.
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  13. Thor


    Mar 20, 2014
    You seem to have a problem accepting others actually can have an opinion without having a care in the world about how you choose approach the same situation. Nobody said anything about how you or other fans should think. You just build strawmen to get all worked up and spew vitriol over, like your tired 'Tomlin apologists' trope.

    Is recess over yet?
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    • Against The Rules Against The Rules x 1
  14. Silverback

    Silverback Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2023

    I see 6-6 down that stretch. That's 9-8, perfect for the Tomin apologists to spew the "no losing season" mantra (as the rest of the fans grit their teeth over the happy acceptance of the "1 game over .500" final results and yet another year sans a playoff win, as if that should be acceptable for Steeler fans.)

    Where in the hell did the last 2 years of "excellent drafting" and FA pick ups go towards? The same damn barely over .500 record, or playoff win again?
  15. Silverback

    Silverback Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2023
    If you want to indulge in the fantasy as if we are actually on the team, and our mental stance impacts the team results, then by all means, embarrass yourself; it will at least provide a good chuckle from those of us living in the real world. As far as "my tired Tomlin trope," it isn't anywhere near as tired as Tomlin is as the actual coach. You want to talk about tired? Now THAT's tired.

    Now, go along and believe the nonsense uttered from his pie hole and "keep focused on just the upcoming game," because that will really make a difference in team's results. :roflmao::lolol:
  16. Thor


    Mar 20, 2014
    Show me where I said I thought ANY mentality by fans would affect the team.

    Come on, Foster. Isn't there a You Tube/Twitch/TicTok/Teletubbie comment section that'd be much more up your alley?
  17. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    Uhh yeah

    That’s how it works for every team wins and losses
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 2
  18. jeh1856

    jeh1856 I am free

    Oct 26, 2011
    I think you need to dumb it down for him a little more
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  19. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    Well JMO...., but Your whole statement lost credit when You compared CJ Stroud to those other Qbs. I've only went to bat with 3 Qbs in a long while....because they are hard to judge, but....Burrow, CJ Stroud, and M. Jones are the three I did. Although M. Jones is making me look foolish. Then again....NE beat us last year....while Tom Brady lost to us.
    Also If You haven't noticed CJ Stroud is breaking rookie records, and not just against us. I said before, and I'll say it again....He will be the best NFL Qb to come out of Ohio state that I have personally ever seen.
  20. Formerscribe

    Formerscribe Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2016
    Nobody commented on the OP going way out on a limb and predicting that a stretch of eight games will have a significant effect on whether or not the Steelers make the playoffs? Seriously? It is eight games. That much of a stretch will affect the outcome of the season for any team.
  21. Hardini68

    Hardini68 Well-Known Member

    Dec 3, 2018
    Steelers are even Steven as usual so they will go 4-4 or 3-5 finish season 9-8 8-9 just enough to keep fans interested with the charade of competing for a playoff run if they come out of bye with a offense that scores more then a touchdown and defense that does not get torched I’ll change my mind
  22. Silverback

    Silverback Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2023
    I'm not the one who poo poo'd Stroud coming into our game vs. Houston, that was other posters who did that, claiming how scared he should be of TJ and co. And all CJ did was basically say that he respected Watt but wasn't going to curl up in a fetal position and not try. Kudos. He didn't; he ripped our D into shreds without shedding a tear. He's thrown 9 TDs and only 1 int. He's gone 3-3 with a team full of holes, way more lacking in personnel as Pgh is, and put a shellacking on us.

    The Texans were missing what, 3/5ths of their starting OL? And they still shut down our pass rush like it was anemic. They were starting Kenyon freaking Green for cripes sake and stonewalled our supposed stalwart pass rush. I simply did not take Stroud lightly coming into that game; I knew as a team, we should not come in there thinking all we had to do was "show up" to win, like so many games in Tomlin's era, only to be beat down by a supposed inferior team. How many times will that record keep repeating?
  23. Thor


    Mar 20, 2014
    Who is Kenyon Green for cripes sake?

    I suppose it's too much to ask that you conduct yourself like an adult.
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
    • Very Optimistic Very Optimistic x 1
  24. Ytownsteeler

    Ytownsteeler Well-Known Member

    Oct 2, 2015
    All steelers fans know how the rest of the season will go. The steelers will go 6-6 and upset one team they have no right beating an dlose to someone they have no right losing to. The offense is pathetic and wont give us a shot in the 6 losses. The d will get shredded in the run game in the 6 losses and get a ton of turnovers and be lights out in 6 wins and we will say oh soooo close . Kenny p will continue to suck and we will call for Canada's head to no avail. Same cycle as last 3 years.
  25. Silverback

    Silverback Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2023
    Kenyon, Kendrick, whatever you whiny crybaby. Why don't you resort to your "I know you are but what am I" blast. Nothing like a 3rd-grade mentality from "Bore" to deal with. Why don't you go ahead and reference your avatar with your "mailbox on a stick" and think you're such a "big deal" while being outwitted by anyone who chooses to communicate with your boring arse.

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