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Discussion in 'The Bill Nunn Draft Room' started by SpeedyMikeWallace, Dec 20, 2012.

  1. SpeedyMikeWallace

    SpeedyMikeWallace Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Consensus top priority seems to be safety. I agree there. Troy just isn't Troy anymore and Clark and Allen aren't getting any younger.

    If Heyward is for sure going to be a DE, then OLB is obviously right up there with safety. Is Worilds really the guy to take over for Harrison? I don't really think so.

    After those two, it's really a bit fuzzy.

    What has happened to Rashard Mendenhall? Two years ago it looked like he was set to be the long-term guy who could be counted on to win games when the passing game wasn't there. Now he can't stay healthy and can barely hang on to the damn ball. Total regression here. Very disappointing.

    I don't like Redman that much. I think he's pretty bland and doesn't really offer anything Dwyer can't do better. But still, both have shown they aren't exactly the type of guys you want to lean on for an extended period of time.

    And as for Rainey, he will never have the size to handle more than 10 carries a game.

    So, perhaps running back is an issue now. It would be nice if Mendenhall woke up and started playing again. This position is supposed to be locked down.

    If they re-sign or franchise Wallace and Sanders, WR isn't much of a concern. If they don't, then well, it could be.

    Is McClendon the guy to succeed Hampton? It seems that way, but they're still going to need depth. I really don't see Casey playing another year.

    Sad to say Heath isn't on the right side of 30 anymore. While I think he's the type of player that could play well into his mid-30s, it's not something I'd want to bank on. Paulson seems to be a solid "potential" guy, but if there's an opportunity to grab someone who can offer a bit more assurance, I'd go for it.

    Ben also isn't getting any younger. However, I think it's a couple of seasons too soon to be looking for a new QB. I really don't see them looking at QBs for anything more than a Batch/Leftwich replacement.

    So, I'd probably go:

    1. Safety
    2. Outside Linebacker
    3. Defensive Tackle
    4. Running Back
    5. Tight End

    *WR if they let Wallace and/or Sanders go.
    *LB depth
    *QB depth

    What do you know, CB and OL aren't on the list...when's the last time that happened?
  2. strummerfan

    strummerfan Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    We still need an OT and we might need another guard in 2014 depending on what happens with Colon and Foster. I wouldn't be surprised if they draft Warmack(sp?) if he's available when they pick. Safety is definitely a huge area of need. Hopefully Ta'amu can avoid jail time and develop into the player the front office envisioned. One thing is certain they really need a home run with this draft.
  3. mrn6

    mrn6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2011
    we need at least 2 safeties and a pass rushing linebacker with our first 3 picks. After that, I am okay with a guard in the late rounds.
  4. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    i'm not so sure about OLB either. carter and robinson should take a step forward next year. worilds has improved some. robinson is a rookie and carter didn't get ota's or any of that his rookie year, so i can see these guys improving. maybe not that big of need yet.

    we need a guard or guard/tackle type. thats why i had us getting hugh thornton from illinois. he's done very well at LT and LG for them.

    matt elam would be my number one priority.

    we will be needing another wr but i don't see one early or maybe at all this year. sanders is capable. cotchery is still a good backup.

    NT could be a problem. we will need to know what is going to happen with Moo.

    ilb is high on the list too. hopefully spence can return. minter would be an excellent choice in rd.2. dan molls would be another. he leads the nation in tackles. he's an under the radar guy.

    alot depends on who stays and who goes. we may need another DE too. steinkuhler later in the draft would be nice.
  5. SpeedyMikeWallace

    SpeedyMikeWallace Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I don't see a need for any position on the Oline. Foster, DeCastro, Pouncey, Colon, and Adams should be perfect going forward for quite awhile. Some depth picks are going to happen, of course, but I would be shocked if they draft early for any Oline position anytime soon.

    I notice this happening all the time: The Steelers have some young guys behind a few starters, and people assume these guys are good or are going to be good. It's all complete conjecture. There is nothing to indicate that Carter or Robinson are anything more than spot holders in the defensive depth chart and/or special teamers.

    I don't see any reason to worry about MLB. Timmons is really good, and they've never really had two great MLBs; it's usually just one really good one coupled with a "lunch pale" guy.
  6. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    it's always conjecture. there is no guarentee any draft pick will work out. players do improve year to year. keenan lewis is one example. brett keisel. antonio brown. emanuel sanders. ryan clark. ike taylor. timmons. silverback. mclendon. need i go on? it all depends on the work they put into it. and no this line is not complete. i hope they don't just let it go. big mistake.:cool:
  7. bigsteelerfaninky

    bigsteelerfaninky Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011
    I agree that S should be #1 priority....if it is do we get the vaccaro kid from texas?
  8. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    i like elam hands down as the best all around safety. he would help us tremendously back there. add him with golden,troy and clark and we would be pretty set at safety. i'm not down on golden because of one play. he's still got alot of potential. it does take time. elam could play as a rookie. he's a bright kid with tons of talent. he should pick it up quickly.:cool:
  9. Steelcop

    Steelcop Well-Known Member

    Nov 20, 2011
    Hey guys I am not able to scout the college kids like you do so I am grateful for your opinions. Keep them comming, they will help the rest of us get through the really long off season.
  10. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    The safeties I like are Elam from Florida and Reid from LSU.
  11. steelers5859

    steelers5859 Well-Known Member

    Oct 23, 2011
    1. OLB
    2. OLB
    3. Safety
    4. RB
    5. OL
    6. TE
    7. WR
  12. TarheelFlyer

    TarheelFlyer Well-Known Member

    Oct 25, 2011
    I could see us doing any of the following in the draft:


    Quarterback - IMO we need a vet and a young kid if not 2 vets. I would consider Matt Moore as a potential backup as well as Stanton. A late round draft pick wouldn't surprise me, but my guess is we go UDFA and UFA here.

    Running back - Mendy is gone. Redman and Dwyer are average runners. We were 26th in the league in rushing this year. I could see us using a draft pick or maybe signing someone like Beanie Wells from Arizona. Drafting one, isn't a huge priority to me, but if you find someone in the 6th or 7th you like...why not?

    Wide Reciever - I don't see us franchising Wallace. Sanders I think resigns, but I still truly believe a BIG physical receiver is the most important need we have on offense. The only UFA receiver who fits that IMO is Bowe. Maybe, but he was in no better position than Wallace headed into the year. He had fewer TDs than Wallace, but I still think he is a better fit.

    TE - Heath's replacement will need to be found eventually. I prefer to wait another year and sign another vet to take over for Pope's role...

    Oline - I think this all comes down to our UFAs and Colon. I prefer to keep a lot of what we have, but not everyone sees it that way I know. I prefer the following:

    Adams, Starks, Colon, Foster, Pouncey, Legursky, DeCastro, Beachum and Gilbert.


    DE - I don't want to draft another DE, sign a vet and keep Keisel another year.

    NT - You have to hope Ta'amu doesn't go to prison. I am happy with McLendon and him.

    OLB - This area needs to find some guys who can get to the QB. Carter needs to raise his game. Harrison I think is gone due to money. Woodley needs to find his explosiveness. Robinson needs to be given a shot, one trick pony or not. Worilds is what he is....Clark Haggans. I want a splash draft pick here.

    ILB - Timmons. Okay who after that. Spence may be fine...he may not. Foote shouldn't be anything but depth. Give me at least 1 more guy here.

    CB - I am fine with what we have assuming we can get Lewis back in the fold. Ike, Lewis, Allen, Brown, Victorian, and Van Dyke.

    S - Troy and Clark are fine for starters another year. We need youthful depth, but Allen is a solid vet. Say goodbye Mundy. Golden should be given another year. We need to draft the replacement for either Clark OR Troy this year...IMO.
  13. SpeedyMikeWallace

    SpeedyMikeWallace Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I don't see why they wouldn't franchise Wallace. I think he's a very important piece of the offense whether or not he put up monster numbers because he requires a great deal of coverage. He opens up a lot of room for Brown and Sanders. As far as being a cap casualty, I don't think their hit would be much more than it is this season.
  14. Greg the man Lloyd

    Greg the man Lloyd Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    We have spent to many picks lately on OL to draft another one in the first round. To many other spots we are getting low on depth in.
  15. freakfontana


    Oct 19, 2011
    just 7,5 million more
  16. strummerfan

    strummerfan Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012

  17. gpguy

    gpguy Well-Known Member

    Dec 19, 2011
    Why wouldn'y Heyward be a DE? Thats his position, thats what he was drafted for and what he has played.
  18. SpeedyMikeWallace

    SpeedyMikeWallace Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Money won't be a problem if a few guys are gone. And after this past year, there's no way he'll get a huge contract from anyone.
  19. SpeedyMikeWallace

    SpeedyMikeWallace Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011

    I remembered Cam subbing in for Harrison his rookie year, for whatever reason. Could just have been my imagination.
  20. strummerfan

    strummerfan Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    He will get a contract at least as big as AB's contract prior to 2012. I saw a report yesterday that the Dolphins were intent on pursuing Wallace and Greg Jennings. Of course that came from a"reliable team source", but Wallace will garner interest.

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