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Potential free agent targets

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Ender, Jan 9, 2023.

  1. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    Did we win “cap space powerball?”
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 3
  2. AFan

    AFan Well-Known Member

    Oct 24, 2011

    You might be right, but if turns down the tag that will pay him in 2023 what he made the last 5 yrs, that’s a flashing red warning to future employers. RBs and WRs can be cement heads, QBs can’t.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. Brice

    Brice Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2018
    1st year of a 5 year $100 million contract costs $9 million in cap space. See Roquin Smith's 5 year $100 million contract.

    Steelers just released William Jackson freeing up $12.2 Millon in cap space. So you can't say we don't have the money.


    To get better next year the Steelers either need to put some money into the O-line or some high draft picks into the O-line. Pick your poison.

    The Chiefs just won the Superbowl with an All Pro Offensive Tackle, an All Pro Guard, and an All Pro Center; you think that was just an accident?
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2023
  4. SWSteel

    SWSteel Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2020
    Steelers will have a ton of cash to spend under Cap and can free a good chunk up w restructures

    WON'T go after big tickets guys, but no excuse to not sign cpl quality guys period

    • Like Like x 1
  5. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    Yep, I know how contracts are structured to defer cap impacts. I also want to upgrade LT and LG. I’m thinking longer term in terms of dollars. While I wouldn’t be opposed to this kind of signing at LT, it creates some tough decisions on cap dollar allocation in just the next few years. I’d really prefer to get KP a long-term blind side protector via the draft and be set at that position for 4-5 years without having $25-30 million cap hits at that position just a few years from now. Also, signing Brown this offseason screams “win now,” and I think it’s 1 year early to be making deals like that. Just my opinion.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    the ILB spot is loaded in free agency. i expect we do it like they usually do, wait until the initial rush is over and pick from the best of the rest. i still have a feeling of cody barton or alex anzelone. i wouldn't mind either of them. new coach should i hope help out as well. :cool:
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    I believe the Steelers will continue to do business
    the way they mostly have, bring in mid price F Agents and
    hope these mid price FA out play their contract. We should be able
    to upgrade our roster talent with incoming FA and the draft and should be able to compete
    at high level. Those first 4 draft picks have to produce quickly.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Yup. Plug holes with FA and let the draft come to them instead of having to reach.
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Winner Winner x 1
  9. Bend Steel

    Bend Steel Well-Known Member

    May 26, 2018
    I just read something about Javon Hargrave being a FA. Did not have time to do any research on that. Just a headline somewhere on the interweb.
  10. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    Yes he's a free agent, he will also be very expensive to sign.
  11. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    I don't see the Steelers paying Brown the kind of money he's looking for.
  12. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Good players cost money. They could elect to keep going the basement bargain route or maybe Khan has a different philosophy, signing better players and yielding better results.

    Hargrave’ s contract won’t be as much as his last contract was.
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  13. Formerscribe

    Formerscribe Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2016
    Maybe his age holds it down a little, but he is coming off a great season.
  14. Brice

    Brice Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2018
    Somebody here posted about using free agency as an opportunity to make your rivals worse.

    So how about Raven's LG Ben Powers?

    Ben Powers finished 2022-23 with a run block win rate of 78.8%, which was the 2nd highest for offensive guards in the league. And he's not a one-dimensional player either, ranking 10th among guards with a pass block win rate of 93.2%.
    Denver Broncos free agency target: Ben Powers - Mile High Report

    He is going to be in demand this year, but probably a whole lot cheaper than my last free agent suggestion Orlando Brown.
    • Like Like x 1
  15. Hanratty#5

    Hanratty#5 Well-Known Member

    Apr 20, 2019
    Thielen would be a very good insurance policy in case CA3 gets injured again. I would rather have Thielen as the WR3 instead of Sims and the other cast of characters on the roster.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Agree Agree x 1
  16. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    This is his last chance as a free agent to get paid, some fans think he's taking a discount to come back to the Steelers :rolleyes:, he's coming off of his best season why would he take less money than he made in his last contract?
  17. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    I still think Andrew billings may be a good option on the D-Line. He had a good season as well for the raiders. :cool:
    • Like Like x 1
  18. jeh1856

    jeh1856 Beer is good

    Oct 26, 2011
    Because that may be what he is offered

    I’m not saying he will be
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  19. Wardismvp

    Wardismvp Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2011
    I see Eagles resigned the ILB I wanted in TJ Edwards. Back to the drawing board for me.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. Vox Ferrum

    Vox Ferrum Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2019
    Where do you get his good chunk of CAP money from? According to Sporttrac, including the rookie pool we right now have 8 million to spend. I believe that includes Jacksons cut, so a couple of comp moves and some more cuts, if they can sign a couple of their own guys there might be money from tier 2 FA's, but that chunk you speak of simply does not exist.
  21. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Thats what I was thinking but I just looked up projections and they think he will get about 20 million a year. I was thinking more in line with Cams contract.

    We’ll see if thats what the market is.

    I never said anything about a discount. I said good players cost money.

    We don’t know what approach Khan will have.
    • Like Like x 1
    • Very Optimistic Very Optimistic x 1
  22. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    I have heard people talking about Kelvin beachum. Any interest? Would be for backup security. I thought Trent scott looked pretty good last preseason , any interest in bringing him back? He does know Meyer and his system quite well. :cool:
  23. steelersrule6

    steelersrule6 Well-Known Member

    Nov 14, 2011
    • Informative Informative x 2
  24. mac daddyo

    mac daddyo Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2011
    So much for that. Let's hope Scott can be brought back. I think he could help a younger draft pick learn the Meyer system. :cool:
    • Like Like x 1
  25. Brice

    Brice Well-Known Member

    Jul 18, 2018
    Love what Denver is doing. They just added Guard Ben Powers and Tackle Mike McGlinchey. Easiest way to improve your QB is surround him with the best offensive lineman you can get your hands on.

    Chiefs added Jawaan Taylor, so I am assuming Orlando Brown is looking for a new home this year.

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