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The Good and the Bad for Mike Tomlin this year

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Steelersfan43, Jan 9, 2023.

Grade on Tomlin in 2022

  1. A

    2 vote(s)
  2. B

    21 vote(s)
  3. C

    15 vote(s)
  4. D

    5 vote(s)
  5. F

    2 vote(s)
  1. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    I honestly don’t think he’s made a single post where he didn’t refer to Tomlin as Dumblin.
    It’s childish. Just makes people not take what he says seriously.
    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. Blast Furnace

    Blast Furnace Staff Member Mod Team

    Oct 16, 2011
    Makes me wonder how old he is.

    It’s not going to catch on.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. AskQuestionsLater

    AskQuestionsLater Writing Team

    Apr 21, 2016
    A- for me.

    The botched QB decision and some the of the questionable decisions made during the early games knock it down a bit. That said, no way in hell that this team should be a 9 win team; doubly so when the games best Defensive Player is literally gone for half the season. I was on record in stating that this could be a 10 win team... provided health being the beneficiary as opposed to the detriment. I also stated 7 wins being the lowest. Realistically, this is a 7 win team.... until Pickett came in.

    Pickett's final five weeks in addition to the Offense getting it together gives me far more hope for the future of the Steelers; relief no less. While I wished the team was in the Playoffs.... given how the season ended up... I believe that this is Tomlin's best coaching season to date; surpassing his ridiculous 2019 campaign.
  4. SteelReal

    SteelReal Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2020
    Along as you're willing to admit the Rooneys made the same mistake with Noll with keeping him around too long I can understand your rant, because his numbers werent any better after 1980 (yet he got to coach 12 more years)...but out of curiosity when do you think the Steelers should have let Noll go/fired him??
  5. DJ18Baller

    DJ18Baller Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
    Spoiled by the 1970s
  6. Jim90

    Jim90 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    That's because you set your goals near the bottom, it doesn't take much.
  7. CK 13

    CK 13 Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2011

    Took to long to adjust to the loss of Watt.

    Once Pickett was drafted he should have been in competition to start.

    Lost games that we should have won, Cheats, Jets and Crows first game.

    I give him major credit for bringing the happy trickster back to earth and scaling down the offense and going to the power running attack.
  8. SteelerGlenn


    Nov 24, 2011
    My personal goals I set high because I’m the one in control of the outcome of them.
    What’s the sense in fans setting unrealistic goals for a sports team they have no say in the outcome of said goals?
    My hope for the Steelers is we first qualify for the playoffs preferably with the division title. Then reset and hope that we can make it deep in the playoffs or to the Super Bowl.
    If you’re going to set unrealistic goals for a sports team, you’re going to be disappointing a lot.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. shaner82

    shaner82 Well-Known Member

    Oct 16, 2011
    That seems to sum up Tomlin's teams. Very inconsistent but seems to get so much credit for the good stuff while the bad stuff is ignored.
    Meanwhile we beat nothing but terrible teams down the stretch. We can only play the team across from us of course and who knows what would have happened if we played tougher teams, but I'm failing to see the optimism that others are seeing.

    Pickett showed that he doesn't buckle under pressure, but that's about all he showed. He was very inconsistent. Our offence as a whole sucked most of the year. Our playcalling was abysmal. Our defence was weak most of the year. Injuries happen to every team. Some injuries are harder to deal with than others, such as TJ, but we gave up 200+ rushing yards to Baltimore with TJ in the lineup. Last year we gave up 200+ rushing yards to Dalvin Cook and that was with TJ in the lineup.

    Don't fool yourself into thinking everything is great when TJ is in the lineup. We're better of course, but everything is not amazing. We still have major issues, many of which were hidden due to the easy schedule we had down the stretch.
    • Very Optimistic Very Optimistic x 1
  10. groutbrook


    Oct 23, 2016
    Mistake or not, different time, different Rooneys.
  11. 4124life

    4124life Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2018
    B+. If you guys think we are the only ones upset about our HC you should look around the league. 90% of fans on other teams want their coaches gone too. Mike is here to stay. It could be much worse.
  12. Steelers4tim

    Steelers4tim Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2022
    After the 1988 season, really. Dan Rooney was all set to fire him, and Mean Joe got involved...and Rooney let him stay on, all as Chuck was fully ready to retire. It was a WASTED era for the Steelers, all the way up until his retirement. Rooney should have followed his instincts & let him go. I loved the Emperor, but it was past time for him to go, IMHO. Now, Artie II is following a similar path as his father, the only difference is Dumblin doesn't have 4 Trophies to fall back on as Chuck did.

    These people and "groupies" that think Dumblin is some kind of Chuck Noll are f****** crazy and delusional, though. They're Steelers "fanboys", followers, kool-aid drinkers, and ball-lickers, imo. Again, Dumblin is a con-man who is holding our Organization as a HOSTAGE to continue to receive his paychecks. The Emperor was about Championships, Dumblin is about "non-losing" seasons...WTF??? Maybe he has some of you fooled, but NOT me! He needs a fresh start, and so do the Steelers.

    I'm also sorry about upsetting the folks who don't mind "average" coaches, who think "In the end, we're all winners", and those who get their "feelings" hurt from the name DUMBLIN...My take is, when you get BOUNCED out of the playoffs by SCRUBS like Blake Bartles, Tim Tee-BLOW, and Bakers f****** Mayfield (who didn't even have his coach on the field), then well, YOU"RE DUMB(lin)! :thumbsdown:

  13. SteelReal

    SteelReal Well-Known Member

    Oct 1, 2020
    Well it's an entirely different era when free agency played far less of a role then it does today. It's almost impossible for any of the coaches today to maintain what they were able to do back then. That's why you don't have many teams with multiple championships in the last 20 years (maybe 3 besides the Patriots??) and if there is its usually with a different coach...the Patriots being the exception. How many coaches in the NFL currently have more then one title?

    I think you're a bit delusional if you're thinking the Steelers are a SB contender year after year. They arent....and youre even more delusional if you think there's a whole bunch of coaches out there that would be doing much better than Tomlin. You clearly haven't been paying attention to how everything seems to be cyclical.

    These teams have a good 3-4 yr run typically then its back to the middle of the pack or worse. Tom Brady is the only one that has seemed to bypass that pattern and even when the Buccaneers recently won it they basically bought up a whole bunch of talent...same with the Rams as far as I'm concerned. Now the Steelers could go that route and sell out to win a championship, but would the Rooneys be willing to do that and how would the fans feel about it?? Otherwise, you just have to be patient and wait for success to cycle back around to the Steelers again which it looks like it's about to happen if Kenny continues to improve and they draft better going frwd.

    I just don't think it makes a whole lot of sense to start switching out coaches when eventually it's going to roll back around eventually to the Steelers being at the front of the pack again, regardless...it's inevitable with someone who has never had a losing season. That's a fact. That's not just me talking out the side of my mouth. You can minimize the not having ever had a losing season if you want....that's a clear sign the game hasn't bypassed him and he's much better then what you think he is. He just needs help getting a better OC imo and the GM and scouting have to do a better than average job
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2023
  14. Formerscribe

    Formerscribe Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2016
    Nobody's feelings are hurt by your use of Dumblin. Some of us think you should up your game past a fifth grader's level and find it impossible to take you seriously when you use it.

    I don't see anybody here saying that Tomlin is on Noll's level. Some people are correctly pointing out that the team kept Noll through many non-Super Bowl years, too. Regarding the rest of your post, I do believe it was time for Noll to go at the end, but there are plenty of people who will tell you that 1989 was Noll's finest coaching job. That team was an utter disaster the first two weeks of the season, losing to the Browns and Bengals by a combined score of 92-10, but he got them into the playoffs and even won a post-season game in Houston. They lost by a point at Denver in the Divisional Round. I was in Three Rivers Stadium for the opening-day loss to the Browns. It took one of the greatest coaches in NFL history to turn that mess into a team that could win in the playoffs. I find it hard to take anyone seriously if they think Noll couldn't still coach in 1989.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  15. Steelers4tim

    Steelers4tim Well-Known Member

    Mar 27, 2022

    I understand your point. I do understand the time period is different, and that free agency is often a difficult hurdle. I suffered through the late 80's & early 90's as a kid, so I understand we can't win the SB every year. I also understand your positive points about Dumblin, too, and I think he is a serviceable coach. I was in his rah-rah camp until about 10 years ago, and then things seemed to change.

    We all can agree, however, he is no Chuck Noll (nor was Cowher, for that matter). He continues to bumble many halftime adjustments, he continues to miss critical reviews that cost his team (see the 1st quarter of the ****stains game), his in-game management and clock management skills never seem to improve, and he often makes overall dumb decisions that are unbecoming of an NFL football coach. At times, it seems as if the team lacks discipline. I'm not saying that is always bad, but sometimes you just have to drop the hammer on your players....and drop it hard.

    I've looked at the roster Dumblin inherited in 2007, and we all know the roster right now. He has NOT, under any circumstances, left the Steelers Organization in as good of shape as when he started. That 2007 team was LOADED with talent, and all after the fact Cowher was dealing with his wife's cancer. It's not like Dumblin had to coach scrubs, either. He's had PREMIUM talent to coach, up and down the board, not to mention several HOF players and future HOF players. He's also had a pretty damn good front office support staff, and it's safe to say the Steelers have given him everything he's wanted, IMO. Dude has cashed a SH!TLOAD of paychecks, too.

    We know what we have with Dumblin, and I believe that to be an AVERAGE football coach, nothing more nothing less. He's NOT a bum, but he's not Noll, either. To many of our younger Steelers fans, playoff wins are not required. I believe playoff wins are a CONDITION OF EMPLOYMENT in Pittsburgh. They have a right to their opinion, and maybe we are all "winners in the end", I don't know. What I do know is, every year we fiddle-f*** around with Dumblin is another year we don't find the next young Emperor. This is a big planet, and I think he's out there. We also know Dumblin ain't him...and he can't never be him, IMHO.

    60 years ago, Dumblin might have been OK for the Steelers. The problem is, the Emperor changed our Organization's Mission Statement around..."WIN CHAMPIONSHIPS". Many think Dumblin is the man to carry out that Statement, but I do NOT. Some think we can't get a coach of greater value than Dumblin, but I think we can. Some think that we can't have a dynasty in Pittsburgh again, but I believe we can. Some think the next Noll's NOT out there, but I think he is. Some think Dumblin should keep coaching for 10, 20, or 30 more years, but I do NOT! Some have accepted our plight, but I do NOT, nor will I ever.

    It's simple to me, really. This fanbase will continue to be fractured until we win another Championship. Some Dumblin people don't even care about Championships, but I do....you win the Championship, or you FAIL. We've been failing since the 2009 season, and we're still counting...


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