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Kay Adams Makes Heads Explode

Discussion in 'Steelers Talk' started by Formerscribe, Dec 28, 2022.

  1. Formerscribe

    Formerscribe Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2016

    Seriously, some of the fans who really get wound up about their disdain for Mike Tomlin probably shouldn't watch this.

    I'm not posting this as a defense of Tomlin. I would have been happy to see the team move on from him after the 2018 season, but I'm not losing my mind over the fact that the only way he wouldn't coach the Steelers in 2023 is if he chose to retire or resign.

    Of course, what Adams leaves out is that while Tomlin deserves credit for the team finishing strong, he also deserves blame for the 2-6 start.
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  2. forgotten1

    forgotten1 Well-Known Member

    Mar 4, 2022
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  3. steel machine

    steel machine Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2017
    Kind of like the year Ben went down and Mike got a lot of credit.
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  4. groutbrook


    Oct 23, 2016
    The majority of the league is finally playing at Tomlin's level.
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    • Very Optimistic Very Optimistic x 1
  5. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    “We grew up tonight.”

    This is the point that I keep making when others talk about tanking for better draft picks. If this team finishes 9-8 and misses the playoffs, it will still be incredibly valuable for the young players who need to learn what it takes to win in the NFL. Much more than the value of drafting a few spots higher.
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  6. Karl

    Karl Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
    You're going to make Beavis and Buttheads heads explode.

    Anyway, 16 years is an eternity in the NFL.
    It might be time for change, I'm ok with it should they decide that's the way to go.
    I am also ok if they go with Tomlin.. I do think Canada is seeing his last days here. So, change is coming.
    Austin is skating near thin ice as well but seems to be staying near the thick side of it. He probably will get another year.
    Tomlin will go into the Hall of Fame, no doubt. I'd like to see him get to the big show, which I think he can do.
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2022
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    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  7. DJ18Baller

    DJ18Baller Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
    Make sure you let the Rooney’s know Karl is ok with whatever direction the Steelers decide to go in! That will really be a big relief to them.

    Not winning playoff games is awesome MT 4EVER!!
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  8. troybellringer55

    troybellringer55 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    You had me at Kay Adams....

    She could talk about William Shakespeare and I would probably listen....
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  9. CK 13

    CK 13 Well-Known Member

    Nov 5, 2011
    Which head?
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
  10. Steelersfan43

    Steelersfan43 Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2016
    Jeff Fisher was also a great head coach in the second half of the season when his team were awful in the first half of the season and they finish the season at 7-9 or 8-8 with a strong second half

    The steelers are bad right now and their record since last year is inflated.....Poor against team with a winning record(only 3 wins and 2 of those wins were in week 1) and they have a very poor points differenciel and only 2 wins by 2 scores since 2021
    Last edited: Dec 29, 2022
    • Informative Informative x 1
  11. Rush2seven

    Rush2seven Well-Known Member

    Oct 17, 2011
    Trying to figure out how moving on from GMF to a living room studio is a promotion
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  12. troybellringer55

    troybellringer55 Well-Known Member

    Nov 17, 2011
    I'm gonna guess the new employer was offering more money so she made the move...
  13. Steel Hog

    Steel Hog Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
    Yes, I agree but what about the players that have been on the team for a while and no closer to a SB than when they started? I think what gets a lot of fans is the prospect that this will go on and on and on. Great, we finish strong but its just another post season watching other teams go for the prize. What if we lose our next two games? Then there will be a complete opposite media response and then it starts all over next year? Maybe with Canada that most want gone? I just want to win and compete for a ring. I know we all do. How long is too long to not get in the mix for really competing for the SB? Digging a hole and crawling out or starting strong and fizzling out is not how I want to keep expecting what we've been experiencing for some time now. JMO>
  14. Steel Hog

    Steel Hog Well-Known Member

    Dec 6, 2017
  15. Steel_Elvis

    Steel_Elvis Staff Member Mod Team

    Nov 4, 2011
    I’m not going to try to find it, but in one of the “tank for picks” threads a few weeks ago I posted a list of 2021 first team all pros. There were very few top 10 picks. Our players on the list were TJ and Cam who were picks in the 30’s. Interestingly enough our highest 1st round pick in a couple of decades is one of our worst, and he cost us a 1st, 2nd and 3rd round picks. Just win and let the young players build on it.
    • Winner Winner x 3
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  16. groutbrook


    Oct 23, 2016
    The concept of tanking in the NFL is stupid and should never be taken seriously.
    • Winner Winner x 2
  17. JackAttack 5958

    JackAttack 5958 Well-Known Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    Absolutely agree with that last sentence. It is admirable that he’s kept the team together and that they’ve managed to scratch and claw their way back into contention (sort of). But it’s also frustrating that it seems that more often than not the Steelers are forced to do that and have to rely on circumstances beyond their control to get into the payoffs.
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  18. DJ18Baller

    DJ18Baller Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
    Tanking is not an actual option but losing some of these meaningless games to get a better pick is debatable vs the momentum it could carry into next season. I can see both sides on this argument. Elvis did show how picking earlier doesn’t really mean that much which lends itself to the momentum side of things.
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  19. Karl

    Karl Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
    The Bengals had very high picks for a decade.
    The Browns have had quite a few.
    The Jets are perennial early pickers..
    Washington has afront line full of them.

    Its about finding players that fit your system and enable you do use those skills.
    You always want to load up and manage your roster/cap and rotate players for picks at the right times too.
    • Winner Winner x 2
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  20. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    Exactly This:this!:
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  21. S.T.D

    S.T.D Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2020
    Oh No....I've been told if You don't go digging in the 5 million different comments, and threads... it's all lies.... , and nothing You are bringing up is true.
    LoL :lolol:.
    Although I remember what You are talking about, but some will hide behind what I stated above.
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  22. DJ18Baller

    DJ18Baller Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2021
    I need a List!!!!

    Steelerfan message board special request
    • Hilarious Hilarious x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  23. Formerscribe

    Formerscribe Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2016
    That was a different situation. Some of the slow start that year was the fault of Tomlin and the front office, such as leaving a gaping hole at safety, but losing their franchise quarterback was beyond their control. I thought he did a hell of a coaching job that year.

    You can make a similar argument this year. Tomlin certainly deserves some blame for the problems early in the season. Counting on Tuitt was a mistake by the organization. They probably went with Trubisky for too long. That said, losing Watt was just a killer. It wasn't just the time he missed, but that he hasn't been right since his return. Give them a healthy Watt and this team has at least one more win, maybe two, and is likely headed to the playoffs. As it is, the team has shown steady improvement. The coaching staff should get some credit for that.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  24. OB1

    OB1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2022
    Who’s Kay Adams?

    ‘I didn’t listen, but is the argument that tomlin is overachieving with less talent compared to all other teams that are hovering around 500? Because all of those HCs are in the same boat as Tomlin.
  25. Karl

    Karl Well-Known Member

    Jan 19, 2022
    I had to read this like 27 times.
    I feel like you've been hacked.

    But yes, there are a lot of first round picks that failed. You can check Cincy through the 90's.
    And to expand on this, I'll use Heyward but only as a hypothetical talking point. (it might not be the best example but....)
    There's a team like the Rams or maybe even the 49ers that would love to add him..
    Someone might even offer up a high pick (hypothetically).
    You solve 2 things:
    1. Relieving your cap.
    2. Gaining a high pick. (you already have a 7th for example)
    and maybe get a 3rd rounder.
    *This price is all hypothetical, but New England (Pioli/Belichick) made a lot of moves like this, always gaining picks, getting compensatory picks, and changing the nature of the team.

    So, you have to be willing to wheel and deal also.
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